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The possible hidden reasons for Paul's new and radical "saved by grace" theology

The possible hidden reasons for Paul's new and radical " saved by grace" theology

There's only one true and Godly religion: To be just, kind, and humble. As it has been written: “Turn away from Evil! Do Good! Then you will Live in the Land Forever”- Psalm 37: 27 (Common English Bible). And elsewhere says: “He has told you, human one, what is good, and what the Lord requires from you- to do justice, [to] embrace faithful love, and [to] walk humbly with your God”- Micah 6: 8.
What then is the role played by normative religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. )? Simply to try and be faithful messengers of God's true religion. And all is well and good, as long as we keep in mind the unavoidable distinction that will always exist between the perfect message of true religion, and the imperfect role played by it's appointed messengers.
Why then do evil doers refuse to accept God’s true religion? Simply because they think it would be easier for them to appease the Creator with flattering words. In other words, proclaiming how great He is; how paramount is to believe this or that other theology; or how crucial it is to make this or that other statement of faith.
What’s really hard for evil doers, is to appease the Creator by doing good to their fellow human beings-- something that humbles their ego (forcing them to focus on pleasing someone else besides themselves), and hurts their pride (forcing them to serve their neighbor, rather than to be served by them).
That’s why, when a man can't humble himself to serve other people, and in addition has such a sinful past as to make it almost impossible for him to excel among his fellow believers, he’ll often come up with “a new revelation”; a fancy prophecy [or biblical interpretation] that none but himself can completely understand; a convenient theology where, “doing good”, is of secondary importance, but in which “believing”, and “understanding” his new revelation, is a matter of “life or death”.
Of course, as nobody else can completely understand his new " revelation", people eventually find themselves forced to follow him in a blind fashion- thereby making him the indisputable leader he always [secretly] wanted to be.
This phenomenon explains many of the thousands cults often started by people whom, in spite of their questionable moral background, dared proclaiming themselves God's Messiah, God’s greatest prophet, God’s new apostle, God’s last messenger, and even a new manifestation of a previous religious figure.


Why do our Christians brothers follow Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him)?

2 Billion Christian believers willingly submit to a Jewish man named Jesus. Why? Simply because they claim Jesus perfectly submitted to God's Holy Law. And, by placing their hope in Jesus, our Christian brothers are [unwillingly] forced to bear witness of the fact that there's no salvation without obedience to God's Law. In other words, they are [again, unwillingly] proclaiming that Mose’s Torah (in other words, God’s Ten Laws) is the Truth, The Way, And the Life; and that No one comes [directly or indirectly] to the Heavenly Father, save he who walks toward the moral horizon described by God's Holy Torah. As is written: «All has been heard; the end of the matter is: “Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God’s providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man”»- Ecclesiastes 12: 13, Amplified Bible- Classic Edition



Salvation is by faith-- by faith in God’s mercy, which manifests in the fact that the Almighty is willing to forgive all who will sincerely repent [confessing their sins and striving to depart from them]. As is written: “The one who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy”- Proverbs 28: 13, Christian Standard Bible



Is death penalty ever justified?

Torah hints at the idea that, the Divine order of the Universe is “Cause, and effect”; “Action, and reaction”; “Sowing, and reaping”, “Measure, for measure”; “What goes around, comes around”.
Thus, death penalty is justified, as if a person is guilty of premeditated murder, he too should be exposed to premeditated execution [by a properly recognized tribunal]. As is written: “... but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot”- Deuteronomy 19: 21, K. J. V.


Measure for Measure”-- Hebrew Scripture’s true message

The supreme message of the Hebrew Scripture is that The Creator of the universe (blessed be He) isn’t an ideological dictator, nor is He a religious tyrant. Rather, He is a righteous Judge (“…Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do Right? ”- Genesis 18: 25, King James Version). Therefore the Holy One of Israel doesn’t arbitrarily or capriciously judge [or condemn] anybody, but instead allows each person to judge himself.
How? By means of the Law of “Eye for Eye, and Tooth for a Tooth”, also known as “the Law of Measure, for Measure”, “Law of Sowing, and Reaping”, “Law of Cause, and Effect”, or simply “Law of Action, and reaction”. In other words, the Creator allows us to “reap” the same goodness [or wickedness] we’ve freely and voluntarily “sown”. For example, Hebrew Scripture narrates the story of a son of Judah who married the widow of his deceased brother; but the former avoided giving offspring to the latter.
As it is written: “And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother”-Genesis 38: 8-9, King James Version.
What would the Creator allow to be the righteous judgment for a man who, while having the power to give his deceased brother a son, wickedly chooses not to do so? Well, based on what we have previously said, it can be nothing else besides having to “reap” the same sort of wickedness (“… AS THOU HAST DONE, IT SHALL BE DONE UNTO THEE: THY REWARD SHALL RETURN UPON THINE OWN HEAD”- Obadiah 1: 15, KJV).
In other words, to make him a deceased brother, who had no son of his own. And this is why the Creator allowed Onan to experience a premature death. As is written, “And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also”- Genesis 38: 10, King James Version. Not only that, but the Creator even prevented Tamar from marrying Selah (Judahs’ third boy), so that the latter would not beget with her any son who could properly be counted as Onan’s offspring. How just and fair is the Creator’s justice! May his name be blessed forevermore!





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