Ciro, un prototipo del Mesías de Israel
Historically speaking, the so called " Ashkenazi Jews" are not really Semites (so technically they can't be the victims of any sort of " anti-semitism" ). From whence do we get that that Ashkenazi people are not Semitic? We get it from the fact that a Semite is [by definition] a descendant of Shem (Noah's first son), while Ashkenazi people are instead descendants [by means of Ashkenaz] of Noah's third Son (Japheth). As is written: " Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth... The sons of Japheth; Gomer... And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz... " - Genesis 10: 1-3
Ciro, un prototipo del Mesí as de Israel La Escritura Hebrea dice así: “Koh amar י ה ו ה le Meshicho, le Choresh.... ”- Isaí as 45: 1. La correcta traducció n del anterior verso es como sigue: “Así dice י ה ו ה a su Mesí as, a Ciro... ”. ¿ Por que dice La Escritura que Ciro (un rey pagano) era el Mesí as de Dios? Pues porque este rey pagano se comprometió con la tarea de restaurar el Santo templo de Jerusalé n, segú n indicado en Esdras 1: 2.
Science will not be really advance until it can match what we already observe in nature. What do we observe? That other living beings have no need of scientific knowledge, in order to do what is scientifically correct [as science seems to be built into their very nature]- That birds do not need to know meteorology, in order to know when to migrate; That bats don’t need to know aeronautics, in order to use their natural sonar capabilities; That birds do not need construction knowledge, in order to properly build their nets, etc.
Segú n el Nuevo Testamento, endiosar al Nazareno es burda Idolatrí a Los paganos que moraban en la ciudad de Listra, demostraron su idolatrí a cuando afirmaron que los dioses habí an descendido a ellos, en la semejanza de seres humanos. Como dicen los Escritos Cristianos: «Dioses bajo la semejanza de hombres, han descendido a nosotros» (Hechos 14: 11). Pero, la realidad es que, no solo los paganos de Listra afirmaban estas cosas; sino que, los creyentes Cristianos, afirman exactamente lo mismo, pues alegan que Dios ha descendido a nosotros, bajo la semejanza del hombre llamado “Jesú s de Nazaret”. Y esta es la razó n por la cual, el verdadero creyente Hebreo, sabe que la veneració n del Nazareno, no es sino burda y Pagana idolatrí a, pues aú n los Escritos cristianos dan testimonio de ello.
The fact that God wants the believer to learn and embrace all goodness [no matter where can the latter be found] is taught in the verse where Moses learns from Jethro, his [pagan] Father in Law (" So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father in law, and did all that he had said" - Exodus 18: 24). I addition, it is taught in the passage where God rebukes Israel for not imitating the good " judgments" (ordinances) they found while exiled among the Pagan nations. As is written: "... neither have kept my judgments, neither have done according to the judgments of the nations that are round about you; Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, am against thee, and will execute judgments in the midst of thee in the sight of the nations" - Ezekiel 5: 7-8
“ The fear of God [in other words, the fear of God’s judgment, which is executed by means of His unbreakable Law of “sowing and reaping”] is the beginning of wisdom. All who follow His precepts [thereby sowing the goodness they would like to eventually reap for themselves] have good understanding”- Psalm 111: 10 (The Living Bible) The fundamental truths of nature always boil down to simple axioms (sowing, and reaping; cause, and effect; action, and reaction; what goes around, comes around, the tree is known by it’s fruit, etc). It is the goal of atheist, tyrants, moral relativists, and other anti-nature egalitarians to over complicate what is simple, in hopes of gaslight you out of objective reality.
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