Is it true that the Bible wine was really grape juice, or was it rather an intoxicating drink?
Is it true that the Bible wine was really grape juice, or was it rather an intoxicating drink? Hebrew Bible states that, whether it is new (juice) or old (aged wine), the wine alluded to in the Scripture was indeed intoxicating. As it is said: “Awake, ye drunkards, and weep, And howl all drinking wine, because of the juice, For it hath been cut off from your mouth”- Joel 1: 5 (Christian Standard Bible). And from whence do we get that priest were allowed to drink from this wine [as part of the sacrifice offerings]? From the verse that goes on to say: “All the best of the oil, and all the best of the new wine, and wheat -- their first-[fruits] which they give to the Lord -- to thee I have given them”- Numbers 18: 12 (Young's Literal translation)
Los orí genes de la tiraní a ideoló gica que caracterizan al rico y poderoso Judí o secular La Ley Divina dada a nuestro maestro Moisé s (Moshe) muestra a un Israelita llamado Coré (Korah) haciendo uso de la demagogia [es decir, adulando a las masas, a fin de inflamar sus pasiones y poder así manipularlas]. ¿ Para que? Pues a fin de rebelarse contra nuestro maestro, justificando de ese modo su desobediencia a la Ley Divina por medio de é l fue revelada. ¿ De que forma aduló Coré a las masas? Pues alegando [pú blicamente] que todos y cada uno de los Hebreos eran igual de santos [e igual de valiosos] que Moisé s; de suerte que este ú ltimo no tuviese derecho alguno de reclamar la obediencia de los Israelitas (“¡ Basta ya de vosotros! Porque TODA LA CONGREGACIÓ N, TODOS ELLOS SON SANTOS, y en medio de ellos está YHVH; ¿ por qué, PUES, OS LEVANTÁ IS VOSOTROS SOBRE LA CONGREGACIÓ N DE YHVH? ”- Nú meros 16: 3).
Advanced thought isn't achieved by the dull skepticism of sticking to rigurous scientific logic [rejecting anything that hasn't yet been scientifically corroborated]; instead, it is made by daring to extrapolate bold and news ideas starting from what we already known to be a fact; Sort of like the ancient Greek philosopher who, after observing the burning of a lamp, goes on to wonder if the Sun isn't just " a big lamp" (a Great ball of fire)
El Mensaje del Samaritanismo Reformado El mensaje implí cito de la Escritura Samaritana (Tambié n conocida como “La Torah”, o “El Pentateuco”) es que, no hay falta alguna en el Dios de Moisé s [el Creador del Universo], ya que este ú ltimo es moralmente perfecto (“É L ES LA ROCA, SU OBRA ES PERFECTA: porque todos sus caminos son juicio: UN DIOS DE VERDAD Y SIN INIQUIDAD, JUSTO Y RECTO ES É L ”- Deuteronomio 32: 4). Y esta perfecció n moral evita que el Creador juzgue arbitrariamente a sus criaturas.
Islam (Muhammad) is credited with saying the following: “None of you will have faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself”- Authentic Hadith, Sahih al-Bukhari 13, narrated by Anas Bin Malik. On the other hand Judaism (the School of Hillel) is credited with saying the following: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow [human being]. That is the whole Torah [the whole Bible]; the rest is the explanation [or “commentary”]; go and learn”- Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a. Finally, Christianity (Jesus) is credited with saying the following: “So in all things, do to others what you would want them to do to you- for this is the Torah [God's Law] and the Prophets”- Matthew 7: 12, Tree Of Live Bible version. So we can see that, in the end, Both Muslims, Jews and Christians share a common religious ideology: that the tree can be known by it's fruit; and that true religion is to love God, by loving those who are made in God's image [our needy fellow human beings]
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