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Loans of Greek origin

Singular Plural
-is [ɪs] basis crisis analysis thesis parenthesis axis hypothesis diagnosis   -on [ǝn] criterion phenomenon -а [ǝ] miasma -es [i:z] bases crises analyses theses parentheses axes hypotheses diagnoses   -а [ǝ] criteria phenomena -ata [ǝtǝ] miasmata

Loans of Latin origin


-us [ǝs]     stimulus nucleus radius corpus genus   -а [ǝ] formula antenna vertebra -um [ǝm] datum stratum erratum   -es,-ix [ɪks] index appendix matrix -i [ai] -ога [ǝrǝ] -era [ǝrǝ] stimuli nuclei radii corpora genera -ае [i:] formulae (or regular - formulas) antennae vertebrae   -a [ǝ] data strata errata   -ices [ɪsi;z] indices appendices matrices     [i:z] or indexes or appendixes or matzixes

Other loan nouns


Fr. -ean [ou] tableau bureau   It.-o[ou] tempo -eaux [ouz] tableaux bureaux (or bureaus)   -i [i] tempi (or tempos)


As can be seen from the above list some loan nouns may have two plural forms: the English plural and the original foreign one:


memorandum memoranda memorandums   focus foci focuses  
curriculum curricula curriculums      
formula formulae formulas      
cherub cheribum cherubs    


There is a tendency to use the regular English plural forms in fiction and colloquial English and the foreign plural in academic or learned language.

Sometimes different plural forms have different meanings:


index   indexes (list of contents of books) indices (a mathematical term - показатель)  
genius   geniuses (men of talent) genii (fabulous spirits guarding a place - духи, домовые)  


Plural in compound nouns


1. As a rule in compounds it is the second component that takes the plural form:

housewives, tooth-brushes, boy-scouts, maid-servants.

2. Compounds in -ful have the plural ending at the end of the word:

handfuls, spoonfuls, mouthfuls, (though spoonsful and mouthsful are also possible).


3. Compounds in which the first component is man or woman have plurals in both first and last components:

men-servants, women-doctors, gentlemen-farmers.


4. Compounds ending in -man change it into -men in spelling. In pronunciation, however, there is no difference between the singular and plural forms, both having [ǝ]:


policeman [ǝn] - policemen [ǝn].


Such nouns as German, Roman, Norman are not compounds, and therefore they have regular plurals:

Germans, Romans, Normans.

5. In compounds originating from a prepositional noun phrase where the preposition is a linking element only the first noun takes the plural form:

editors-in-chief, mothers-in-law, commanders-in-chief, coats-of-mail, men-of-war (военные корабли).


6. In compounds with a conjunction as a linking element the plural is taken by the second noun:



7. In compound nouns formed by a noun plus a preposition,or anadverb, or an adjective only the first element takes the plural:

passers-by, lookers-on, courts-martial, attorneys-general.


8. When the compound is a substantivized phrase which doesnot contain a noun, the last element takes the plural ending –s:

forget-me-nots, breakdowns, stand-bys, grown-ups, close-ups,

pick-ups (случайные знакомства),

drop-outs (дезертиры),

go-betweens (посредники).

Invariable nouns


Invariable nouns cannot change their number, some of them are always singular in meaning (linguistics, news), some denote plurality (cattle, police).


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