1 To express and analyze opinions
1 Ask Ss to read the opinions 1-6 and then discuss in pairs which ones they agree with and why/not.
2 Monitor the activity around the class and then elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: I think item 5 is the truest definition of what it meons to respect the environment because respecting the environment is about doing what is best for the planet not what is best for us.
B: But really, doing what is best for the planet is best for us because it is our home.
A: Yes, that's true. I also agree with number 2 because cycling to work will reduce pollution which will help the environment.
2. To discuss the importance of respecting the environment
Have Ss discuss the importance of respecting the environment in pairs and then ask some pairs to share their answers with the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: I think it is important to respect the environment because it makes the world a better place to live when there is less pollution and litter everywhere.
В: I agree. But it is also important to respect the environment so our planet will be a safe place to live for future generations.
A: Yes. I think we need to become more aware of how our actions affect the environment and make better decisions.
B: You're right. If we don’t the planet will be an awful place to live and eventually we will kill all the animals and plants and then we will die too.
A: That’s right.
3. To create a poster
Ask Ss to work in small groups and create a poster to persuade people to respect the environment for Environment Day.
Ask various groups to present their posters to the class and then display them around the classroom
4. To test knowledge learnt in this module/ to do a quiz
Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the statements and mark them as true or false.
Tell Ss they can review the module and find the relevant information to help them if necessary. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
IF 3 F ST 7 F
1 T AT 6 T
5. To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the module/to write a quiz
Explain the task and allow Ss time to work in pairs and look through the module and think of quiz items. Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as a model. Ss can swap their quiz with another pair and do it and then report back to the class.
6. Song To complete a song
Read out the list of words/phrases and explain/elicit the meanings. Give Ss time to read the song and answer the question. Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check if their answers were correct.