Magic Marker 37: Grandmother Goes Home!
Magic Marker 37: Grandmother Goes Home! Alex and Sue: Good-bye, Grandmother. Have a safe journey! Maxie: Come back soon! Grandmother: I will. Take care! Alex and Sue: Grandmother? Grandmother? Who is our real grandmother? Grandmother: Who are you? Witch: Who are you? AHHHH-CHOOOO! Maxie: It’s her! It’s the witch! Witch: Give me that! It’s mine! AHHHH-CHOOOO! Grandmother: Go away! Go away! Maxie: Good-bye, Witch! Don’t come back!
Magic Marker 38: Whose Book Is This? Alex: Hello, Maxie. My math book is at home. Can you find it now? Maxie: Yes, I can. Let’s find his math book. Taco: Look at this, Maxie! Maxie: Whose comic book is this? Taco: It’s Alex’s. It’s very funny! Maxie: Let me see! Taco: Stop it, Maxie! Maxie: It’s not your book! It’s his book! Taco: Whose comic book is this? Maxie: This is your comic book, and that is Alex’s comic book. Taco: Thanks, Maxie. I like it! Maxie: Let’s go to school.
Magic Marker 39: What's Your Favorite Subject? Maxie: What’s your favorite subject, Taco? Taco: My favorite subject is music. What about you? Maxie: My favorite subject is art. Taco: What is Alex’s favorite subject? Maxie: His favorite subject is math. Taco: Where are we? Maxie: I don’t know. We’re lost! Taco: Let’s get out of here, Maxie! Maxie: Wait a minute. What is your favorite ride? Taco: I like balloon rides! Maxie: Okay, let’s take a balloon ride! Taco: Off we go! Yippie!
Magic Marker 40: Where Is the School? Taco: Maxie, I can’t see Alex’s school. Maxie: There is a woman. Taco: Excuse me. Where is the school? Woman: It’s behind the library. Maxie: Where’s the library? Woman: It’s next to the bus stop. Come with me. This is the bus stop. The library is next to the bus stop. Maxie: I see the school! It’s behind the library! Taco: Look out! The bus is coming! Woman: Thank you. Taco: Let’s go!
Magic Marker 41: In the News Sue: Everybody, look at the newspaper. Alex: Maxie, is this you and your marker? Maxie: Yes, it is me and the magic marker. Miss Rogers: My name is Linda Rogers. I’m a reporter. Are there a parrot and a cat here? Sue: No, there isn’t. Good-bye! Miss Rogers: I can see the parrot. It’s next to the lamp. The magic cat is on the sofa. Alex: Stop it! It’s time for you to go home! Maxie: Come on, Taco! Let’s get out of here! Taco: You are drawing rollerblades. Good idea! They want to see you because you have a magic marker. Maxie: I know, Taco. What can we do?
Magic Marker 42: I Sometimes Go Swimming Maxie: We can hide here. Taco: I’m bored. I want to go swimming! Maxie: How often do you go swimming? Taco: I sometimes go swimming. Maxie: I never go swimming. TACO! Be careful!
Taco: It’s fun! Maxie: I don’t like swimming but I like fishing. Taco: How often do you go fishing? Maxie: I always go fishing. Taco: Look, Maxie! Let’s go fishing now! Maxie: OOH! I don’t like water but I like fish!
Magic Marker 43: When Do You Eat Lunch? Skunks: Hello, friends! I’m Otis and this is my friend Olive. Taco: Hello! I’m Taco and this is Maxie. Otis: When do you eat lunch? Taco: I eat lunch at half past twelve. What time is it now? Otis: It’s time to eat lunch. Olive: Let’s eat lunch together. Taco: Thank you very much. Maxie: We can’t eat lunch here! They’re skunks! Taco: So what? They’re nice skunks! Maxie: Yuck! I don’t like skunks because they smell bad. Taco: Yum! I like skunks because they can cook.
Magic Marker 44: I'm Taking a Bus Maxie: I can’t eat lunch here. Taco: Where are you going? Maxie: I’m going to my cousin’s house. Taco: How are you going there? Maxie: I am taking a bus! Otis: Where is she going? Taco: She is going to her cousin’s house. She’s taking a bus. Otis: You can’t take a bus. Maxie: Hmmmph! Then I’m walking. Taco, Otis and Olive: Maxie! Be careful, Maxie! Foxes: Oh, pee-yew! Skunks! Run, run as fast as you can! Maxie: Otis and Olive, thank you so much.
Magic Marker 45: Where Were You Yesterday? Maxie: Alex, where were you yesterday? Alex: I was at the playground. Where were you yesterday? Maxie: I was at the park. Alex: Where are you now? Maxie: I am at the zoo. Sue: Be careful! Come home soon. Taco: Is this your cousin’s house? Maxie: Yes, it is. Taco: But. . . but. . . this is a tiger’s cage! Maxie: Cats and tigers are one family. We are cousins. Taco: Maxie! I’m scared! I don’t want to. . . Maxie: Taco! Wake up!
Magic Marker 46: What Did You Do Yesterday? Taco: It was a bad dream! I dreamed a scary tiger and. . . Maxie: Be quiet, Taco! Betty is a nice tiger. Betty: There’s a funny smell. Maxie, what did you do yesterday? Maxie: Uh. . . I played tennis! Betty: Did you meet skunks yesterday? Maxie: Yes, I did. The skunks cooked lunch. Betty: I don’t like skunks. Peeeeeeee-Yeeeeeeew! Taco: We watched TV. It was fun. Maxie: We played a card game too. Betty, please help me. Can you hide this marker? Betty: Yes, I can. Taco: Maxie, where is the magic marker? Maxie: It is in Betty’s cage! No one can find the magic marker now.
Magic Marker 47: We Ate Noodles Heddy: Maxie! Taco! Where were you yesterday? Taco: Yesterday we were at the park. Hammie: What did you do? Maxie: We ate lunch with skunks. Hammie: What did you eat? Maxie: We ate noodles. Hammie: What did you drink? Taco: We drank juice. What did you do yesterday, Heddy? Heddy: I saw a reporter. She came here! Hammie: A man took photos. They said they saw a magic marker! Taco: Everyone wants the magic marker. Maxie: It’s okay. No one can find it. . . I hope!
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