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Magic Marker 72: The Truth About the Magic Marker

Magic Marker 72: The Truth About the Magic Marker

Maxie: Please, Fairy Princess, please tell me about the magic marker.

Princess: Come with me and I will show you.

Taco: Maxie! We’re walking inside a tree!

Is this a dream

Maxie: No, Taco. It isn’t a dream!

This is a magic tree!

Princess: Where do you think you’re going, Gisella?

I’m not through with you!

Maxie: It’s so beautiful here.

Like a fairy tale!

Princess: Welcome to the Enchanted Land of the Fairies!

Taco: Look! They all have magic markers!

Princess: Our land is a place of beauty, peace, and harmony,

just like a rainbow.

Each Fairy Princess has a marker

that represents a color of the rainbow.

Red! Orange! Yellow! Green! Blue! Indigo!

Maxie: But what about the last color?

The rainbow isn’t complete!

Princess: That’s right. Because Gisella took the marker!

It didn’t belong to her.

It belonged to me!

Witch: I know and I’m sorry!

I was only playing with it.

I didn’t mean to lose it!

That’s why I was chasing you.

I had to get the marker back.

Princess: You see, the marker belongs to the Land of Fairies.

Without that marker, we cannot have true peace and harmony.

Can you give me the marker back

Maxie: Of course. It’s your marker.

I’m sorry I kept it.

Princess: Thank you.

Maxie: What’s going to happen to her?

Princess: Gisella is sorry for what she did.

And she won’t ever do it again.

Being an ugly witch was her punishment.

Taco: She. . . she. . . she was a fairy?

A beautiful fairy

Gisella: Yes. But I turned ugly when I did bad things.

I am never going to be bad again.

I’m sorry. AA-CHHOOOO!

Princess: Now you know the truth about the magic marker.

Maxie: Yes, and now we are ready to go home.

Princess: Then close your eyes.


Magic Marker 73: Home Sweet Home

Hammie: Are Maxie and Taco still sleeping?

Heddy: SSHHH! They must be really tired.

Taco: Where am I?

Hammie Heddy

Maxie: We are glad to see you!

Hammie: Ouch, Maxie! You’re hurting me.

Alex: You guys are finally awake!

What happened

Sue: We were so worried about you!

Taco: Well, it all started when Betty gave the marker to Jack.

Hammie: Jack? Who’s he?

Taco: He’s the crocodile at the zoo.

But he moved to a new place.

So we ended up on a plane that headed to China.

Heddy: China? Are you kidding?

Maxie: Taco is telling the truth.

Alex: I’m really confused.

Sue: It doesn’t matter.

The important thing is you’re home now.

Everything is okay.

Taco: But how did we get here?

Who brought us back home

Alex: We don’t know either. When I got home from school you were sleeping on my bed.

Heddy: We didn’t see anything either.

It was like. . . like. . . magic.

Taco: Wow. . . The Fairy Princess must have brought us.

I wonder where she is now.

Sue: Fairy Princess? I think you’d better explain everything to us.

Hammie: But first, we should celebrate your homecoming.

Come on, Maxie.

Draw us some delicious chocolate cake!

Maxie: I don’t have the magic marker anymore, Hammie.

Hammie: What? What happened to it?

Who has it now

Maxie: The Fairy Princess has the marker. She is the real owner of the magic marker.

Hammie: Does that mean no more chocolate cake?

Alex: Don’t worry, Hammie.

I think we have some cake downstairs.

Let’s go and have some.

Taco: I enjoyed our exciting adventures together, Maxie.

I’ll never forget them.

Maxie: Me neither, Taco. But it’s good to be home.

Taco: Yes, home sweet home.





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