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Exercise 1. Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use (be/get) used to as in the example.

1 Jane is American. She came to Britain and at first she found driving on the left difficult.

When she arrived in Britain, she wasn't used to driving on the left, but she soon got used to it. Now she has no problems. She is used to driving on the left.

2 Juan is Spanish and came to live in England. In Spain he always had dinner late in the evening, but in England dinner was at 6 o'clock. This was very early for him.

When Juan first came to England, he……dinner so early,

but after some time he……it. Now he finds it quite normal.

He……at six o'clock.

3 Julia is a nurse. A year ago she started working nights. At first she found it hard.

At first Julia didn't like it. She……nights and it took her a

few months to……it. Now, after a year, she's quite happy.



Exercise 2. What do you say in these situations? Use I'm (not) used to....

1 You live alone. You don't mind this. You have always lived alone.

FRIEND: Do you get a bit lonely sometimes? YOU: No, I'm used to living alone.

2 You sleep on the floor. You don't mind this. You have always slept on the floor.
friend: Wouldn't you prefer to sleep in a bed?

YOU: No, I……

3 You have to work hard. This is not a problem for you. You have always worked hard.
friend: You have to work very hard in your job, don't you?

YOU: Yes, but I don't mind that. I…...

4 You normally go to bed early. Last night you went to bed very late (for you) and as a result
you are very tired this morning.

friend: You look tired this morning.

YOU: Yes,……

Exercise 3. Read the situation and complete the sentences using used to.

1 Some friends of yours have just moved into a flat on a busy street. It is very noisy. They'll have to get used to the noise.

2 Jack once went to the Middle East. It was very difficult for him at first because of the heat.
He wasn't……

3 Sue moved from a big house to a much smaller one. She found it strange at first.

She had to……in a much smaller house.

4 The children at school had a new teacher. She was different from the teacher before her but this wasn't a problem for the children. The children soon ……

5 Somebody from Britain is thinking of going to live in your country. Warn him/her!

You would have to……

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using only one word each time.

1 Jane had to get used to driving on the left.

2 We used to live in a small village but now we live in London.

3 Tom used to....... a lot of coffee. Now he prefers tea.

4 I feel very full after that meal. I'm not used to ……so much.

5 I wouldn't like to share an office. I'm used to ……my own office.

6 I used to……a car but I sold it a few months ago.

7 When we were children, we used to…… swimming every day.

8 There used to……a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago.

9 I'm the boss here! I'm not used to …… told what to do.



Exercise 1. Which do you prefer? Write sentences using 'I prefer (something) to (something else)'. Put the verb into the correct form where necessary.

1 (drive / travel by train) I prefer driving to travelling by train.

2 (tennis /football) I prefer……

3 (phone people / write letters) I……to……

4 (go to the cinema / watch films on TV) ……

Now rewrite sentences 3 and 4 using the structure 'I prefer (to do something)......'.

5 (1)...... I prefer to drive rather than travel by train..

6 (3) I prefer to……

7 (4) ……

Exercise 2. Write sentences using I'd prefer... or I'd rather... + one of the following:

eat at home get a taxi go alone go for a swim listen to some music stand think about it for a while wait a few minutes wait till later

1 Shall we walk home? 2 Do you want to eat now? 3 Shall we watch TV? 4 What about a game of tennis? 5 Shall we leave now? 6 Do you want to go to a restaurant? 7 I think we should decide now? 8 Would you like to sit down? 9 Do you want me to come with you?   (prefer) I'd prefer to get a. taxi. (rather) I’d rather wait till later. (prefer)...................... (rather)....................... (rather)...................... (prefer)......................... (rather)....................... (rather)....................... (prefer).........................  


Now write sentences using than and rather than.

10 (get a taxi / walk home) I'd prefer to get a taxi rather than walk home.

11 (go for a swim / play tennis) I'd rather……

12 (wait a few minutes / leave now)

I'd rather……

13 (eat at home / go to a restaurant)

I'd prefer……

14 (think about it for a while / decide now)

I'd rather……

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using would you rather I....

1 Are you going to cook the dinner or would you rather I cooked it?

2 Are you going to tell Ann what happened or would you rather……?

3 Are you going to do the shopping or……?

4 Are you going to answer the phone or……?

Exercise 4. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1 'Shall I tell Ann the news?' 'No, I'd rather she didn't know.'

2 Do you want me to go now or would you rather I …here?

3 Do you want to go out this evening or would you rather.…..at home?

4 This is a private letter addressed to me. I'd rather you.…..read it.

5 It's quite a nice house but I'd rather it... a bit bigger.

6 'Do you mind if I turn on the radio?' 'I'd rather you … I'm trying to study.'


Exercise 1. Karen works very hard and has very little free time. A few years ago, things were different.

1 Do you do any sport?   2 Do you go out in the evenings? 3 Do you play a musical instrument? 4 Do you like reading? 5 Do you travel much?   1 Yes, I go swimming every day and I play volleyball. 2 Yes, most evenings. 3 Yes, the guitar.   4 Yes, I read a lot.   5 Yes, I go away two or three times a year.


Write sentences about Karen with used to...

1 She used to go swimming every day.

2 She……


4 ……

5 ……

6 ……

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences. Use used to or the present simple (I play / he lives etc.).

1 I used to play tennis. I stopped playing a few years ago.

2 Do you do any sport?' 'Yes, I play basketball.

3 'Have you got a car?' 'No, I……one but I sold it.'

4 George……a waiter. Now he's the manager of a hotel.

5 'Do you go to work by car?' 'Sometimes but most days I.. by train.'

6 When I was a child, I never……meat, but I eat it now.

7 Mary loves watching TV. She……TV every evening.

8 We……near the airport but we moved to the city centre a few years ago.

9 Normally I start work at 7 o'clock, so I……up very early.

10 What games……you ……when you were a child?

Exercise 3. Complete these sentences with use(d) to... + a suitable verb.

1 Dennis gave up smoking two years ago. He used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.

2 Liz……a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.

3 We came to live in Manchester a few years ago. We……in


4 I rarely eat ice cream now but I……it when I was a child.

5 Jim……my best friend but we aren't friends any longer.

6 It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work since the new road was opened. It ……more than an hour.

7 There……a hotel opposite the station but it closed a long time ago.

8 When you lived in London,……to the theatre very often?


Exercise 4. Brian changed his lifestyle. He stopped doing some things and started doing other things:

He stopped studying hard going to bed early running three miles every morning
He started smoking going out in the evening spending a lot of money

Exercise 5. Write sentences about Brian with used to and didn't use to.

1 He used to study hard. 4 ……

2 He didn't use to smoke. 5 ……

3 …… 6……


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use every + one of these words:

day room student time word

1 Every student in the class passed the exam.

2 My job is very boring..….is the same.

3 Kate is a very good tennis player. When we play, she wins......

4......in the hotel has a private bathroom.

5 'Did you understand what she said?' 'Most of it but not......



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