- Age of the Mother. - Damage to the mother. - Deseases. - Different Gravity. - Divine Magic. - Drugs/ Alcohol. - Health of the Mother
- Age of the Mother The mothers age may play an important role during the pregnancy. Human mothers above 30 that are pregnant for the first time, have a higher percentage chance to carry a baby with the down-syndrome. Miscarriage becomes more probable. On the other side, they have a greater experience and may not do some of the stupid things, younger woman may do.
- Damage to the mother The unborn mammal will experience all damage caused to the mother via the hormones or a neural connection. - Deseases - Different Gravity According to some sources, a birth in space would be difficult, to say the least (the child will probably not turn around, so that it's head comes out first). During the pregnancy, the effect of gravity upon the mother is quite simple: Reduced gravity will help the woman to withstand the heavyness of her body longer. while increased gravity will increase all difficutlties for the woman.
- Divine Magic Divine magic is very different from arcane magic or psionics. A deity will grant magical power to his follower. This may come in two different ways: - A prayer causes divine magic to happen: The cleric prays for a spell (casts it): the spell-effect happens out of divine benevolence, without touching the cleric even once. The cleric will not feel anything from the divine might and therefore, the child will not get effected. - A prayer fills the cleric with divine energy, that he uses for a spell: The body of the cleric is filled with divine energy. A good aligned deity will not overcharge the cleric or fill her with energy not good for her or the child. An evil or chaotic aligned deity may do just that, causing mutations in the child, even filling the child with to much energy, causing the child to become a half-fiend. A good deity may do this too, but only on purpose, for the higher good (that there are not that many half-celestials and half-fiends around shows, that the deities will not do this very often). Considering the nature of deities, a deity might just cause any change it wants in the child. An additional danger exists for mother and child. If a deity is strictly against pregnancy or children, praying for a spell could cause immediate abbortion or the death of either mother or child or of both.
- Drugs/ Alcohol Every drug consumed by the mother will effect the child. Some drugs will harm the child by damaging the brain or the growth. An addiction on side of the mother will cause an addiction on side of the child, with most drugs. Newborn children with an addiction are very unhappy indeed. Magical drugs may have positive side effects.
- Health of the Mother Parents with allergies got a high chance to get children with allergies, too. Woman, who suffer from some illness, may transmit this illness to their children, because the resistance of the children totally depends on the mother's. Psychologically, humanoid male tend to be attracted to woman, they regard as healthy (red lips and cheeks, wide hips (because for these women giving birth will be easier), large breasts (they can nurish their child) and thin (faster runner)). The most direct effect of the health of the mother on the unborn will be the ability to run or defend from predators. In a society, that depends on movement by thought, the most brilliant mind may be the most attractive.
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