10.4 Alternative Sexist Height & Weight
10. 4 Alternative Sexist Height & Weight This system emphasizes the relationship between the sex of the child and the size of the parents. Big men with small wives will have small daughters and strapping sons. Small men with big wives will have large healthy daughters and puny sons. To summarize, this system will have daughter's size favor mothers and son's size favor fathers. Although this system for figuring out height and weight is good, it is given as an alternative. Unless the GM plans the size of the parents ahead of time, a small mother would have a small daughter and a small father would have a small son. This seems reasonable, but if players are looking for player characters out of the baby, having the baby small might not be a good idea. To figure out what the baby's adult height will be, the first step is to calculate height in inches as per your RPG rule book. Take the height of the parent that is the same gender as the child and multiply it by 1. 5. Take the height of the other parent of the child and multiply it by 1. 5. Add those three numbers then divide by 3. The result is the baby's adult height in inches. To summarize:
ht = [calc. ht. + (1. 5 x same gender parent) + (. 5 x other parent)] / 3
To figure out what the baby's adult weight will be, the first step is to calculate weight in inches as per your RPG rule book. Take the weight of the parent that is the same gender as the child and multiply it by 1. 5. Take the weight of the other parent of the child and multiply it by 1. 5. Add those three numbers then divide by 3. The result is the baby's adult weight in inches. To summarize:
wt = [calc. wt. + (1. 5 x same gender parent) + (. 5 x other parent)] / 3
10. 5 Personality Sooner or later, the parents will learn that the baby has adistinct personality. The player should roll on a personality table, if available, or the the GM should decide on the personality traits of the child. In case a personality table is available, the GM may wish the player to roll on the table once the baby reaches childhood, reaches puberty, and finally reaches adulthood. Of course, once adulthood is reached, the " baby" may be considered a PC rather than a NPC if the player desires to pursue this avenue. Thus, the player develops the character as desired. It should be emphasized here that role-playing personality is only relevant if the baby is intended as an NPC. Babies who are to become PCs shouldn't roll this so the player may have absolute freedom in creating the character.
10. 6 " Daddy’s Little Girl" Syndrome A female child should have a chance of charming her father (wisdom check vs. DC 8 + her Charisma). The charmed father will always think of his daughter as pure and innocent. He will always protect her and blame everybody else for anything that happens to her even if it is obviously her fault.
10. 7 Twins or Better
For those GM's who want to add a little spice to the pregnancy, Table 1b gives the chance of more than one child being born based on race. For example, a human has a 1 in 10 chance of having twins while a dwarf has a 1 in 100, 000 chance of having twins. This can also be interrupted as 1 in 10 humans having twin sibling while 1 in 100, 000 dwarfs have a twin sibling. These chances are only suggestions and GMs may adjust the table as he sees fit for his campaign.
11. Abnormal Features of the Child
Through genetic heritage, divine, magical or psionical influence, a curse, diseases or other effects, the child may differ from the norm. Most often this difference is a degeneration or mutation, that influences either the mind or the body. Some of these mutations do have names, like the Down-Syndrome, some do not. In magical or psionical worlds, the presence or absence of magical or psionical abilities may be such a degeneration. Some mutations are inherited or can be inherited by the children. Typical non magical mutations/ degenerations: - Reduced mental capabilities (reduce intelligence and charisma by one to 20 points, can not grow up mentally) - reduced physical abilities (reduce constitution and/ or strength and/ or dexterity by one to 20 points) - reduced physical possibilities (loss of one or more senses (blindness/ deafness/ can not smell, loss of touch sense), loss of limbs/ reduced limb functionality, paralyzes, rapid aging, colour blindness, distorted physical features, glass bones, allergies, reduced resistance to specific diseases)
Non magical mutations/ enhancements: - increased physical abilities (add immunity to diseases, increased strength, dexterity, constitution (by one to 5)) - increased mental abilities (add one to five to intelligence, wisdom or charisma, special ability with numbers or a special talent for an art form)
magical mutations: - loss of spell-like, extraordinary or supernatural abilities - loss of physical traits like wings. - loss of psionical or magical abilities - gain of psionical or magical abilities - increased spell like, extraordinare or supernatural abilities - immunity to poisons, spells, energy-forms, heat, cold, acid, electricity, etc.
Note: There is a reason, that no tables are given to roll up mutations in a child: The birth of a child is very special for a mother and probably for a player, too. It does not happen often in most campaigns and the GM will probably use the child as a plot-device (there is nothing as intense as a campaign evolving around a mother concerned about her child and what will become of it, especially when you think of the destiny and fate of the child). Therefore we strongly suggest, that the GM spends some time thinking about the child and it’s mutations and only apply any, if he thinks it is appropriate and the tone of the campaign allows for it (some players may react to a defect in there child as strong as to the death of their most beloved character).
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