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The Siberian State University



* In 2014 the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy was reorganized into The Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies.


The doors of our higher educational establishments are open to all who wish to continue their study after graduating from secondary schools. The Siberian State University of  Geosystems and Technologies (SSUGT) was founded in 1932 in Omsk but a year later it was moved to Novosibirsk. And now it is one of the two geodetic institutes in our country which trains highly qualified specialists.

The majority of our students enter the University after graduating from secondary schools, but some of them come from college of Geodesy and Cartography and have some experience in the chosen career.

In accordance with the entrance requirements applicants should take exams in Mathematics and Russian. If they pass them successfully they become first-year students.

In our University there are evening, correspondence and preliminary departments. The present day University includes several Institutes: Cadastre and Geographic Information Systems, Optics and Optical Technologies, Geodesy and Management and Aerophotogeodesy. We have a post-graduate course as well. So the best graduates may continue their studies and carry on research work in well-equipped laboratories. Research workers of our University guide students’ scientific societies. Many of our scientists have candidate's and doctor's degrees.

Thus, our students have a wide choice of jobs opportunities; they may work in different fields of national economy or research institutes.

The training course at the University lasts 5 or 6 years. There are two terms in each academic year and at the end of each term the students take tests and exams.

The state grant is distributed among those students who have good exam results. When the exams are over the students have their vacation, winter and summer. At the end of the fourth year students are sent for a few months to a plant or research institute in order to get some practical experience in business. The whole training course is followed by a final project. After graduating from the University students become bachelors or engineers in their chosen field.

In accordance with the curriculum students are to study different general sciences such as History of Russia, Mathematics, Physics, Foreign Languages, etc. In the third and forth years of their program students are taught special subjects which are necessary for the given profession.

At our University there are many study aids: a well-stocked library where students can borrow any books they need, a large reading room, well-equipped laboratories, a number of workshops for practical training, lecture rooms, hostels, a large refectory, sports ground and a gym. Sport plays a very important role in the life of the youth and students of our University go in for sports.

Our country needs highly-qualified and educated specialists in Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Distance sensing, Optics, GIS, Cadastre and Information systems.               

Topical vocabulary:

to graduate from          заканчивать учебное                                          заведение                            test                                зачет, контрольная работа term (semester)              семестр training course              курс обучения to enter (the Institute, Academy) поступать (в                                           институт, академию)                      experience                    навыки, опыт in accordance with          в соответствии с entrance requirements    требования на вступ.                                        экзаменах to take an exam (in)       сдавать экзамен (по) to pass an exam (in)       сдать экзамен (по) correspondence department заочное отделение preliminary department подготовительное отделение department                      отделение, кафедра post-graduate course       аспирантура to do one's best               делать все возможное to guide                   руководить, направлять degree                     степень (зд. ученая) activity                    деятельность national economy    народное хозяйство youth                       молодежь workshop                 мастерская well-equipped          хорошо оборудованный grant, scholarship    стипендия vacation, holidays   каникулы final project             дипломная работа to borrow the books from the брать книги в     library             библиотеке curriculum               учебная программа оopportunity              возможность well-stocked            хорошо укомплектованный career                       профессия, занятие research worker       научный сотрудник

Practical work № 2

Exercise 1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1) students’ scientific societies;

2) a wide choice of jobs opportunities;

3) the grant is distributed;

4) applicants should take exams;

5) students are sent to a plant;

6) to carry on research work;

7) to train highly qualified specialists;

8) in accordance with the curriculum;

9) to have experience in the chosen career;

10) there are many study aids.

Exercise 2. Find these phrases in the given text and write them down:

1) иметь кандидатскую степень;

2) продолжить своё образование;

3) играть важную роль;

4) страна нуждается в специалистах;

5) большая столовая;

6) один из геодезических институтов;

7) иметь хорошие результаты сессии;

8) изучать общеобразовательные дисциплины;

9) спортивная площадка и тренажёрный зал;

10) студентов обучают спец. дисциплинам.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions to the text (give the full answer):

1) What are you?

2) Where do you study?

3) When was the University founded?

4) How many geodetic institutes are there in our country?

5) What exams must applicants pass to enter the University?

6) What does the present day University include?

7) How long does the training course last?

8) When do the students take their tests and exams?

9) Who usually gets a scholarship?

10)What is the whole training course followed by?

11)What subjects do the students study?

12)What facilities are there in the University?

Exercise 4. Translate into English, use your active topical vocabulary:

1) Кто руководит Вашей дипломной работой?

2) У студентов каникулы зимой и летом.

3) Многие студенты в моей группе получают стипендию.

4) Мы учимся шесть семестров.

5) У тебя есть хорошая возможность поступить в университет.

6) Он делает всё возможное, чтобы сдать экзамен по математике.

7) На заочном отделении обучается 1,5 тысячи студентов.

8) Вы заканчиваете техникум в этом году.                        Criteria of marks:

                                                                                         20-29 –“satisfactory”

                                                                                         30-37 – “good”

                                                                                         38-40 – “excellent”

Unit 4


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