Ex. 5. Translate into English.
Ex. 5. Translate into English. 1. Я сократила свой реферат до 30 страниц, и все-таки он еще очень длинный. Придется выпустить детали. 2. Наконец-то он добрался до сути! 3. Я знаю, что мне надо бросить курить. Но я не могу отказать себе в удовольствии выкурить сигарету после еды или после лекции. 4. Не перебивайте своего товарища, когда он отвечает. Это невежливо. 5. Боюсь, я не смогу написать реферат. Я не уловила главное в этой статьe.
Ex. 6. Play out a dialogue with your partner combining the remarks from the table.
SKILLS Find an article in English related to the topic of your thesis and write its one-page summary following the tips below [16] 1. Begin with a good introductory phrase. See ex. 4 for a possible model. 2. Be sure to give a full reference for the article in the first sentence. Follow the examplesabove (ex. 4) or below: for printed article: Serwer A (1997) Michael Dell Turns the PC World Inside Out. Fortune VI (8): 76-86. for on-line article: Disney, Sears. Walmart Clothes Made at Bangladeshi Factory Where Fire Killed 112. (2012, November 28). Fox News. com. Retrieved from http: //www. foxnews. com/world/2012/11/28/disney-sears-clothes-made-at-bangladeshi-factory-where-fire-killed-112/ 3. Mention the major aspects/factors/reasons that are discussed in the article. Discuss each supporting point in a separate paragraph. Introduce it in the first (topic) sentence.
Example: The first major area in which women have become a powerful force is politics. Other phrases to use:
UNIT 4. Bologna Process and Higher Education Reforms in Russia STARTING UP Ex. 1. Look at these sayings. What do they mean? Which of the ideas do you agree with?
John Dewey (1859 – 1952), American philosopher
Will Durant (1885 – 1981), American historian
Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987), American psychologist Ex. 2. Read through the passage out of the book University Life Uncovered [17]and discuss the questions below.
· mobility and employability · cultural and economical inequalities and traditions of research
VOCABULARY COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS Ex. 1. Affect or effect? Efficient or effective? Read the information in the boxes[18] and underline the correct word in the sentences below
1. The really hot weather affected/ effected everybody’s ability to work. 2. I know my neighbours play loud music late at night, but that doesn’t affect/ effect me. I can sleep through anything. 3. The number of tourists travelling to Britain this year has not been effected/ affected by the strength of the pound. 4. The tablets which he took every four hours had no noticeable effect / affect on his headache. 5. My words of comfort had little affect/ effect. She just went on crying and wouldn’t stop. 6. When you effect/ affect a situation, you have an effect/ affect on it. 7. What effect/ affect does pollution have on the atmosphere?
1. She was efficient/ effective in everything she did and was frequently commended for exemplary service to the organization.
2. He hasn’t made very efficient/ effective use of his time in revising for these exams: he has made no notes and his concentration spans appear to last for no longer than ten minutes. 3. This engine is really efficient/ effective, it can run for 30 km on only 1 litre of fuel. 4. These tablets really are effective/ efficient. My headache’s much better now. 5. The only effective/ efficient way to avoid hay fever at this time of the year, if you are a sufferer, is to stay indoors. 6. Effective/ efficient postgraduate researcherscan get the most out of their PhD.
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