Social dimension. Employability. Lifelong learning. Ex. 1. Answer the questions. Language training. Ex. 1. Fill in the correct word from the list. Choose any phrase and make up a sentence.
Social dimension The European Higher Education Area aims at providing learners with equal opportunities in higher education, fostering social cohesion and maximising the potential of individuals in terms of their personal development and their contribution to a sustainable and democratic knowledge-based society. Employability Employability has been one of the main objectives of the Bologna Process from the very start. Each cycle of higher education should be relevant to the labour market. Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning has been recognised as an essential element of the European Higher Education Area since 2001. It is inherent in all aspects of the Bologna Process and is furthered by improving the recognition of prior learning, including non-formal and informal learning and allowing learners, for instance, to alternate between work and study. The basic priorities of the European Higher Education Area provide a common strategic framework to which all stakeholders in the European Higher Education Area can make their full contribution, building on a wide variety of existing and new initiatives.
Ex. 1. Answer the questions.
LANGUAGE TRAINING Ex. 1. Fill in the correct word from the list. Choose any phrase and make up a sentence. Common, non-binding, promote, relevant, interdisciplinary, close, facilitate, initiate, programme’s, student-centered, obtain, quality.
Ex. 2. Match the words with their definitions. Complete the sentences below[20].
Ex. 3. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any item and make up a sentence.
To operate in accordance … smth/ smb; to pave the way … smth; to be introduced … smb; to be relevant … smth; to be compatible … smth; to be known … smth; to be committed … smth; to meet the needs … smb; to provide smb … smth; to bring smth in line … smth. Ex. 4. Match these sentence halves[21] and translate.
While the calls for the “urgent modernization” of Russian higher education are not new, the key question is whether recent reforms will have a positive 1) ………………. on the sector in the current economic and social climate. Russia has been striving to make up the loss in higher education that occurred during the severe 2)……………… during the post-Soviet transition period. Although a number of initiatives have been implemented, such as the creation of federal universities and national research universities, 3)……………. on education as a percentage of gross domestic product has not changed considerably since 2005. But today, international pressures are contributing to the 4)…………. of the need for reforms. Concentrating finance on developing flagship universities could alleviate regional higher education 5)…………. and provide resources to strategic research initiatives, as well as setting them on the road to becoming internationally prominent institutions. However, attention should be paid to the development of other, non-status universities and to the quality of working conditions for teaching and research 6)………………… in the higher education system. Whether the proposed plans for Russian higher education will turn into reality will depend on the 7)…………… of these reforms and on Russia’s economic situation. The 8)……….. seems positive.
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