Exercise 9. Answer the questions about you.
Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Lesson 1 Introduce Yourself.
Exercise 1. Образуйте A) множественное число: · City, photo, lady, leaf, advocate, tomato, university, life, faculty, piano, bookshelf, half, academy, zero, lawyer, place, page, judge, knife, problem crime, court, thief, law, witness, victim, address, face, loss, reply, guy, mother-in-law, enemy, possibility, lie, investigator, criminal, subject, students, class-mate, question, box, offence; · child, ox, goose, woman, foot, man, tooth, policeman; · crisis, stimulus, basis, curriculum, spectrum, datum, radius, phenomenon, formula. B) Единственное число: · rules, countries, crimes, taxes, cities, holidays, positions, diagnoses, sentences, people, sciences, teachers, certificates, laws, dictionaries, women, lawyers, photos, pianos, watches, lorries, pence, feet, analyses, witnesses, thieves, actions.
Exercise 2. Поставьте существительное во множественное число и произведите необходимые изменения в предложениях.
Exercise 3. Исправьте ошибки (если есть). 1) The childs are in the garden. 2) These mens are drivers. 3) The dogz are very clever. 4) The oxes are in the field. 5) Her foot are little. 6) Five ladyes are absent. 7) My tooth are white.
Exercise 4. Вставьте подходящее местоимение this, that, these or those. 1).... girl here is my friend. 2).... big cat there is from India. 3) car there is very old. 4).... box here is very small. 5)...dogs there are very clever. 6) animals here are white mice. 7) animals there are grey cats. Exercise 5. Выберите подходящее местоимение. 1) Are (this/these) your books? 2) Who are (this/those) people? 3) (That/Those) men are mechanics. 4) Is (that / those) your sister's bike? 5) (This / These) are my friends Kevin and Bill. 6) Are (that / those) pictures a birthday present from your aunt? 7) (These / this) is my bed. 8) (That / those) are his magazines. 9) This is an apple and (those / that) are oranges. 10) What is (these / this)? Exercise 6. Поставьте some, any, no.
1.There are... pictures in the book. 2. Are there... new students in your group? 3. There are... old houses in our street. 4. Are there... English text - books on the desk? - Yes, there are.... 5. Are there... maps on the walls? - No, there aren’t.... 6. Are there... pens on the desk? - Yes, there are.... 7. There are... beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them. 8. There is... ink in my pen: I cannot* write. 9. Is there... paper on your table? 10. It is winter. There are... leaves on the trees. *cannot - отрицательная форма модального глагола can - мочь, уметь Exercise 7. Изучите карточку и ответьте на вопросы.
1) What’s his surname? 2) What’s his first name? 3) Where is he from? 4) What is his job? 5) What’s his address? 6) What is his phone number? 7) How old/young is he? 8) Is he married? 9) Does he have any children? 10) How old/young is his daughter?
Exercise 8. Изучите таблицу. Составьте короткие рассказы.
Exercise 9. Answer the questions about you. 1) What’s your surname? 2) What’s your first name? 3) Where are you from? 4) What’s your job? 5) What’s your address? 6) What’s your phone number? 7) How old are you? Exercise 10. Прочитайте письмо, переведите, составьте письмо своему другу/подруге. Dorita is an English student. Read her letter to Miguel, her brother in Argentina. 41 46th Street Sunnyside, New York 11104 February 12 Dear Miguel, How are you? I’m fine. Here’s a letter in English. It’s good practice for you and me! I have classes in English at La Guardia Community College. I’m in a class with eight students. They’re all from different countries: Japan, Spain, Norway, Poland and Italy. Our teacher’s name is Isabel. She’s very nice and a very good teacher. I live with two American girls, Annie and Marnie Kass. They are sisters. Annie’s twenty years old and she’s a dancer. Mamie’s eighteen and she’s a student. They’re very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them. They speak very fast!
New York is very big, very exciting but very expensive! The subway isn’t difficult to use and it’s cheap. I’m very happy here. Write to me soon. Love, Dorita. Исправьте ошибки, если есть… Example: She’s in Miami. - No, she isn’t. She’s in New York. · Dorita is from Argentina. · Dorita’s happy in New York. · She’s on holiday. · It’s a very big class. · The students in her class are all from South America. · Annie and Marnie are both students. · The subway is easy to use. Present Simple (Настоящее простое время)
Как видно из таблицы, утвердительная форма для всех лиц, кроме 3го лица единственного числа совпадает с формой инфинитива без частицы to. Lesson 2 Student's Life It’s great to be a student. There are many colleges, institutes and universities in our country. They offer great opportunities. Some students choose to study abroad. There are several reasons why student life is exciting. First of all, students learn a lot of new. They need it for their future profession. Secondly, a student doesn’t work and study all the time. They get enough free time for their hobbies and favourite pastimes. Thirdly, students’ social life is very interesting. They meet new people and have many different activities. Students find all sorts of entertainment during their study. For example, some students like sport; they join the local sport teams. There are many interesting subjects, lectures and training lessons in the institute. For example, students can practice and improve their language skills on English lessons. It is even more interesting to be a student if you live in a hostel. After the lessons they can play the guitar and sing songs, go to local discos or get together simply to chat and discuss different topics. The more you study, the more you change. Your thoughts, ideas and interesting things for you are different. You earn your first money. Lots of students nowadays work and study at the same time. Student life is never boring. It is always full of excitement and interesting experiences. For many people student years are the best in life. Almost everyone has good memories of student life.
Vocabulary: to offer opportunity – предлагать возможность first of all/secondly/thirdly – прежде всего/ во-вторых/в-третьих activity – мероприятие entertainment – развлечение to improve – улучшать, совершенствовать hostel – общежитие to earn — зарабатывать experience - опят memory – память, воспоминание classes — пары, занятия to expel - отчислять to pass the entrance exams – сдавать вступительные экзамены applicant – абитуриент first-year student – студент первого курса (первого года обучения) to graduate - заканчивать университет, институт to make one's brain fit – поддерживать (чей-то) мозг в форме to become an adult – стать, становиться взрослым
Answer the questions: 2. Where are you from? Do you live in a hostel?
3. How many subjects do you have? 4. Do you enjoy your study? 5. Do you know all your classmates? 6. What is the most interesting subject/activity for you? Vocabulary Exercises Exercise 1. Give Russian equivalents (проконсультируйтесь со словарем, если слова незнакомы): · to enter the university; to pass the entrance exams; to cheat; to attend the classes; to study; timetable; canteen; hostel; to cope with; to have a part-time job; to spend free time; to waste time; relationships with classmates; to learn words; to translate the text; to compose the sentences; to find out new facts.
Exercise 2. Is it true or False?
Study takes a lot of time. First-year students don't attend the classes. The relationships within a group aren't important at all. To pass exam is an easy task. Students eat in the canteen. The student's day off is always Monday.
Exercise 3. Read the dialog, then compose (составь) your own.
Victoria: Hi, Alex! Long time, no see! (Давно не виделись!) Alex: Hi, Victoria! Victoria: Come on in. Take a seat. Would you like anything to drink? I have Sprite and orange juice. Alex: No, Thanks a lot. I have pineapple juice. Victoria: Do you enter the university? Alex: Yes, I do. I study at Computer Science, and you? Victoria: I've chosen (выбрала) Hotel Management. Alex: Well, what do you want to do once you graduate? Victoria: I think I’d like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this city. Alex: It's great! Upps, I have to go! See you later. Victoria: Good-bye.
Exercise 4. Вставьте предлагаемые слова и словосочетания в пропуски. Fill the gaps with the following words and expressions.
to give up, to miss, to come, to refuse, to drop out (of), to drill
Many students start __ to give up __ (бросать, отказываться) the study. At first they _____(отказываться) to do their homework, and then ____ (пропускать) classes. Many of these people ______ (уходить, бросать) of university, others will be expelled (будут отчислены). We need to make right decision and get through this time. Then the examination period _____(наступать, приходить) very soon. Someone will ______(готовиться, учить) till late night. Students try to prepare for their exams. Exercise 5. Translate into Russian. 10. It’s even better if the student really enjoys the direction he or she chose. 11. You have more time for hobbies and different activities. 12. He has a part-time job, he pays for Internet himself. 13. This school-leaver passes the entrance exams and he turns from an applicant into a first-year student. 14. Many people think that the university is much easier to study than school. 15. As for me, my studies keep me busy all day long. 16. My favorite subjects are History and Math’s because they make my brain in fit.
Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Соберите предложение.
Exercise 2. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словам, затем образуйте отрицательную форму каждого предложения.
1. My sister does not speak English. 2. He will finish his work next week. 3. The students of our group usually ask the professor a lot of questions. 4. My friend wants to become a lawyer. 5. They are from France.
Exercise 3. Замените словосочетание с предлогом на словосочетание с притяжательным падежом. Example: The mother of the children - the children’s mother. The textbook of the students, the name of my group-mate, the office of the newspaper, the computer of this engineer, the husband of my sister, the department of our Institute, the medal of this dog, the rivers of my country, the system of this computer. Exercise 4. Переведите словосочетания: · that judge's cases; my brother's favourite sport; that man's name; university's computer centre; those children's parents; the court's decisions; people's rights and duties; two months' programme; scientists' work; court's room; my friend's family. · vegetable soup; telephone box; computer disks; bus station; law faculties; fingerprint system; crime problems; crime prevention measures; Public Health Department; court practice; anniversary meeting; police officers; detective story; application form; emergency exit door; production manager; horror movie; airline safety inspector; street lights.
Exercise 5. Вспомните правило образования степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных: Serious, young, bad, long, easy, basic, possible, clever, large, rich, cheap, necessary, reliable, common, good, frequent, successful, many, far, quiet, small, wide, difficult, experienced, complicated, high, important, warm, popular, bright. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных слов: 1. Some ideas are less practical than others. 2. Our flat is smaller and cheaper than yours. 3. My new office is quieter than the old one. 4. They stayed in the worst hotel on the island. 5. Alan is the youngest student in our group. Переведите на английский язык: более сложные дела; менее опытный адвокат; самый трудный предмет; отвечать хуже, чем обычно; самое высокое здание; наименее важный вопрос; теплее, чем обычно; самый отдаленный город; менее популярный студент; ярче, чем вчера; успешнее.
Exercise 6. Open the brackets (раскройте скобки) and put the verb (поставьте глагол) into the Present Simple or Future Simple. Underline (подчеркните) time expressions. 2) I (to read) books every evening. 3) He (to help) his mother every day. 4) We usually (to go) to the university on Saturdays. 5) She (to visit) her grandmother tomorrow. 6) My mother (to like) summer very much. 7) He (to watch) TV daily. 8) Next time we (to spend) holidays in Britain. Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 11) Where is Jack’s bike? – We _____ (not know). 12) I think Mr. Smith plays tennis. - Oh, no. Mr. Smith_____(not play)tennis. 13) Is this your magazine? - That’s not my magazine. I_____ (not read) magazines for girls. 14) Is this your comics? - No, I _______(not usually read) comics. 15) Is this Sally’s guitar? - No, she_____(not play) the guitar. 16) Where will you go next time? - I _____(go) abroad. Maybe to Italy. 17) Will he come to see us? – No, he ______ (not come)
Exercise 8. Practice. What do you do first in the day? What do you do next? 1) Number the activities in the correct order for you: □have lunch □have a shower □go to work □have breakfast □ study (start work)□go home □get dressed □have dinner □watch television □get up □read a book □go to bed □leave home
2) Number the activities in the correct order for your friend/sister/brother 8) My sister/friend gets up at seven o’clock. 9) She ______
10) Then she______ 11) She ______tea and toast for breakfast. 12) She _____her flat at half past eight. 13) She _____to work by bus. 14) She works in a bookshop. She ____ work at nine o’clock. 15) At one o’clock she _____lunch in a small cafe. 16) She leaves work at half past five and ____ home. 17) First she _____dinner. 18) Then she _____ television. 19) She _____ to bed at eleven o’clock.
3) Adam ____(1. be) a young man from Bristol. He ____(2. live) in a new big house near the city centre. He ____(3. be) a student at the university. He __(4. study)History and Literature. Every day he ____ (5. go) to the university by bus. He ____ (6. have) many friends and they always____(7. go) to the park on Sundays. In the evenings they sometimes___ (8. go) to the disco or to the cinema. Adam ____(9. not like) going to the theatre. When he _______(10.come) home, he usually _____(11. have) small supper. After supper he___ (12. listen) to the music or ___(13. watch) TV. Before going to bed he ____ (14. read) a book. Exercise 9. Look at the table (таблица) and make up sentences. For example: Susan often cleans the room on Sundays.
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