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Youthful 2)young3)golden 4)gold 5) curled 6) wavy

Ms Browns' consultant was not _a)_ (he was over 40), but he still had quite a _b)_appearance. He had several _c)_teeth, and _d)_, e)_hair.

19. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

A few years ago, my life _a)_ completely. _b)_ I simply _c)_ in the way I _d)_. I _e)_ anew.

a) 1) had changed 2) changed 3) has changed

b) 1) After that time 2) Later 3) From that time on

c) 1) could not live 2) could have not lived 3) cannot live

d) 1) did before 2) has done before 3) had done before

e) 1) must start 2) had to start 3) must have started

20. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

Of course, I consistently _a)_ 1) was doing 2) was making 3) made 4) did lots of mistakes, but my colleagues helped me. After a few years of _ b)_ 1) work in 2) work at 3) working for 4) working at the company I _c)_ 1) got rather communicative in the 2) became quite talkative in 3) became fairly fluent in Dutch, and _d)_ 1) am now able 2) can 3) must to translate from _e)_ 1) the Dutch into 2) Dutch onto 3) Dutch in the 4) Dutch into English, and use the language in my everyday life.

21. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

I didn't want _a)_, but before that I __b)_ two people from Budapest _c)_ to stay there for a while, so I decided that this was _d)_. I had a car at the time, but _e)_ petrol, so I decided to hitchhike.

a) 1) going back in England and Scotland 2) to go back in England or Scotland 3) to go
back to England or Scotland

b) 1) have met 2) had met 3) met

c) 1) which had invited me 2) who had invited me over 3) that invited me over 4), who invited me over

d) 1) a bad idea 2) the better solution 3) the perfect option

e) 1) could not afford the 2) could not allow 3) could have not got

22. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

I didn't have _a)_ where we were, and _b)_dark and cold, and _c)_ snow was very deep. 1 _d)_ the van and saw that my companion _e)_.

a) 1) the idea of 2) a thought of3) a clue

b) 1) there was still 2) it was yet 3) it was still

c) I) the 2)a3)-

d) 1) got off 2) came out of3) got out of

e) 1) has disappeared 2) had disappeared 3) went away

23. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

I _а)_ 1) threw 2) had thrown 3) has placed my meal into a bin and ordered _b)_ 1) that my schoolmate had advised 2) what my schoolmate recommended 3) what my school fellow has offered-_c)_ 1)- 2) some 3) the salad and _d)_ 1) - glass of the 2) some glass of a 3)a glass of the 4) a glass of drinking water. This started _e)_ 1) the fresh 2) the new 3) new 4) a new "dieting period" in my life.

24. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

_а)_ 1) There was a 2) It was a 3) There was 4) It was very slow journey, as it _b)_ 1) snowed hard 2) had been snowing a lot 3) was snowing heavily, so j:)_ 1) it was bad visibility 2) visibility was good 3) visibility was low, and some of the roads were very twisty. _d)_ 1) Lastly 2) At the end 3) Eventually, however, we got there, and it was still light when we _e)_ 1) had arrived 2) arrived 3) have come.

25. Для прилагательного high в приведенных ниже словосочетаниях выберите синонимы из
предложенных ниже. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов под соответствующей буквой (а- е) в талоне ответов.

1) early evening 2) secondary 3) crowded 4) post-secondary 5) peak 6) tall 7) after supper 8) main 9) off-peak 10) residential

a) high season b) high street c) high school d) high -rise building e) high tea

26. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические
варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

People usually visit Taize _a)_ 1) in a 2) for a 3) during the 4) for the week. They start their week _b)_ 1) at a 2) on 3) on a Sunday and c)_ 1) remain till a 2) stay up to the 3) slay till the following Sunday. The size of the contribution asked _d)_ 1) about 2) for 3) - depends _e)_ 1) from 2) of3) on where you come from.

27. При помощи каких суффиксов можно образовать существительные из следующих слов?
Укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов.

Ness 2)- ity 3)-ist 4)-dom 5)-er 6)-tion

a) creative b) play c) product d) kind e) king

28. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

_а)_ 1) On another 2) The other 3) On the other day she _ b)__ I) a wakened 2) woke us _ c)_ 1) at seven-thirty on the 2) at seven-thirty in the 3) in seven-thirty in the morning to show us a letter d) I) which returned 2) that had been returned to her from _e)_ 1) the US 2) US 3) USA.

29. Употребите грамматически корректную форму числа имени существительного и укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов.

a) Would you like some l)ducks 2) duck for lunch?

b) Letters of 1) thanks 2) thank have been flooding from all over the place.

c) This lake is well stocked with 1) fishes 2) fish.

d) He runs a small farm with 15 1) head 2) heads of cattle.

e) They offer a nice selection of French 1) cheese 2) cheeses here.

30. Завершите фразы, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и
укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

a) Are they customers of 1) you 2) yours 3) your?

b) She enrolled on a l)four-weeks 2) four-week's 3) four-week French course.

c) The 1) worldly 2) world's 3) world-wide population is nearly 6 1) billions 2) billion 3) million.

d) 1) The last week 2) The last week's 3) Last week's storm was really bad.

e) She picked up a skirt and headed for 1) the woman's 2) women 3) the women's changing room.

31. Определите, какие простые предложения можно объединить в сложносочиненные с одним подлежащим при помощи сочинительного союза and, а какие - нет. В первом случае внесите цифру 1 в талон ответов, во втором - цифру 2.

a) An earthquake struck South America yesterday. It caused some damage in a thinly-populated area.

b) Rain will spread into all areas. Snow may fall on high ground. Drier weather is expected tomorrow.

c) The manager invited workers' representatives to the meeting. He explained the position to them.

d) Susan and I went on a trip to Romania. We saw a lot of interesting sights.

e) Some delegates arrived by train. Others came by car. And a few arrived by taxi.

32. Выберите правильный порядок следования прилагательных перед существительными и укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов.

a) Roger looked about. He was in what looked like a________ room.

1) modern living fashionable 2) fashionable modern living 3) living modern fashionable

b) There was a___ window, which also served as a door out onto a balcony.

1) wide, single, floor-to-ceiling 2) floor-to-ceiling, wide, single 3) single, wide, floor-to-ceiling

c) In front of the window was a _____ couch.

1) new luxurious leather 2) luxurious new leather 3) new leather luxurious In front of the couch was a(n) _(d)_ table with a _(e) frame.

d) 1) old coffee glass 2) glass old coffee 3) old glass coffee

e) 1) brass magnificently forged 2) magnificently forged brass 3) forged magnificently brass

33. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.

_а)_1) When am I passing 2) While I pass a 3) As I pass the only coffee machine on the floor, two guys I half recognize _b) 1) stand 2) have stood 3) are standing by it. One's got a disgruntled expression and _c)__ 1) another 2) the other 3) other is listening - but I _d)_1) don't hear well 2) can't quite hear 3) am not listening what they're talking about. As I come near, they stop abruptly. They shoot me curious glances, then look _e)_ 1) on each other 2) on one another 3) at each other 4) at themselves and walk off.


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