Завершите фразы, употребив подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы. Укажите
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов. a.) Apparently, you 1) mustn't 2) don't have to 3) shouldn't enter the country without a visa. This is a rule. b) I know you 1) don't 2) mustn't 3) don't have to have a visa if you're travelling from Russia to Ukraine. c) I 1) must 2) ought 3) may remember to have my passport renewed. d) I 1) should have 2) might have 3) can't have lost my keys. I saw them a minute ago. e) We 1) must get 2) have to get 3) should have got rid of passports and visas ages ago. They are a 35. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов. I had ._a)_l)a friend, the real friend 2) a friend, a real friend 3) the friend, a real friend. We _b) 1) went to 2) went in 3) were in the same grade. We _c)_l)got used to 2) used to 3) were used to go to parties together.We almost _d)_l)at the same time 2) together 3) simultaneously went _e)J)in 2)in the 3) to 4) to the university and then dropped out. 36. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов. The newspapers were full of stories of people who _a)_1) had cheated 2) cheated 3) had been cheated by men who went from _b)_ l)a house to a house 2) house to house 3) one house to another house saying that they _c)_l)were collecting for 2) were collecting 3) had collected for soldiers who _d) 1)had been seriously wounded on 2) was injured on 3) had been wounded in 4) was hurt at the war, or for _e_)1)other 2) the other 3) some other noble cause. Употребите правильную степень сравнения прилагательного или наречия и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов. a) Who translates 1)the fastest 2) faster 3) most fast of all four? b.) Let's hope for 1) the better 2) the best 3) the good. c) Thank you for 1)a most 2) most 3) the most informative talk. d) He spends 1) most 2) most of3) the most his free time reading. e.) Who is 1)a more 2) the most 3) the more competent - Ted or Bill? 38. Завершите описание ситуации, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические My friend Alexander, _a)_l)which is a Russian 2) that is Russian 3) who is the Russian 4) who is Russian, _b)_l)told to 2) said to 3) told me an interesting story about a trip he made _c)_ 1)in Damascus in Syria 2) to Damascus, in the Syria 3) to Damascus, in Syria, back in _d)_1) eighties 2) the eighties' 3) the 80-ies. At that time he was working in _e)_1)the city in the heart of Siberia as a 2) a city in the heart of the Siberia as a translator 3) a city in the heart of the Siberia as the translator 4) a city in the heart of Siberia as a translator.
39. Употребите подходящее по смыслу местоимение или существительное после глаголов и a) You can never rely on 1) him 2) his doing it properly. b) They resented 1) her brother 2) her brother's refusal to cooperate. c) I can understand 1) his 2) him willing to do it alone. d) Everyone is entitled to 1) their 2) his own life. e) I regretted 1) me 2.) my 3) - eating that dish. 40. Выберите точные ответы на вопросы по культуре Великобритании и США и укажите a) When an English policeman gives you a ticket he 1) invites you to a football match 2) shows you where to park best 3) fines you 4) gives you an instruction leaflet with the High way Code. b) Which of Robin Hood's Merry Men was not a man? 1) Friar Tuck. 2) Will Scarlet. 3) Maid Marian. 4) Little John. c) The Mayflower is 1) a traditional Native American festival 2) a famous Indian chief 3) a historic ship 4) a literary prize. d) Hollywood is a suburb of 1) New York. 2) Las Vegas. 3) San Francisco. 4) Los Angeles. e) Disney World is 1)a collective name for Walt Disney's films 2) the popular name for the largest amusement park in Florida 3) the name of Walt Disney's radio programme. 41. Определите коммуникативную функцию выделенных жирным шрифтом фраз в левой колонке и укажите номера выбранных вариантов под соответствующей буквой (а-е) в талоне ответов.
42. Завершите описание ситуации, заполнив пропуски подходящими по смыслу лексико-грамматическими вариантами. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой. One morning Tim _a)_ the window of his study and saw _b)_ the lawn. _c)_ tricycle behind them on the sidewalk. They _d)_: his daughter, his stepson and _e)_ son. a) 1) stared from 2) looked from 3) looked out of b) 1) some children sit on 2) the three children sitting on 3) three children who lay on c) 1J There were 2) It was a 3) There was a d) l)were talking and sunning themselves 2) talked and sunned 3) were speaking and bathing
e) l)a neighbour 2) the neighbourly 3) the neighbour's 43. Прочитайте первый абзац текста и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу лексико-грамматическими вариантами. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой. WHY NOT a) 1) BEING 2) ТО BE 3) BE A WRITER? _b)_ 1) Like a 2) As a 3) As the freelance writer, you can earn _c)_ l)a very good 2) the excellent 3) very good money in your spare time, writing the stories, articles, books, and scripts that editors and publishers want. _d) 1)Millions pounds are paid 2) Millions of pounds were paid 3) Millions of pounds are paid 4) Millions of the pounds are paid annually in fees and royalties. Earning your share _e)_ 1)can be fun 2) may be funny 3) can be a fun, profitable and creatively fulfilling. Прочитайте продолжение текста и из приведенных ниже утверждений выберите пять, не противоречащих содержанию всего текста (задания 43 и 44). Укажите их номера в порядке следования под соответствующей буквой (а-е) в талоне ответов. То help you become a successful freelance writer we offer you a first-class home-study course that's been created by professional writers—with individual guidance from expert tutors and flexible tuition tailored to your own requirements. You are shown how to make the most of your abilities, where to find ideas, now to turn them into publishable writing and how to sell them. In short, we show you exactly how to become a published writer. If you want writing success—this is the way to start! Whatever your writing ambitions, we can help you achieve them. For we give you an effective, stimulating and most enjoyable creative writing course that's appreciated by students and praised by experts. It's ideal for beginners. No previous experience or special background knowledge is required. You write and study at your own pace. Others have been successful in this way— why not you? We are so confident that we can help you become a published writer that we give you a full refund guarantee. If you have not earned your course fees back from published writing by the time you finish the course, we will refund them in full. For your free copy of our brochure, visit our website- www. whlersbureau.com or call us NOW! Read what our satisfied customers have to say: "My first three novels are all best sellers. The Writer's Bureau made this possible! Now, I'm a writer and my life has changed completely." Christina Smith, Cardiff "Before starting this course I was an engineer. I owe my success to my course tutor who guided me with patience and understanding. Now I am employed by several newspapers." Brian Eckert, Edinburgh "The course gave me valuable insight into the workings of the magazine industry. Now, I have a monthly column in four magazines. Hopefully next year I'll publish my first book." Megan Fenn, Dublin Course Features: 30 modules 20 written assignments Tutorial support No time limit 14 day trial period 1) Admission to the course requires previous writing experience. 2) The writing course curriculum M>as developed by skilled professionals 3) Former students have achieved success by publishing their work 4) To complete the course successfully, students must meet deadlines imposed by tutors. 5) The Writer's Bureau guarantees that participants will earn money from their writing. 6) People can participate in the course free for two weeks before registering. 7) Students must attend 30modules on site to earn their certificate. 8) The Writer's Bureau course features more than one mode of instruction.
9) The course has had limited impact on the lives of students who have taken it. 45. Выберите наиболее точные ответы на вопросы по содержанию всего текста (задания 43 и 44). Укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой. a) The proof that the freelance writer course is flexible is that 1) you write and study at your own pace 2) you write and study at your own place 3) you have individual guidance 4) you are taught by experts. b) Which of the following types of writing will not the Writer's Bureau course prepare you for? 1) writing stories 2) writing travel guides 3) writing scripts 4) writing articles.
c) What do people who have taken the Writer's Bureau course consider it to be? 1)A waste of time. 2) A valuable experience. 3) Extremely demanding. 4) Highly structured. d) Who can complete the course free of charge? 1) Talented individuals. 2) University students. 3) Those with a previous experience. 4) All students have to pay. e) How can interested individuals get more information about the course? 1) Only by telephone, 2) Through the company's certified agents. 3) Through former students. 4) By telephone or through the company website.
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