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4. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and word-combinations.

4. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and word-combinations.

Специальные знания; определять местонахождение и размеры нефтяных месторождений; правительственное учреждение; передовые компьютерные технологии; тратить много времени; проводить исследование местности; исследовать грунт морского дна; брать образцы наземных горных пород; образцы горных пород оцениваются при помощи микроскопов; использовать систему глобального позиционирования; определить местонахождение новых залежей; информация, собранная при помощи GIS и GPS устройств; определить глубину бурения; минимизировать вред окружающей среде; получить степень магистра; повысить шансы найти работу; спрос на компетентных специалистов; максимально увеличить производительность скважин.


5. Answer the following questions.

1. Where can a petroleum geologist work?

2. What does his work consist of?

3. What modern equipment helps petroleum geologists identify the locations of new reserves?

4. What education must a person receive to become a petroleum geologist?

5. Do government agencies in the USA employ geologists who have bachelor's degree?

6. What can help a beginning petroleum geologist increase the chances of finding employment?

7. Is the demand for knowledgeable petroleum geologists strong? Why?

6. Read what Andy Dupont says about his job. Answer the questions.

1. Has Andy always had the same job?

2. What does Andy like about his job?

3. What language does he speak? Do you think it is useful to speak two languages? Why?

4. Does Andy think it is good to work as an explorationist? Why?

5. What are disadvantages with his job?

6. Would you prefer to work in the field or in an office? Why?


It’s my job

I started work for a Scottish oil and gas company as a technical assistant. That was two year ago. Then I was promoted to junior explorationist. My company spends a lot of time searching for oil and gas. My job is to analyse data that we collect from seismic studies and I now have to manage my own project.

I love my job because there is a wide variety of different tasks. I travel to the places where we are carrying out seismic surveys. I have to organize tests and collect and analyse data. I speak English and French equally well and that can be very helpful. I’ve already been to some of the hottest and coldest parts of the world. Working in extreme conditions at onshore sites can be tough. We spend long days in our truck in the heat or cold in places where very few people live. In the office I analyse the data we have collected so we can build a subsurface map. I have a lot of responsibilities. It is really exciting when my manager makes the decision to drill.

Jobs in the oil and gas industry are well paid. I get a good salary. I’d definitely recommend the job to others but it’s not the easiest job for people with a family. I’m often away from home for long periods of time and I may have to live abroad in the future.

(from: Jon Naunton, Alison Pohl. Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2. )

7. Looking for a work placement in an oil exploration company.

7. 1 It is not easy to find a work placement. Jerry Henderson is telephoning Mr Rashid, a Human Resources manager of an oil exploration company. Listen and answer the questions.

1. What is Jerry studying and where?

2. What is he trying to find?

3. What experience does he have?

4. What is Jerry’s ambition?

5. How does Jerry have to apply for a placement?

6. Does Mr Rashid offer him a job or an interview?

7. 2 Complete Jerry’s script with prepositions.

“… my name is Jerry Henderson. I’m twenty years old and I’m ____ my second year ____ a geology degree ____ Nottingham University. I’m looking ____ a placement ____ an exploration company ____ this summer…

… my ambition is to work ____ an exploration company like yours, perhaps ____ a seismic engineer. But first I’d like to get some first-hand experience of this job”.

(from: Jon Naunton, Alison Pohl. Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2. )


7. 3 Here are some of Mr Rashid’s questions. How would you answer them?

Mr Rashid: Could you tell me something about yourself?

You: _________________________________________

Mr Rashid: Have you got any experience of exploration?

You: _________________________________________

Mr Rashid: Would you prefer to work in the field or in an office?

You: _________________________________________

Mr Rashid: So what do you see yourself doing in the longer term?

You: _________________________________________


8. What does the job of a petroleum geologist involve?

8. 1 Listen to the speakers and tick (Ú ) those who work as petroleum geologists.

The first speaker The second speaker The third speaker The fourth speaker The fifth speaker The sixth speaker

8. 2 Read and translate the list of expressions that the speakers use to talk about their jobs and responsibilities.

1. Geologists are in charge of smth/doing smth.

2. Their job is to do smth.

3. They are involved in smth/doing smth.

4. They are responsible for smth/doing smth.

5. They use … to do smth.

8. 3 Listen again and then say what the job of a petroleum geologist involves, using the structures form exercise 7. 2.

8. 4 Petroleum geologists work in the field as well as in the office. What do they do there? Write a list of their responsibilities.

In the field In the office
1. Petroleum geologistsdrill exploratory wells to collect subsurface rock samples. 1. Petroleum geologistsconstruct maps, cross-sections, and databases.

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