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5. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and word-combinations.

5. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and word-combinations.

Нефтепоисковые исследования; пробурить скважину; подземный источник нефти; бизнес, требующий больших затрат; научный подход; структура породы; полное обследование; магнитные свойства; звуковые волны; проходить через горные породы; содержать нефть и газ; дистанционные исследования; измерять силу притяжения; различия в плотности; магнитное поле; обнадеживающие результаты; находить месторождение нефти; выход нефти на поверхность земли; собирать образцы породы; анализировать образцы породы; анализ образцов поверхностных вод и почвы, нефтеносные пласты, определять запасы нефти; определить тип породы по ее плотности; использовать различное оборудование; сейсморазведка; бурить разведочную скважину; построить диаграмму каротажа; построить карту местности; геологическое обоснование; ловушка.

6. Answer the following questions.

1. How did the early prospectors find the underground source of oil? Was it efficient?

2. What specialists are involved in the process of finding oil nowadays?

3. What are four main methods used in oil and gas exploration?

4. What do visual methods include?

5. What do geological methods include?

6. What do geophysical methods include?

7. What do geochemical methods include?

8. What is the final test for oil-bearing strata?

9. What is a wild cat?

10. What is geological reasoning?

7. Match the words and word-combinations from the first column with the words and word-combinations that have the same meaning from the second column.    

1. drill 2. look for 3. discover 4. formation 5. exploration 6. differences 7. characteristics 8. structure 9. oil deposit 10. prospectors 11. subsurface a) makeup b) variations c) oil field d) underground     e) detect f) geologists g) properties h) search for i) survey j) layer   k) bore

8. React to the statements (true or false).

1. In the early days of commercial oil exploration prospectors used geological and geophysical methods to detect oil deposits.

2. The rocks that may contain oil or gas are very dense.

3. An exploratory well is a well drilled to produce oil and gas.

4. Visual methods of oil exploration include measurements of variations in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field.

5. Geochemical exploration for petroleum is the search for chemically identifiable surface occurrences of hydrocarbons, which help to locate oil and gas accumulations at depth.

6. With present day exploration methods and equipment, it is impossible to do a survey of the rock structures beneath the sea.

7. When searching for oil deposits at land, the seismic exploration is practically the only effective method of research.

8. It is only after a well is drilled into a formation the presence of oil or gas can definitely be confirmed or denied.                   

9. Ask questions for the underlined words and word-combinations.

1. In the early days of commercial oil exploration prospectors used visual methods to find oil deposits.

2. Oil bearing strata lie under the sea or other rock formations.

3. Oil deposits are detected by visual, geological and geophysical methods.

4. Geological methods include mapping the age of rocks, their nature and types of formations present.

5. Drilling is the final test for oil-bearing strata.

Active and Passive Voice.

When we know and are interested in who does something, we use the Active Voice. If we don’t know or don’t care who does something, we use the Passive Voice.

We often use the Passive when describing a process or system. If we want to say who or what causes something to happen in a process, we use by rather than changing the sentence to Active form.

10. Transform these sentences from Active to Passive. Begin with the words in bold.

1. Geologists conduct an aerial survey from a plane or satellite.

2. They study the photographs for examples of reservoir rock formations.

3. Geologists on the ground collect rock samples and analyse them.

4. Geochemists will explore the rainforests for oil soon.  

5. A magnetometer measures magnetic fields.

6. An instrument called a gas chromatograph can analyse gas.

(from: Jon Naunton, Alison Pohl. Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2. )


11. Listening.

11. 1 When people look for oil, they use a lot of equipment. What do you think they enjoy about their job and what don’t they enjoy?

11. 2 Listen to Alfred and answer the questions

1. What is Alfred’s job?

2. What equipment does he work with?

3. What does his job include?

4. Why does he say his job is hard?

5. What are his working hours?

6. How far does he walk each day?

7. What training did he do when he started?

8. What training did the oil company give him?

9. What are his plans for future?

12. Oil companies are always looking for new reserves of crude oil.

12. 1 Read the notes about the Athabasca Oil Sands in Canada. Do you think it is a good idea to exploit them? Why?

1. The Athabasca Oil Sands have the world’s biggest source of bitumen equal to the world’s oil reserves.

2. Exploration costs are low. You can see the oil!

3. Refining costs are high.

4. Bitumen extraction uses a lot of water. There is a high rick of rivers pollution.

5. It is worth exploiting the Sands when world oil prices are high.

6. The Oil Sands are under forests in a wild and beautiful area.

7. Exploitation will destroy the forest and affect the lives of Native Canadians.


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