(from: Jon Naunton, Alison Pohl. Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2.)
(from: Jon Naunton, Alison Pohl. Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2. ) Unit XI. Exercise 6. 1 HR – Human Resources manager; J – Jerry Henderson HR: Human Resources, Abdullah Rashid speaking. J: Good afternoon, Mr. Rashid. I’m calling about student placements. HR: OK. Could you tell me something about yourself? J: Well, my name’s Jerry Henderson. I’m in my second year of a geology degree at Nottingham University. I’m looking for a placement in an exploration company for thus summer. HR: I see, Jerry. And have you got any experience of exploration? J: Well, I’ve been on field trips of course, and I’ve studied the theory. HR: And would you prefer to work in the field, or in an office? J: Well, I’d rather work in the field, but I’d be happy to be office-based too. HR: Mm, I see. So what do you see yourself doing in the longer term? J: Well, my ambition is to work in an exploration company like yours, perhaps as a wireline logger, or seismic engineer. But first I’d like to get some first-hand experience of these jobs. HR: Mm, OK. I may be able to help, but I can’t promise anything. J: How do I apply, is there an application form to fill? HR: No, just send me your CV and a letter of application. J: And what about an interview? HR: We’ll talk about that at a later stage. Let me look at your CV first. Let me give you my email address. (from: Jon Naunton, Alison Pohl. Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2. )
Unit XI. Exercise 7. 1 The first speaker: I work offshore most of the time; I look after machinery and keep everything in working order. The aim is that nothing breaks down, but if it does, I’m there to repair it. The second speaker: I monitor safety on board the rig and make sure there are no accidents. A new trainee called Hamdan is following me around this week. I’m showing him what the job involves. The third speaker: I have a lot of responsibility. I’m in overall charge of the facility and oversee everything from the arrival of the crude oil. Of course, I have a big team of managers and specialist engineers who report to me. The fourth speaker: I design the piping systems that carry the oil and gas around the refinery. At the moment, I’m working on a design for a pipeline for a new gas field. The fifth speaker: I’m involved in the exploration stage. My job is to identify the best places to drill for oil and gas. We use a number of different techniques to help us, for example aerial photography and seismic exploration. The sixth speaker: My job is to analyse samples for traces of hydrocarbons. These samples can be rock or soil samples, or even samples from the ocean. (from: Jon Naunton, Alison Pohl. Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2. )
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17. Finding Oil and Gas // History. Britain's oil hunters. URL: www. history. co. uk/shows/britains-oil-hunters/articles/finding-oil-and-gas (дата обращения: 12. 08. 2015). 18. Gemstones // Geology. com. URL: http: //geology. com/gemstones/ (дата обращения: 25. 09. 2015). 19. Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks // BUZZLE. URL: http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/igneous-sedimentary-and-metamorphic-rocks. html (дата обращения: 17. 10. 2015). 20. Light Crude Oil// About Crude Oil. URL: https: //sites. google. com/site/aboutcrudeoil/light-crude-oil (дата обращения: 25. 08. 2015). 21. Oil Geology of the San Joaquin Valley // San Joaquin Valley Geology. URL: http: //www. sjvgeology. org/geology/oil_geology. html (дата обращения: 25. 07. 2015). 22. Petroleum Industry // Bighorn Oil and Gas. URL: http: //www. bighornoilandgas. com/petroleum-industry/ (дата обращения: 11. 07. 2015). 23. Properties of Graphite // BUZZLE. URL: http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/graphite-properties. html (дата обращения: 25. 09. 2015). 24. Sedimentary Rock Formation Explained // BUZZLE. URL: http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/sedimentary-rock-formation. html (дата обращения: 17. 10. 2015). 25. Tsunami Facts // BUZZLE. URL: http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/tsunami-facts. html (дата обращения: 15. 10. 2015). 26. Types of Crude Oil // BUZZLE. URL: http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/types-of-crude-oil. html (дата обращения: 12. 07. 2015). 27. Types of Weathering // BUZZLE. URL: http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/types-of-weathering. html (дата обращения: 11. 11. 2015). 28. Weathering and erosion // Physical geography. URL: http: //www. montessoritraining. net/docs/default-source/upper-elementary-curriculum/namc-upper-elementary-physical-geography-sample-pages. pdf? sfvrsn=2 (дата обращения: 16. 11. 2015). 29. What Causes Earthquakes? // BUZZLE. URL: http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/what-causes-earthquake. html (дата обращения: 09. 12. 2015). 30. What does a petroleum geologist do? // wiseGEEK. URL: http: //www. wisegeek. com/what-does-a-petroleum-geologist-do. htm (дата обращения: 04. 09. 2015). 31. What Does a Petroleum Geologist Do? Five Things! // Oil on My Shoes – The Original Petroleum Geology Site. http: //www. geomore. com/ (дата обращения: 04. 09. 2015). 32. What is oil // San Joaquin Valley Geology. URL: http: //www. sjvgeology. org/oil/oil. html (дата обращения: 25. 07. 2015). 33. What is the Difference between Weathering and Erosion? // BUZZLE. URL: http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/what-is-the-difference-between-weathering-and-erosion. html (дата обращения: 11. 11. 2015).
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