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Fishing – рыбалка

Saltwater fishing - морская рыбалка

Freshwater fishing - пресноводная рыбалка

Fishery - рыболовство

Fisherman – рыбак

To fish - ловить рыбу

To fish in the river - ловить рыбу в реке

To go fishing - пойти на рыбалку

To catch fish - поймать рыбу

Fishing rod – удочка

Spinning rod - спиннинг

Fish hook – рыболовный крючок

Fishing line – леска

Freshwater fish - пресноводная рыба

Sea fish - морская рыба

A hooked fish - пойманная рыба

Throw out a fishing line - забросить леску

He is trying to catch fish - он пытается поймать рыбу

Pull in the fish - вытащить рыбу

Fisherman is throwing out a fishing line and pulling in the fish - Рыбак забрасывает леску и тянет рыбу

They have their own unique fishing equipment and technical skills - у них есть свое уникальное рыболовное снаряжение и технические навыки

Fishing tackle - рыболовные снасти

Fishing tackle bag - сумка для рыболовных снастей

He is fishing with fishing tackle - он рыбачит с помощью рыболовных снастей

A trawler – траулер

A net is full of fish - сеть полна рыбы

A boat - лодка

He fishes alone - он ловит рыбу один

People of all ages go fishing - люди всех возрастов ходят на рыбалку

Fishing can be done from the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, streams and canals or from the deck of a fishing boat - рыбалка может осуществляться с берегов рек, озер, прудов, ручьев и каналов или с палубы рыбацкой лодки.

Bank fishing a river is a great way to catch a lot of fish - рыбалка на берегу - отличный способ поймать много рыбы

Fishing is one of the most well-liked forms of recreation - рыбалка - одна из самых популярных форм отдыха

It was the perfect place catching fish - это было идеальное место для ловли рыбы

Fishing is a wonderful, peaceful and relaxing experience - рыбалка - это прекрасный, спокойный и расслабляющий опыт

We were enjoying fishing holidays in the countryside - мы наслаждались рыбалкой на природе

Perfect place for a mini break or summer holiday


А теперь постарайтесь самостоятельно описать фотографию, используя словарный запас!




  introduction I’ve chosen photo number 1. It’s great to look through my album and recall wonderful memories. Have a look at this photo, Kate. It’s my favourite photo.
where and when the photo was taken   I took this photo last summer while my family and I were spending a holiday on the Black Sea. We were happy and enjoyed our stay there very much. Unlike other hot days, it was a perfect fishing day.  
what/who is in the photo     In the photo, in the foreground you can see my father fishing from the deck of the fishing boat. He looks pretty confident. It is the perfect place catching fish. He is wearing light summer clothes. In the background there is a beautiful expanse of the Black Sea.  
what is happening     My father is holding the spinning rod in his hands and trying to catch fish. Fishing is one of the most well-liked forms of recreation for him. He is enjoying an active lifestyle.  
why you keep the photo in your album I keep this picture in my album because it shows one of the most exciting moments of the summer holiday – fishing.
why you decided to show the picture to your friend I decided to show this picture to you, because you have never seen the Black Sea. Besides, I want to publish it on my Instagram page and I really want to know your opinion about this photo. Do you like it?
Concluding phrase(s) That’s all I wanted to tell you. I hope you like this photo.

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