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Text: Buying shoes and clothes

Text: Buying shoes and clothes


Barbara: Today I’d like to buy shoes and gloves for me. Where can I buy a good modern coat?

Jennifer: There is a large new department store in our district. There is a rich choice of coats there. Last month I bought a beautiful yellow coat for my daughter there. She is eighteen now and likes trendy clothes.

Barbara: Is there a good shoe department in this new department store?

Jennifer: The choice of quality shoes is not bad there, but the shoe department is not very large. If you need shoes you can go to the Central City Department store. There are many different shoe departments in this department store.

Barbara: I don`t know my English sizes. German sizes differ from English ones. And my size usually limits the choice.

Jennifer: It is not a problem. The salesgirl will help you giving size and fit information. You might have luck with your size there.

Barbara: I`m also looking for a new evening dress. You are right. I`ll visit both department stores today. May be I will find an evening dress, too.

Jennifer: I like the shoe shop in Madison Avenue. I recommend you to go there, too. There is a great choice of modern shoes there.

Barbara: Thank you very much.

Jennifer: Not at all.


Retell the dialogue, as if you were one of the participants.

Exercise 1: Match the two halves of each expression:

1. modern              A. dress         

2. evening              B. clothes       

3. trendy                C. store          

4. shoe               D. department           

5. quality               E. coat

6. department        F. shoes          


Exercise 2: What are these pictures?


Evening dress








Exercise 3: Complete the following dialogue using the sentences given below:


At the shoe department

1. They will give a little after wearing.

2. Have you got them in a wider fitting?

3. Can you wait on me?

4. How do they fit, madam?

5. Would you like to see another similar style?

6. What kind of shoes do you want, madam?


Customer: Excuse me. ...

Assistant: Certainly, madam. What can I show you?

Customer: I'd like to buy a pair of fancy dress shoes.

Assistant:. .. Leather, suede, glace or I can offer you glit­ter stiletto shoes.

Customer: I like them. Can I try them on?

Assistant: Certainly. ...

Customer: They're a bit tight. I have rather a broad foot and a high instep. ...

Assistant: I'm afraid not in that style. ...

Customer: Then, probably, leather shoes are better...

Assistant: Yes, they'll stretch.

Customer: Very well then. Thank you for your help.

Assistant: You're welcome.



Exercise 4: Work with a partner. Take turns to be the shop assistant and the customer and make up your own dialogue. Use the phrases below:


I’m looking for a / some …..

What size are you? – Large / Medium / Small

Can I try it on?

Where are the changing rooms?

It’s too big / small / long / short / tight.

Have you got something a little smaller / bigger / longer / shorter?

I’ll take it.

Do you take credit cards?


Exercise 5: Translate into English:


Не успела Бренда выйти из магазина с новой отличной покупкой, как у неё отлетел каблук. А она купила туфли в этом месяце. Бренда направилась в обувной магазин, твердо решив обменять их. Продавец был готов обменять туфли, но в продаже не было обуви этой модели. Бренда провела полчаса в магазине, примеряя каждую пару свое­го размера. Но никакие туфли ей не подходили: одни были слишком широки, другие жали, у третьих был слиш­ком высокий каблук. Единственные туфли, которые ей понравились, были слишком дорогие. Продавец посове­товал ей зайти на следующей неделе, когда они получат новый товар.



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