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Упражнение №13. Изучите новые слова.

1. EBRD (European Bank of reconstruction & development) – ЕБРР, Европейский банк реконструкции и развития

2. venture fund         венчурный фонд

3. to obtain a loan    получить ссуду, заем

4. a slice of business часть бизнеса

Упражнение №14. Переведите на русский язык:

Прибыль, повторно инвестировать, собственник бизнеса, финансовое вознаграждение, заемный капитал, растущая фирма, банковский заем, доля бизнеса.


Упражнение №15. Переведите на русский язык:

“Keep working no matter what happens. If things are good, keep working. If things are bad, keep working”. Moby, Musician


Упражнение №16. Прочитайте и переведите текст “Overdraft”. Текст №5


This short term financial product is the most common form of finance.

It is usual for a bank to permit a certain level of overdraft when a current account is opened. If a business wants a larger overdraft, it has to negotiate one, for which it may be charged an arrangement fee. If it fails to do this and tries to overdraw more than allowed, the bank may refuse to release the money and any cheques written will bounce. The business will then not be able to make its payments, which could lead it to have a poor reputation as a customer.

Interest on an overdraft is only paid on the amount actually overdrawn. An overdraft is therefore a safety net for a business; it should not be used for the purchase of capital items such as computers or photocopier.

Advantages: This form of interest is very flexible. It is there but if you have enough money in your account then you don't have to use it.

Disadvantages: The interest rate is variable, this means that if the cost of borrowing in the country increases, the bank can increase the interest rate of this form of finance. This means uncertainty for this business which makes it hard for them to plan. The bank can demand full repayment of this source of finance in 24 hours. This could force a business into liquidation.


Упражнение №17. Переведите на русский язык:

Poor, overdraw, current account, cheque, overdraft, arrangement, capital, payments, safety net.


Упражнение №18. Найдите в тексте и запишите эквиваленты слов и выражений:

Перерасход остатка денег в банке, отказаться, чек, осуществить платежи, процентная ставка, гибкий, ликвидация бизнеса.

Упражнение №19. Прочитайте и переведите текст “Share Capital”. Текст №6

Share Сapital

This long term source of finance gives the buyers part ownership of the business. If you buy 100 shares in a business that has a total of 1000 shares then you own 10% of it. This means that the owner is entitled to a 10% share of any dividends paid from the profit.

Advantages: The business has the capital invested permanently, if shareholders want to cash in their shares they can only do so by finding someone else to buy them. The company does not have to repay them. In a bad year no dividend has to be paid.

Disadvantages: If lots of shares are issued then this lessens the power of the founders of the business. The key to retaining control is to keep hold of more than 50% of the shares.


Упражнение №20. Изучите новые слова.

1. ownership                      собственность, владение

2. to invest permanently    инвестировать бессрочно

3. dividend                         дивиденд, прибыль по акциям

4. a shareholder                 акционер

5. founder                          учредитель, основатель

6. to retain a control          сохранить контроль


Упражнение №21. Составьте и запишите 5 вопросов к основному содержанию текста.

Упражнение №22. Переведите письменно слова и выражения:

Asset, bank loan, business angels, fund raising, gifts from friends and relatives, mortgage, ordinary share capital, overdraft, own personal savings, retained profit, venture capital.

Упражнение №23. Ответьте на вопросы письменно:

1. What do we mean by sources of finance?

2. What sources of finance do you know?

3. If you start your own business what source of finance will you use?

4. What is bank loan?

5. What is overdraft?

6. What is mortgage?

Bits of Grammar

The Present Simple Tense Настоящее простое время

Упражнение №24. Определите случаи употребления the Present Simple Tense. Решите, что это: a) повторяющееся действие, b) общеизвестная истина или закон природы, или c) расписание.

1. The moon goes round the earth.

2. I live in Nizhny Novgorod.

3. The plane to London takes off at 7.20 a.m.

4. I often go to the University by bus.

5. I usually go to the cinema at the weekend.

6. She works at the bank.

7. This shop opens at 8.00.

8. Rice doesn’t grow on trees.

9. The postman brings us the newspaper in the morning.

10. Water boils at 100°C.



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