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Глагол “to have/have got” (иметь, обладать)

Глагол “to have/have got” (иметь, обладать)

в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени

Время Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная Форма
Настоящее время I/ We/You/Theyhave gota flat. He/She/Ithas gota flat. I/ We/You/Theydo not havea flat. He/She/Itdoes not havea flat. DoI/you/we/theyhavea flat? Doesshe/he/ithavea flat?
Прошедшее время I/ He/She/It/We/You/Theyhada flat. I/ He/She/It/We/You/Theydid not havea flat. DidI/you/she/he/ it/we/theyhavea flat?
Будущее время I/Weshall/will havea flat. He/She/It/You/Theywill havea flat. I/Weshall/will not havea flat. He/She/It/You/Theywill not havea flat. WillI/you/she/he/ ithavea flat?


9. Use the verb to have in correct tense.

1. Yesterday we.. had.. a  lecture on History and group 1 had.... a lecture on Mathematics. 2. Tomorrow I. shall have... an English lesson, my friend. will have... an English lesson too. 3. In 1998 our Academy had.... 4 faculties. Now our Academy.. has.. 5 faculties. 4. At the end of each term students.. have.. four or five exams. Last January we.. had.. five exams. This summer our group. will have... five exams too. 5. My mother always. has... much work to do. 6. My parents usually. have... little free time. 7. Each faculty of our Academy. have... scientific laboratory. These laboratories. have... modern equipment. 8. I hope all our graduates. will have... interesting work in the future.


10. Make questions using the verbs to be, to have in correct form.


Your brother/young.

Is your brother young?


1) Jane/brothers.

2) George/nine years old.

3) Mrs. Brown/a large family.

4) Your sister/pretty.

5) Why/they/absent.

6) Where/Betty/now.

7) They/relatives/here.

8) It / the right answer.

9) Your neighbour / any pets.

10) You / any problems / with your parents.

11) Why / it / great / to have a brother or a sister.

12) You / an only child / in the family.


11. Use the verbs to be, to have in appropriate form. Translate the sentences.

1. My sister ( has got) two sons.

2. Our teacher (is) in the English lab now.

3. The name of this street (is) Volgin street.

4. I ( have got) a lot of English books at home.

5. A friend of mine (is) a student of the Moscow Law Institute.

6.  The houses in the street (are) not big.

7. My wife (has got) many relatives in Moscow.

8. I ( have) no free time today.

9. My friends ( has got) a good flat not far from the metro station.

10. My friend and I (are) of the same age.

11. This young man ( has got) no parents.

12. I ( have got) no news today.

13. Do you (Have got)  a large family?

14. Does your friend  (have) any English newspapers at home?

15. (Are) your sister and brother students?

16. These students (will have got) classes in English twice a week.

17. We (are) very busy now.

18. My friend (is) a first-year student.

Устойчивые выражения с глаголом “to have”

to have a bath to have a cold to have a haircut to have a headache to have a shave to have a shower  to have a temperature to have a wash to have a chat to have a good time to have breakfast to have dinner to have supper to have a look at принимать ванну простудиться подстричься страдать от головной боли побриться принимать душ иметь высокую температуру помыться поболтать провести хорошо время позавтракать пообедать поужинать взглянуть

12. Translate the sentences into English. Use the expressions with verbs to be, to have:

1. Его рабочий день очень длинный. Он всегда занят. 2. У меня два брата, один – студент, другой – школьник. 3. Она хорошо разбирается в математике. 4. Нам очень нравится современная музыка. 5. Мы гордимся своими родителями. 6. Вы боитесь собак? – Нет. 7. Никто не был готов к уроку. 8. Братья были очень похожи друг на друга. 9. У меня болит голова. 10. Я часто болтаю со своими друзьями. 11. Мы обычно хорошо проводим время вместе. 12. Я обычно завтракаю, обедаю и ужиную дома. 13. Взгляните на эту картину, она очень редкая.


13. Put in the missing articles (a/ an/ the) where necessary.

1. It is … book. It is … expensive book. 2. … book is brown. 3. Are those … small pictures? 4. My name is … Ann. 5. He is … French student. 6. These are … watches. They are not … clocks. 7. Is that … short pencil? No, it is … long pencil. 8. Are … students in … classroom or out in … corridor? They are in … classroom. 9. Where is … teacher? He is at … desk. 10. Is … door brown or red? It is … brown.


14. Choose the right variant.

1. Catherine loves cats/the cats.

2. Look at cats/the cats! They are chasing a bird.

3. I don't like coffee/the coffee, but I like tea/the tea.

4. You cut the cake/cake and I'll pour coffee/the coffee.

5. Life/The life will be different in the future.

6. Life/The life of a mayfly is extremely short.

7. Children/The children usually like playing games.

8. Children/The children have gone to the park.

9. All people/the people in this room are my relatives.

10. All people/the people should have freedom of speech.

11. Villages/The villages in this part of the country are very beautiful.

12. Breakfast/The breakfast is the most important meal of day/the day.

13. Paul was only/the only person who remembered me.

14. In Stone Age/the Stone Age, people lived in caves.

15. I would like to travel to Spain/the Spain.

16. We traveled to London by train/the train.

15. Use the articles a/ an/ the where necessary.

1. Shall we go to… cinema tonight?

2. Have you ever been to … Copenhagen?

3. … Eiffel Tower and … Louvre are my favourites in Paris.

4. …football team who has won …World Cup … most times

is Brazil.   

5. … tallest man in … world was born in … USA in 1918.

6. … David was waiting at … King's Cross station.



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