2.3 Experimental confirmation of using modern techniques in teaching grammar to enhance productive skills of learners
2. 3 Experimental confirmation of using modern techniques in teaching grammar to enhance productive skills of learners
We used a mixed method research approach (both qualitative and quantitative) to obtain and analyze data for an experiment. Data can be analyzed in a variety of ways using mixed methods. It gives the analysis a wider perspective and aids the researcher in gaining a better understanding of the relevant fact. In order to perform the survey, two instruments were used to collect data and they are: a. Questionnaire for pupils b. Conducting lessons with 6th grade schoolchildren using the suggested methods The learners were given the questioner to see how they use grammar constructs to improve their writing and speaking skills. The study's key participants were 15 pupils from Turkistan City's School No. 19, where English is taught as a second language. With a few exceptions, all of the pupils have learned English since starting school, but their level is generally low. The table below shows the pupils' perspectives on various aspects of teaching and acquiring English skills, such as speaking and writing. Mean Value Pupils’ approach 1. 00-1. 75 Strongly disagree 1. 76-2. 25 Disagree 2. 26-3. 00 Neutral 3. 01-4. 00 Agree 4. 01-5. 00 Strongly agree
I would like to give analysis of the first statement “I always speak English with my teachers and classmates during my English lessons”.
In total, 75% of the pupils disagreed or strongly disagreed with the argument. It means that the vast majority of respondents say that English is not spoken during their English classes. Except for certain reasons or remarks, the instructor is said to speak Kazakh. According to the second point, only a small number of respondents believe they are capable of interacting in English with other people, although with some difficulty, but can sustain a conversation in English (teachers, classmates, etc. ), while a large number do not.
The third question reveals that a significant number of pupils (40%) do group or pair work during their English classes, which is extremely beneficial because it allows pupils to communicate with their peers or the instructor. Statement 5. This argument was not widely agreed upon by any student. It indicates that the majority of pupils believe their pronunciation is terrible, and as a result, they do not feel comfortable speaking in English, implying that their participation in class is nil. Statement 5 regards the importance of practice of speaking skills. A significant number of respondents believe that practicing speaking skills during English classes is extremely important. The graph reveals that only a small percentage of pupils enjoy writing essays on their own, with 21% disagreeing and 63 percent strongly disagreeing with the assertion. 1. 57 is the average ranking. It demonstrates that pupils are less interested in creative writing when their thought process is based on their own. 69 percent of the pupils agreed or strongly agreed with the assertion. The graph depicts the learners' reliance on their teachers in terms of writing ability correctness or accuracy. It demonstrates that, with the assistance of their English instructor, the majority of pupils can compose right and better sentences. 29 percent of pupils strongly agreed, 25 percent agreed, and 26 percent were neutral on the assertion. 3. 53 is the average ranking. It means that the majority of pupils accept that their teachers should allow them to ask questions or express their opinions while writing most of the time. When pupils need assistance with writing assignments, teachers are found to be cautious and supportive. Analysis of Statement no 9. The average score is 2. 55. In this situation, ten percent of the pupils strongly agreed, twenty-three percent agreed, and thirteen percent were undecided. On the other side, the statement was rejected by 54 percent of the pupils. As a result, a large number of pupils decided that their instructor often assists them in their writing tasks. Statement 10. In this scenario, 100% of the pupils agreed with the argument or strongly agreed with it. As a result, it was discovered that there are few activities in the classrooms where teachers offer pupils C. W. based on their own ideas. Statement 11. The argument was found to be disagreed with or strongly disagreed with by 66 percent of the pupils. As a result, only a small percentage of pupils accept that their teachers can include them in classroom activities. Big classes and short class periods are the key reasons for this. The classes were mostly theory-based rather than practice-based. Analysis of Statement no 12. The activities done in the classroom are related with real life situation.
We can see that only a few pupils accepted that classroom practices are linked to real-life situations. The majority of the pupils (76%) did not agree with the pupils. The main explanation for this is that teachers believe that contextualized materials are important. However, they do also use resources from real-life situations to teach spoken language in order to enhance the learners' fluency in English. Different types of exercises, knowledge gap tasks, conversation activities, role-plays, games, and other speaking activities were found to be lacking in English lessons. It was also discovered that encouraging pupils to use English as a means of communication during English lessons is important. The results indicate that many teachers are aware that spoken classes should be focused on a variety of tasks, and that they are attempting to implement these in the classroom. However, the application alone is insufficient. Drilling is a great way to improve your speaking skills.
The survey found that teachers are also unable to adapt suitable practices in the classroom while teaching writing. Few teachers use classroom teaching methods that can increase pupils' interest in writing tasks and help them develop their skills. The majority of teachers are unwilling to allow pupils to participate actively, perform independently, and individually in class. Teachers are not using innovative teaching methods in the classroom to the degree that they should be in order to completely improve pupils' abilities, and as a result, pupils are not developing their writing skills adequately or fully because they still have a serious lack of interest in English. On the other hand, several pupils mentioned that they do not have the opportunity to write in their own words. As a result, it is evident that teachers do not motivate pupils to enhance their individual results. Though the teachers claim to be using CLT as a teaching tool, the goal of CLT is still being overlooked. CLT does not instruct pupils on how to learn a language; rather, it instructs them on how to acquire the language by conversing in English with others. The acquisition of a language is preferable to the learning of a language. However, pupils continue to read and memorize their lessons. Parents often expect their children to do better instead of being successful speakers or authors, and they force them to memorize. The authorities should make an effort to allow teachers the freedom to use new and creative teaching methods that may appeal to pupils' interests. Teaching aids and resources are extremely important in today's educational system. In order to facilitate learning, the communicative approach promotes the use of as many teaching aids as possible in the classroom. While it has been observed that teachers only use the black board to teach English as a foreign language, language classes should be fitted with a variety of teaching aids. Nonetheless, only a blackboard can be used in class to teach speaking skills. It should be assured that all pupils have the requisite teaching aids to help them learn how to communicate. The next stage of our experiment was the identification of pupils' knowledge in the framework of the general theme “Modern ways of teaching grammar structure to improve pupils’ productive skills”. The purpose of the experiment: to prove the effectiveness of using the methods as a way to develop 6th grade schoolchildren’s speaking and writing abilities. The study involved 13 pupils of the 6 " A" class and 9 pupils of the 6 " B" class of school number 19, Turkistan. Training and experiment were conducted for about two months. At the organization of the lesson, we used: -Group work activities; -Authentic materials; -game based learning; -flipped learning; -picture based exercises -various Internet technologies, such as My Test program, Power Point, Internet, YouTube, video and audio recordings. As I was a child also I wasn’t surprised to find out that children do not like learning grammar. When it comes to language, children, like adults, have a target in mind. I realized that a child's language aim is straightforward: to use language as a tool to accomplish something. The role of language, not the correct grammatical form, is their target. To put it another way, children tend to use vocabulary in real-life situations. They want a target, something more than just learning a new grammatical structure. With that in mind, the more communicative your (grammar) practices are, the more likely your pupils can learn what you're teaching, even if they don't know it.
When I planned lessons for my young learners (6th form schoolchildren), I focused on language with a purpose. I had my pupils talk to one another, read interesting texts, tell stories, and play games which all use the grammar point I wanted my pupils to learn. I tried to model the framework for them in a realistic environment, and I trust that as they engage in the activities, they would absorb the grammar " rules. " I made contact the most important aim of language, and I was confident that my pupils would achieve it. The grammar themes according to the educational program of school to 6th grade learners included: English Tenses, Irregular verbs, Adjectives and Asking questions\ commands. When teaching these grammar structures I tried to set objectives of my lessons so that to enhance pupils speaking and writing abilities as the main goal of my research work required. The following are the activities which worked well with my learners. Since the rules are less specified, I realized that my pupils had much more difficulty deciding between the current and present progressive. It's best to explain that they can use the present tense at any time, but not the progressive tense. The progressive tense is used to describe actions that happen right now or in the near future.
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