Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.
1.1. Переведите следующие слова/словосочетания, исходя из значений, приведенных в скобках: 1. reliable а (надежный), rely v, reliability n; 2. predict v (прогнозировать), prediction n, predicted performance; 3. capable а (способный), capability n, logic capability, 4. excess n (npeвышение), exceed v, in excess of, exceedingly high; 5. scaling n (масштабирование), scale n, on a large scale; 6. response n (реакция), respond v, responsibility n, responsible a, to be responsible for, time response; 7. benefit v (приносить выгоду, пользу), benefit n, for the benefit of, without the benefit; 8. evolution n (развитие), evolve v; 9. concern n (дело, отношение, интерес), concern v
1.2. Определите значения английских слов, исходя из контекста: 1. прилагать большие efforts; 2. reliability — это качество любой машины; 3. performance любой задачи, performance схемы; 4. capability памяти человека; 5. competition между фирмами; 6. to exceed предел; 7. scale of измерения; 8. prediction of результатов; 9. to respond на сигнал; 10. экономическая benefit
1.3. Переведите следующие слова. Обратите внимание на то, что префиксы dis-, in-, un-, mal-, non-, ir- придают слонам значение отрицания. dis-: discharge v, disconnect v, disclose v, disadvantage n, disappear v in-: invisible a, inaccurate a, inactive a, incapable a, incompact a un-: unbalance v, unbelievable a, unconventional a, uncontrollable a mal-: malfunction n, malpractice n, malformed a non-: non-effective a, non-metallic a, nonconductor n ir-: irregular a, irrelative a, irresistible a
Обсудите содержание текста. 1.4. Просмотрите Основной текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста. 1. What would you say about electronics? 2. What would you say about the invention of the transistor? 3. What were the advantages of the first transistors over the best tubes? 4. What would you say about the early transistors? 5. Why is the size of transistors of prime importance? 6. What is the second performance benefit resulting from microelectronics? 7. What are the principal elements of electronic circuits? 8. What does the overall reliability of electronic systems depend upon?
1.5. Сделайте обобщение информации о разработке транзисторов и интегральных схем (выполняется устно).
1.6. Просмотрите вторую часть (П) Основного текста. Сообщите, что вы узнали о:
1. the development of microelectronics; 2. several kinds of microelectronic transistors; 3. bipolar amd metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect tranistors; 4. the first generation of microelectronic devices
Проверьте, умеете ли вы переводить определительные блоки существительного.
1.7. Ознакомьтесь с типами определительных блоков существительного. 1. А + N/A + N 1) a small device, a small electronic device, a smaller device, the smallest possible device 2) a low consumption, a lower consumption, a lowest possible consumption, the least possible consumption 3) any complex function, more complex function, a most complex function, the most complex function, the most possible complex function, the least possible complex function 4) good shapes, better shapes, best shapes, bad shapes, worse shapes, the worst shapes
2. Adv + A + N 1) extremely high cost, entirely new application, increasingly complex technology, highly important invention 2) a far heavier unit, a far lower pressure, a far faster flow 3) a much faster change, a much denser population 4) a little longer operation, a little more serious attempt
3.А +N + N/A + N 1) a large time interval, a high flow temperature, different air speeds, low temperature growth 2) high-speed computers, high-quality device, thin-film technology, single-layer structure
4. Ving+N/Adv + Ving+N 1) an increasing size, a decreasing number, an operating device 2) a constantly increasing size, a steadily decreasing number, a slowly operating device
5. Ved+N/Adv4rVed+N 1) achieved results, changed operations, produced devices 2) quickly achieved results, partially changed operations, commercially produced devices
6. Adv+Ved+N 1) a much needed development, a much controlled addition 2) a round-shaped piece, a low-powered transmitter
7. N + N/N+N + N 1) process control — control process, cost reduction — reduction cost, test operation — operation test 2) power consumption - power consumption change, circuit element — circuit element decrease, size reduction — size reduction need
8. N-Ving+N/N-Ved+N 1) current-controlling device, man-operating machine, electron-emitting source 2) consumption-related process, man-made change, error-operated system
1.8. Переведите следующие определительные блоки существительного: 1. several basic functional units; 2. semiconductor device fabrication; 3. device application; 4. progressively thinner layers; 5. widely accepted unit; 6. relatively cheap source material; 7. power-producing element; 8 commercially produced microelectronic devices
1.9. Найдите определительные блоки существительного (с левым определением): 1. An equally systematic approach will be required in the new generation integrated circuits fabrication. 2. One recently invented microelectronic functional element has a distinction. 3. Today's microcomputer has more computing capacity than the first large electronic computer.
1.10. Переведите определительные блоки существительного (с правым определением) или бессоюзные определительные предложения: 1) the number of circuit components; the use of low gas velocities; the achievement of much less high temperature; the advantage of carefully prepared silicon surfaces; rapidly developing technology of smaller electronic components 2) a description of the properties of circuit elements; the theme of a great number of publications 3) the computer compares the information it receives; the designer considers the size the chip has
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