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Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.

(1 -10) in an effort to get a reliable unit; the performance of a device; to predict the achievement; exceedingly high resistance

(11 - 20) the goal of creating IC; the speed of response de­pends; to respond at a rate of a few million times a second; capac­itors are difficult to shrink; the microscopic dimensions of new cir­cuits; the point of discussion; the performance benefit resulting from microelectronics

(21 — 30) close coupling of computer conductors; the power consumption is of designer concern; the shortcoming of the device

(31 — 40) difficulty of manufacturing of switching systems; to assemble circuit modules; the impetus to new studies; to lead to similarity; the advent of a new concept; to mount devices on a substrate

(41 — 50) to provide a new manufacturing technique; to in­volve changes; the transistor is a two-junction device; the term refers to the material; base regions on each chip

(51 — 67) the third electrode called the gate; in the common mode of operations


Задания к Основному тексту.

1.17. Устно переведите вторую часть (II) Основного тек­ста; обобщите ее содержание на русском или английском языке.


1.18. Найдите в Основном тексте английские эквива­ленты следующих речевых отрезков:

1. увеличивать надежность электронных приборов; 2. до изобретения транзистора; 3. низкий расход энергии; 4. уменьшение расстояния между элементами схемы; 5. ха­рактеристики электронных систем улучшились во много раз; 6. появление микроэлектронных схем; 7. микроэлект­ронные приборы состоят из


1.19. Изложите кратко содержание Основного текста на английском языке. Основная тема сообщения: Electronics began with the development of the transistors. Используйте сле­дующие клише:

1. The evolution of (integrated circuits) must begin with the development of...; 2. In the broad sense (an integrated circuit) is a combination of...; 3. As (chip density) increases...; 4. The (circuit density) begins...; 5. It appears that (the process)...; 6. In sum­mary, (the integrated circuit) offers...


Проверьте, сможете ли вы перевести.

1.20. Переведите следующие определительные блоки существительного:

1. computer-aided design; 2. intensive efforts; 3. several key developments; 4. low power consumption; 5. entirely solid-state components; 6. small-scale integrated circuits; 7. complete arith­metic and logic unit; 8. modern scientific and business computers; 9. commercially produced microelectronic devices; 10. metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor technology; 11. a steady quantitative evolution; 12. an attainable response; 13. entirely new handling; 14. ever-growing number; 15. performance benefit; 16. dimensional tolerance; 17. fineline lithography, 18. plasma-etching process; 19. materials research; 20. defect-free silicon; 21. reflec­tion mode; 22. ever low cost; 23. much larger market; 24. widening range of applications


1.21. Выявите определительные блоки существитель­ных. Определите их структуру и функцию в предложении. Переведите предложение, опуская определения.

1. With the invention of the transistor all essential circuit functions could be carried out inside solid bodies. 2. Plasma etch­ing results in large increase in etch rate. 3. The process is a chemi­cal vapour reaction conducted under reduced pressure conditions. 4. The electrical resistance of a metal wire is a disruption of the orderly movement of electrons by interactions with the atomic structure of the material.


Учитесь читать и переводить.

Текст 1.3. Переведите текст письменно со словарем, обращая внимание на перевод глаголов implies, embraces, come и существительных body, art

It should first be made clear what the term ''microelectronics" implies. Microelectronics embraces the entire body of the elec­tronic art which is connected with, or applied to, the realization of electronic circuits, subsystems, or the entire systems from ex­tremely small electronic devices. The terms "microelectronics" and "integrated circuits" are sometimes used interchangeably, but this is not correct.

Microelectronics is a name for extremely small electronic components and circuit assemblies, made by thin-film, thick-film or semiconductor techniques.

An integrated circuit (IC) is a special land of microelectron­ics. It is a circuit that has been fabricated as an inseparable assem­bly of electronic elements in a single structure. It cannot be di­vided without destroying its intended electronic function. Thus, ICs come under the general category of microelectronics, but all microelectronic units are not necessarily ICs.


Текст 1.4. Прочитайте текст; найдите в нем информа­цию о сущности интегральной электроники. Обобщите прочитанное в виде аннотации на английском языке. Схе­му аннотации см. после текста.

Integrated Electronics

Integrated electronics is a field so new and so fast changing that many interested people have difficulty keeping up with its day-to-day developments. There is even some confusion con­cerning what integrated electronics is and what its significance is for the development of science and technology.

The essence of integrated electronics is batch (партия; груп­па) processing. Instead of making, protecting, testing and assem­bling individual (or discrete) components one at a time, large groupings of these components together with their interconnec­tions are made now, all at a time. The resulting new entity, or "integrated component", therefore, is an assemblage of old-style components interconnected into circuits, networks, or even sub­systems. Hence, for a given system function the number of separate components have been greatly reduced, while system capa­bility has been greatly increased.

Integrated electronics will develop further. First, the efforts are being made to get more and more circuit functions on slice of silicon which means cramming (размещение) even more circuit elements into still smaller areas. Second, integrated electronics will move not only towards more functions per slice, but toward new types of functions.


Рекомендуемая схема аннотации:

1. The author examines...; 2. He considers...; 3. Details are given of...; 4. The consequence of the development is...; 5. In the future...



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