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3. Produce your own motivation letter. Make use of the useful language and ideas of the samples.

2. Read and study some motivation letter samples. What parts do they contain? What questions do they answer? Produce your own motivation letter. Make use of the useful language and ideas of the samples. Speak to your group-mates about your reasons and personal motivation to study abroad.

Sample 1

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Tessaro Arianna. I am 21 years old, and I live in Vidor, a little village in the North- East of Italy, not far from Venice. I am currently studying foreign languages at the University of Udine, where I am attending the third year. I would like to be considered as a candidate for the Erasmus scheme. I already took part to an Erasmus project in Ireland, where I have been living for 5 months, and I had the chance to experience how this opportunity, if used in the best way, can be a source of personal and educational growth. I study 2 languages, English and Russian, but I have a good knowledge of French and German too, since I have been studying those languages for 5 years at High School.

I would like to take part to this project for three main reasons: first of all I love Russian language and culture, and I consider an experience in Russia to be an essential part in my formation as a student and as a person too. In my opinion, such an experience would give me the basis to truly understand the Russian costumes, which I have been studying also on my own as field of interest. What is more, I would like to improve my use of the language, and I truly consider a six months experience to be a great benefit for me.

Russian culture is really fascinating to me, I admire people’s vision of life, which is reflected especially in their literature. I have been studying Russian literature for three years, and I find it extremely amazing, particularly as regards the 20th century literature.

With this experience I hope to get to fully understand Russian culture, but also to get some information about the political, social and economic situation in the country. Last but not least, I would love to live in Russia for some time in my further future too, and I really evaluate this experience to be propaedeutic to it in the best way I could imagine.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours faithfully,
Name Surname

Sample 2

Dear Sir or Madam,

With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying at the University of XY as an Erasmus student.

I am currently studying Master’s Degree programme in Regional Geography at the ABC University in London. Having looked through the materials of the Foreign Department of my university, I was very delighted to find the opportunity to spend one semester learning geography at the University of XY. I have decided to apply for this program because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me in my prospective career. Moreover I consider this program as a great opportunity to get in touch with British culture and educational system. Last but not least, I am very curious about different approaches to the geography at the foreign university.

I have chosen to apply for University of XY, because I really like its module system of study. I specially appreciate the wide range of offered modules and the freedom in making your study plan. Many of the modules offered are unique for me, because there is no equivalent at my home university. Very important for me is also an “Excellent” rating for teaching of the Geography department and the overall friendly atmosphere at both the university as well as the city. The third main reason why I have chosen XY is its Urban and Regional Policy Research Institute. It specializes in interdisciplinary research on key regional and urban policy issues, which is the field of geography very familiar to me.

During my prior studies I have found out, that I would like to specialize in Urban and Transport Geography. The University of XY gives me a chance to get in touch with these subjects through modules from both Department of Geography and Department of Town and Regional Planning. In my last year at the ABC University I worked on an empirical study with main focus on transportation costs of uburbanization and urban sprawl. I really liked my project and I am keen to continue in it. I would like to use my stay in XY for further developing my skills in empirical research and starting working on my diploma project. The possibilities that gives me University of XY further expand those at my home university. I would take modules focusing on Transport and Urban geography and European Studies.

I would very much like to spend one semester at the University of XY. This would give me a chance to deepen my geographical knowledge in the inspiring, creative, and cosmopolite environment of one of the largest British universities. Furthermore I could improve my English and increase my confidence in passing the TOEFL examinations after I return. Moreover, I am confident that my experience in London would be extremely exciting, fun, and valuable for both my studies and overall general development.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours faithfully,
Name Surname

3. Produce your own motivation letter. Make use of the useful language and ideas of the samples.


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