Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.
(1 —10) to count the layers, to count dice, countable benefits; an initial mode; originally the computer is gigantic; complicated arrangements; to record large amount of information; to distribute functions, the distribution of wafers; to view achievements; to view the resources; the point of view of an engineer; to protect environment; the environments of the spacecraft (11 — 20) despite the circumstances; to accomplish the task; to call for amplification; an amount of acid; the sequential positions of slices, the sequence of operations; the sequence of events; to i use computers in commerce; to expose transactions; to monitor production processes; an average amount of alloy; to increase memory-size (21 — 30) the memory capacity is spectacular; to store information; regardless of the advances; to feed information through the input-output ports; the instructions are retrieved on command; to fill an entire space; to depend entirely on gap; to issue commands (31 — 40) to read information from the memory; to affect the instrument readings; to interpret the commands; to mount substrates; to mount IC on a single printed card; to need a flexible processing system; the flexible processing system; the flexibility of the procedure; to execute computing operations; to execute a task; to implement sputtering, to implement a substitution; to incorporate many components (41 — 50) to distinguish objects at a distance; to distinguish tools; to link the tops; the link between two species; the sequence of facilities; to establish new facilities; to hinder the passage; to hinder the availability; to fail to insert; the failure of a processor; the device failed; to improve the tool without fail; to consume much energy; to restrict the consumption; a highly restricted artificial language; the origin of an error; an erroneous response; to receive an error message (51 — 60) the trend of development; to check the performance of an operation; to denote residual errors; a current event, current efforts to define; superficial knowledge; the mode of handling information; to intend to complete, an intended perfection; the image of a mask (61 - 70) the background of the screen; the background of an engineer; the background of the technique; the behaviour of electrons; an apparent shift; an apparent mark; roads merge; to trade off the responses; prediction tradeoff; the versatility of microprocessors; a convenient pattern; the convenience of processing (71 — 74) an obstacle to designing; the fifth generation of the computers
Задания к Основному тексту. 4.9. Запишите кратко содержание первой части (I) Основного текста с помощью предикативных групп, например: 1.... comes from a Latin word; 2.... was designed as a tool; 3.... are considered to be a complicated machine, etc.
4.10. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих речевых отрезков:
1. средство для сбора, записи, анализа и распределения огромной массы информации; 2. попытки понять процессы мышления; 3. интенсивное применение компьютера для моделирования; 4. решение сложных математических задач; 5. хотя компьютеры применяются для различных целей; 6. независимо от размера и назначения системы компьютера состоят; 7. управлять операциями всей системы, подавая команды; 8. развитие микроэлектронных компонентов привело к появлению микрокомпьютера; 9. удовлетворить необходимость в малых, но относительно гибких процессорных системах; 10. определить различие между двумя микропроцессорными схемами; 11. препятствовать широкому распространению таких систем; 12. часто не могут понять пользователя
4.11. Устно переведите вторую часть (II) Основного текста.
4.12. Письменно в виде аннотации изложите по-русски содержание второй части (II) Основного текста.
4.13. Задайте вопросы собеседнику по содержанию Основного текста. Типы вопросов: 1. What is the (computer) like? 2. What is the (computer) used for? 3. What does the (computer) do in (commerce)? 4. What do you know about the (central processing unit)?
4.14. Дайте определения следующих терминов: 1. input-output ports; 2. memory capacity, 3. average speed of main memory; 4. primary and secondary storage; 5. punch cards; 6. small-scale integration; 7. interpretation of instructions
Проверьте, сможете ли вы перевести.
4.15. Переведите, обращая внимание на форму выражения обстоятельств: 1. The design effort necessary for assembling several dice within the same package was more easily and earlier achieved than the integration of several discrete components onto a single die. 2. Being quite different from vacuum tubes and transistors, masers operate entirely on quantum principles. 4. Using the same mask-making programs and machines as for silicon, we use photolithography to define the topology of resistors, capacitors and interconnections. 5. In order to shorten the time required to perform instructions, it is desirable to perform as many operations as possible in parallel. 6. To be more economically competitive, more and more systems will incorporate micros. 7. By fabricating dozens of transistors together on a single small silicon chip, using the same fabrication techniques used for single isolated transistors, a whole flip-flop could be integrated. 8. Viewed from the outer space the most striking feature of the Earth is the large expanse of water.
Учитесь читать и переводить. Текст 4.5. Прочитайте текст и составьте аннотацию на английском языке. Computer Trends Now that we are well into the Eighties, we can ask what new computer developments we should expect for the remainder of this century and on into the next. Are there new breakthroughs or turning points forecastable or will the decade see only continued, rapid evolutionary developments? Microchip hardware components, computers memory and software have been moving into the future along multiple trend paths. Some of these trends are taking new directions, while others are merging. Computer technology will soon advance into mixed-technology, silicon microchips that combine digital and analogue circuitry. Contained within the same component chips could be: digital logic, memory, communications circuits, signal processing, sensor circuits, interface logic, data converters, display elements, voice synthesis, voice recognition and much more. In this fashion, a new set of basic components will exist to smarten up (улучшить действие) most computers and communication subsystems in the future — thus marrying the computer with communications and forcing more changes, more uses and more distribution. Multichips will continue to become more dense, moving from Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit components to Very High-Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) to Ultra Large-Scale Integration (ULSI) to wafer-multichip systems components. As circuit integration level increases, computers of larger and larger capability will be integrated as single microchip components — thus providing "component-computers ". Next, multiple computers will be placed into single microchip components and later on wafers as "component computer systems". Step function increases in microchip circuit density also lead to step-function increases in computer capability. This trend allows future microcomputers and chip component computers to reach mini- and maxicomputer capabilities, thus causing their possible future takeover of (одержать победу над) or merger with larger computers, especially, as computers move beyond super micros using VHSIC and ULSI hardware. The higher the integration level, the more opportunities — and the longer it takes to use up opportunities once a manufacturer or a nation chooses a technology level, e.g. VLSI, or VHSIC at 30.000 circuits or at 300.000 circuits as a standard.
Текст 4.6. Переведите текст письменно со словарем. Время перевода —10 минут. Languages The proliferation of languages that has been going on for some time will continue indefinitely. Most of the new languages will be aimed at making it easier to perform specialized kinds of processing. The trend will be away from Procedure Oriented Languages toward languages that will allow the user to specify what task the system is to perform, rather than how the system will perform the task. By far the greatest challenge in the language area will be to develop new and more powerful general-purpose languages. The concepts of parallel processing and distributing computing call for new approaches to the description and solution of large-scale, complex problems. These languages will have to accommodate a degree of system complexity and coordination far beyond the abilitv of most existing languages.
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