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Текст 5.4. Прочитайте текст. Назовите рассматривае­мые в тексте темы. Озаглавьте текст.


A microprocessor is a tool that deals with memories by read­ing and writing process. At first sight it is all it can actually do.

One can consider that it is surprising how a computer can an­swer a question only by dealing with 0 and 1 but the fact is that it works.

Only human brain can teach a computer how to " listen" to a question and "elaborate" an answer only by dealing with 0 and 1. A microprocessor is the next step, dealing with memories in com­plete "traditional" 8 bit bytes.

So the microprocessor is addressing a memory, a location in­side the selected memory, and then achieves a read or write oper­ation.

Additional tools have been designed to allow exchanges with external memories or devices.

First of all an address bus, for instance 16 bits allowing a se­lection of 1 word among 65.000. Then comes the data bus, gener­ally 8 bits allowing read or write operation in the selected location of the memory. At last comes the control bus, for instance includ­ing memory read or write and I/O read or write, giving 4 wires the indication of the type exchange and the position of the receiver, in­side or outside the system.


Текст 5.5. Бегло прочитайте текст и найдите информа­цию о секционных микропроцессорах. Переведите текст письменно.


Present microprocessors vary in their detailed architecture depending on their manufacture and in some cases on the partic­ular semiconductor technology adopted. One of the major distinc­tions is whether all the elements of the microprocessor are divided among several identical modular chips that can be linked in par­allel, the total number of chips depending on the length of the "word" the user wants to process: four bits (binary digits), eight bits, 16 bits or more. Such a multichip arrangement is known as a bit-sliced organization. A feature of bit-sliced chips made by the bipolar technology is that they are "microprogrammable": they allow the user to create specific sets of instructions, a definite ad­vantage for many applications.


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5.18. Обсудите следующие темы:

1. The microprocessor has altered the architecture of modern computer systems. 2. The organization of a distributed-processing system.


5.19. Прочитайте текст и составьте схему, показываю­щую основные направления исследований по разработке электронных микропроцессорных схем обработки данных и управления. Используйте выделенные слова в качестве ориентиров.

The architectural research and development efforts are directed at integrated circuits, computer architecture, operating systems, and programming languages.

Integrated circuit researchers are examining complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) design styles, the effects of scaling very large scale integration (VLSI) circuits and control and clocking issues. Computer architecture researchers are studying multiprocessor address trace analysis, cache consistency, virtually-tagged caches, in-cache address translation, multi-level cache de­sign, coprocessor interfaces, instruction delivery, hardware sup­port, and floating-point implementations. Operating system re­searchers are investigating network file systems, network page servers, the effects of large physical memories on virtual memory implementations, and workload distribution. Programming lan­guage researchers are examining parallel garbage collection algo­rithms, techniques for specifying parallel programs, and methods of compiling parallel Lisp programs.






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Текст 5.6. Переведите текст письменно со словарем.



The chips and other electronic elements and the various pe­ripheral devices constitutes the computer's hardware. The hard­ware can do nothing by itself; it requires the array of programs, or instructions, collectively called software. The core of the software is an "operating system" that controls the computer's operations and manages the flow of information.

The operating system mediates between the machine and the human operator and between the machine and an "application" program that enables the computer to perform a specific task.

To understand the kind of tasks done by the operating system, consider the sequence of steps that must be taken to transfer a file of data from the primary memory to disk storage. It is first neces­sary to make certain there is enough space available on the disk to hold the entire file. Other files might have to be deleted in order to assemble enough continuous blank sectors. For the transfer itself sequential portions of the file must be called up from the primary memory and combined with "housekeeping" information to form a block of data that will exactly fill a sector. Each block must be assigned a sector address and transmitted to the disk. Numbers called checksums that allow errors hi storage or transmission to be detected and sometimes corrected must be calculated. Finally, some record must be kept of where the file of information has been stored.

If all these tasks had to be done under the direct supervision of the user, the storage of information in a computer would not be worth the trouble. Actually the entire procedure can be handled by the operating system; the user merely issues a single command, such as "Save file". When the information in the file is needed again an analogous command (perhaps "Load file") begins a se­quence of events in which the operating system recovers the file from the disk and restores it to the primary memory.


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5.20. Подготовьте сообщение об основных направлени­ях применения микропроцессоров, используя данный ни­же план:

1. The application of microprocessors into control systems, particularly for vehicles.

2. The application into manufacturing systems and the means of production, which may include instruments as well as control devices.

3. The inclusion of microprocessors in the consumer goods to be produced.

4. The use of computer-based systems to design or manufac­ture, usually referred to as CAD/CAM.

5. Robot machines.




Основной текст: New Developments in Electronic Memories.

Грамматические явления: Инверсия. Сложное допол­нение с инфинитивом.

Лексические явления: Контекстуальное значение слов turn, challenge.



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