Требования и формы контрольных мероприятий
Требования к зачету 1.Письменный перевод текста. 2. Беседа по тексту (пересказ). 3. Ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста. Тесты 1. 1. The party _____________ is called___________________. (возбуждать уголовное дело, обвинение) (истец) 2 The victim of____________ was taken to a hospital._________ 3The man_____________ and put into prison._____________ (был признан виновным). 4 If you feel that your case is not fairly treated in a lower court you can ____________ (подать апелляцию) to a higher court. 5 The decision of a higher court lower court. (быть обязательным).
Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions which you don't need to use. civil, adversarial, judicial, criminal, legislative, jurisprudence, jurisdiction, International Law, Procedural Law, autonomous, Statutory Law, political, executive, prudence, warning
1. The study of the philosophy of law is called____, but the study of what court can enter a full faith and credit judgment in your case is a study of the__________________ of a court. 2. Our legal system is considered to be_ and_____. 3. The three major branches of the law are__,_____, and____. 4. The three branches of the Federal Government in the United States are,______,______ and_____. 5.___________ is the body of law created by acts of the legislature. 6. The law which prescribes methods of enforcing rights, machinery for carrying on procedural aspects of civil or criminal action is___________________________________________. 7.The law which regulates the intercourse of nations, determines the rights and regulates the intercourse of independent nations in peace and war is_________. 8. The law concerned with noncriminal matters is----------------- 9. The science of law that treats the principles of Jaw and legal relations is---------------- 10. Its function is to ascertain the principles on which ------ -----are based. Методическое обеспечение дисциплины Для учебно-методического обеспечения курса используются учебники, учебные пособия и другая методическая литература, имеющаяся в распоряжении Гуманитарного института. Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы На самостоятельную работу при изучении данной дисциплины выделяется 51 академический час. В основной образовательной программе Гуманитарного института для прохождения курса предусмотрены следующие виды самостоятельной работы: работа с базовыми учебниками, пособиями и методическими разработками, со словарями и другой справочной литературой; разработка творческих заданий; подготовка к текущему контролю знаний (индивидуальное выполнение тестов), работа с материально-техническими средствами обучения (работа с обучающими программами Тотаl English Elementary, Intermediate, Pre -Intermediate).
Материально-техническое обеспечение реализации учебной программы При прохождении курса предусмотрено самостоятельная работа студентов с компьютерными программами (Тотаl English Elementary, Intermediate, Pre -Intermediate), работа с материально-техническими средствами обучения, тестами для проверки знаний по пройденному материалу, имеющихся в распоряжении Гуманитарного института.
Приложение Контрольные работы Контрольная работа1 UNIT 1. THE QUESTION OF LAW Jurisprudence is the philosophy of law, or the science which deals with positive law and legal relations. The study of jurisprudence asks questions such as: What is law? Where does it come from? Why do we have it? When do we first meet it? Where have you met it? In my opinion, no nation that does not have an informed populace in jurisprudence can be strong and free. Fundamentally, law may be called rules governing behavior between people. Purposes for law include: to regulate human relations; to determine ownership/control of property; to fix parameters of freedom in community and relationships by restraining anarchy (for without law there is only anarchy); to produce justice. But so long as we agree and live out our agreements, we do not need written law. But when we disagree, we must have a system designed to restore us to agreement or decide between us so we do not fall into blood feuds. To have a system we must recognize need for a Rule of Law. But who decides what is or is not justice? A legislature passing laws? Public opinion directing legislators? Judges? Juries? Money? Lawyers? Yes, but No - each individual will decide, inside him, when in conflict, whether he will accept the outcome as justice or not. Law can be spoken of in many different ways: Political, Criminal, Civil, and Equitable, or Constitutional, Statutory and Procedural. Or case precedent (stare decisis) or local custom (tradition); or in a vertical manner - international, then national, then district, then city, etc.; or repressive, democratic, autonomous, common, etc. Yet all law will, at times, seem arbitrary and capricious. That is because people make the decisions, not the law - the law is not self-acting. Rule of Law asks the question: "Are these decisions of people made in a framework of law, or a framework of no law?" The problem always was, and is: What is an adequate base for law? What is adequate so that a human desire for freedom can exist without anarchy and yet be gentle enough to provide a form that will not become arbitrary tyranny?
Jurisprudence has to do with administration, or weighing of justice, or right values. All pronouncements of right and wrong are moral concerns, at their base religious. In recent years we have witnessed numerous marches on Washington in which one group or another demanded new "rights"; not freedom from state control but entitlement to state action, protection, or subsidy. In creating rights a state inevitably enlarges its bureaucracy. As a state creates new rights, it necessarily diminishes some rights for others. The modern secular view holds that individuals have just such rights as laws give them. Rights must have a reference point and specific context or they are meaningless; reference point determines the nature of the right exercised, defines who possesses it and sets limits to others who must respect it. When we fail to live at peace, we need compulsion - so the law exists to compel. It does this by punishment. Man's methods of law place two people in combat against each other, using advocates (lawyers) who, in the normal setting, keep the parties separate from one another. In this, we say that we search for the truth of the case. GLOSSARY jurisprudence - юриспруденция, правоведение The science of law that treats the principles of Jaw and legal relations. Its function is to ascertain the principles on which legal rules are based. The study of the structure of legal systems and the principles, underlying these systems. A collective term denoting the course of judicial decisions; sometimes it is a synonym for law. rule of law - принцип господства права, правовая норма, законность Legislative bodies at the local levels are variously called city councils, boards of aldermen, etc. legislator - законодатель One who makes laws, a member of a legislative body, a senator, representative, assemblyman. Constitutional Law - конституционное право That branch of the public law of a nation or state which treats of the organization, powers and frame of government, the distribution of political and governmental authorities and functions, the fundamental principles which are to regulate the relations of government and citizen, and which prescribes generally the plan and method according to which the public affairs of the nation or state are to be administered. Statutory Law - право, выраженное в законодательных кодифицированных актах, статутное право The body of law created by acts of the legislature. statute - закон в письменном виде, принятый законодательной властью, в отличие от неписанных законов и прецедентных решений судов - устных и письменных An act of the legislature declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something; a particular law enacted and established by the will of the legislative department of government; statutes are enacted to prescribe conduct, define crimes, create inferior government bodies, etc. Сriminal Law -уголовноеправо Substantive criminal laws are commonly codified into criminal or penal codes. The term "criminal" denotes something done with malicious intent, with a disposition to injure persons or property. It denotes also one who has been convicted of violation of the criminai laws.
Civil Law - гражданское право That body of law which concerns with civil or private rights and remedies, as contrasted with criminal laws, and as distinguished from the Common Law of England and the Canon Law. The law concerned with noncriminal matters. probation - пробация, система испытания - вид уголовного осуждения System of allowing a person convicted of some offense to avoid imprisonment, under a suspension of sentence, during good behavior, and generally under the supervision of a probation officer. An act of grace and clemency which may be granted by the trial court. The status of a convicted person who is allowed his freedom after conviction subject to the condition that for a stipulated period he shall conduct himself in a manner approved by a special officer to whom he must make periodic reports. precedent - прецедент A precedent is a previously decided case that is recognized as an authority for the disposition of future cases. action - иск; судебное преследование, обвинение перед судом
The legal demand for one's rights to be asserted in court. Equitable Law - право справедливости That portion of remedial justice which is exclusively administered by courts of equity. More generally speaking, the Equitable Law treats of the rules, principles, and maxims which govern the decisions of a court of equity, which administers justice and decides controversies in accordance with precedents of equity. plea bargaining - попытка подсудимого выговорить себе более мягкий приговор The process in which defendant seeks a lesser sentence in return for plea of guilty; or an attempt to plead guilty to lesser included offense, which carries a less severe penalty. International Law - международное право The law which regulates the intercourse of nations; the law which determines the rights and regulates the intercourse of independent nations in peace and war. conviction - обвинительный приговор The result of a legal proceeding in which the guilt of a party is ascertained and upon which sentence or judgment is founded; the result of a criminal trial which ends in a judgment or sentence that the accused is guilty as charged. acquittal - оправдательный приговор A legal finding that an individual charged with a crime is not guilty and is therefore set free. The legal and formal certification of the innocence of a person who has been charged with crime; setting free a person from a charge of guilt; finding of not guilty. prudence - предусмотрительность, осторожность Carefulness, precaution, atten-tiveness, and good judgment, as applied to action or conduct. That degree of case required by the exigencies or circumstances under which it is to be exercised. This term, in the language of the law, is commonly associated with "care" and "diligence" and contrasted with "negligence". juris (Lat.) - справедливый, законный Of right; of law. secular - светский Not spiritual; not ecclesiastical; relating to affairs of the present (temporal) world. transgression - нарушение закона, норм права, правонарушение The action of trespass, an unlawful interference with one's person, property, or rights. warning - предостережение, предупреждение
A pointing out of danger. Also a protest against incurring it. The purpose of a "warning" is to apprise the party of the existence of danger of which one is not aware to enable one to protect oneself against it. reformation - исправление документа, преступника Reformation means doing over to bring about a better result, correction or rectification. Correction of an offender or a document. If by mistake of fact as to the contents of a written agreement, the writing does not conform to the agreement of the parties to it, writing can be reformed to accord with the agreement. restraint - мера пресечения Confinement, abridgment, or limitation. Prohibition of action; holding or pressing back from action. Hindrance, confinement, or restriction of liberty. retribution - воздаяние, кара Something given or demanded in payment. In criminal law, it is punishment based strictly on the fact that every crime demands payment in the form of punishment. general deterrent - общая правовая санкция, сдерживающее средство Anything in general which impedes or has a tendency to prevent; e.g., punishment is a "deterrent" to crime. specific deterrent - конкретная правовая санкция, конкретное сдерживающее средство Anything in particular which impedes or has a tendency to prevent; e.g., specific punishment is a "deterrent" to crime.
EXERCISES 1. Translate the following words and word combinations or find Russian case precedent; rules governing behavior between people; nature of crime charged; to account for our actions which hurt others; law is the rule of action; regulation of human relations; legislature passing laws; public opinion directing legislators; reformation; restraint; retribution; general deterrent; specific deterrent; transgression; probation. 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. No nation which does not have an informed populace in jurisprudence 2. Law may be regarded as rules governing behavior between people. 3. Purposes for law include: (a) to regulate human relations; (b) to deter mine ownership/control of property; (c) to fix parameters of freedom in com munity and relationship by restraining anarchy. 4. Legislature passes laws; public opinion directs legislators. 5. Law can be spoken of in many different ways: political, criminal, civil, and equitable are recognized divisions. 6. Legal theories define jurisprudence as science of the law. It encom passes more than this. The Latin term juris means just or right. Prudentia, also Latin, means practical skill in the management of business affairs. 7. Purposes for law: (a) equality of treatment; (b) protection of rights; (c) protection of property; (d) freedom to pursue happiness; (e) equality of process; (f) and existence of a problem solver. 8. When we fail to observe the rules of law, we need compulsion. The Law does it by punishment, with five justifications: reformation, restraint, retribution, general deterrent, specific deterrent.
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