Грамматический комментарий
Объектный предикативный инфинитивный оборот Объектный предикативный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Object) - это сочетание существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектной форме в функции подлежащего с инфинитивом.
После глаголов to declare, to consider, to find глагол-связка to be в объектном инфинитивном обороте иногда опускается. The officer found the sentry to be wounded. (The officer found the sentry wounded.) - Офицер обнаружил часового раненым. Глаголы to hear, to see, to watch, to notice, to feel в сочетании с объектным предикативным инфинитивным оборотом выражают физическое восприятие и переводятся: слышать, как; видеть, как; заметить, как; наблюдать, как; чувствовать, как. После этих глаголов частица to не употребляется. После глаголов, выражающих физическое восприятие объектно-предикативный инфинитивный оборот переводится придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом как или что. Не heard them confirm it. - Он слышал, как они подтвердили это. Глаголы, требующие после себя предложное дополнение, to wait for, to rely on и т.д., сохраняют этот предлог перед объектным инфинитивным оборотом. При переводе на русский язык придаточное предложение вводится словами: чтобы; то, что. Company grade officers are waiting for general officers to make a decision. - Средний офицерский состав ждет, чтобы высший офицерский состав принял решение. Глагол to get с объектным инфинитивным оборотом имеет значение заставлять. This speech was made to get them more courageous. - Эта речь была произнесена, чтобы заставить их стать более мужественными. The Colonel was inclined to get the soldiers to fulfil their duty.
Part II
Macroeconomics Упражнение 1. Переведите с листа на русский язык следующий текст. Most people agree that the soundness of macroeconomic policies should be judged by their efficacy in meeting the objectives of steady growth, full employment, stable prices, and a viable external payments situation. What people debate about are the links between macroeconomics and economic structure - and in the current environment, the openness to foreign capital flows. As developing countries become more integrated into international financial markets, volatility may become an increasing fact of life. Faced with such volatility, how should these countries frame their macroeconomic policies? What broad principles should guide their macroeconomic management? In many developing countries, the openness of the capital account has been significant. Many countries have made the transition toward an open-economic paradigm. As a result, fluctuations in international capital and currency markets, as well as shifts in foreign investors' attitudes and confidence, have greatly affected local stock market prices, the level of foreign exchange reserves, and the scope for monetary and interest rate policy. Capital controls and foreign exchange restrictions have been significantly dismantled in a number of developing and transition economies. Does financial integration make it more difficult to achieve macroeconomic stability? Apparently not, on the whole, although at times large short-term capital flows can lead to misaligned asset prices, including exchange rates. What financial integration does do is limit how far countries can pursue policies incompatible with medium-term financial stability. The disciplining effect of global financial and product markets applies not only to
policymakers -through pressures on financial markets - but also to the private sector. Rather than constrain the pursuit of appropriate policies, globalisation may add leverage and flexibility to such policies, easing financing constraints and extending the time during which countries can make adjustments. But markets will provide this leeway only if they perceive that countries are undertaking adjustments that address fundamental imbalances.
Упражнение 2. Переведите устно на русский язык следующие словосочетания, используя эквивалентные экономические термины. steady growth..................................................................................... full employment................................................................................ external payments.............................................................................. foreign capital flows.......................................................................... foreign exchange restrictions.............................................................. foreign exchange reserves.................................................................. exchange rates.................................................................................... open-economic paradigm................................................................... monetary and interest rate policy....................................................... macroeconomic policies..................................................................... macroeconomic management............................................................. macroeconomic stability.................................................................... medium-term financial stability.......................................................... short-term capital flows...................................................................... international financial markets........................................................... capital and currency markets.............................................................. stock market prices............................................................................ stable prices....................................................................................... Упражнение З. Передайте на русском языке содержание текста упражнения 1 как можно ближе к оригиналу, опираясь на словосочетания упражнения 2. Упражнение 4. Переведите на слух по предложению следующий отрывок. Buyers would rather pay less than more, and sellers would rather get more than less. When buyers control the market, the price tends to be relatively lower - good for buyers, bad for sellers. When sellers control the market, the price tends to be relatively higher - good for sellers, bad for 1. валовой внутренний продукт 2. потребительские расходы 3. перегретая экономика 4. текущая ценность 5. уровень безработицы 6. темпы экономического роста 7. акции высокодоходных компа 8. норма обязательных резервов 9. общественные сбережения 10.совокупный спрос 11.валовой национальный продукт 12. невидимая рука рынка 14.средства обращения
15. социальные трансфертные вы 16.рабочая сила a. overheated economy b. public saving c. rate of economic growth d. social benefits e. Gross National Product f. consumption spending g. medium of exchange h. Gross Domestic Product i. transaction costs j. blue chips k. labour force 1. required reserve ratio m. invisible hand of the market n. present value o. aggregate demand p. rate of unemployment
An expected bout of profit-taking and a larger-than-expected decline in consumer confidence pressured stocks, but the market still managed to hang on to most of its huge rally. Tech stocks had a small advance while blue chips dipped lower. Analysts said that although investors are still wary that stocks will fall again, they were reassured by news that the President had signed into law legislation that toughens penalties for corporate fraud. "This pullback that we're getting is great. This is not panic, just a healthy rest. At least on a short-term basis we're starting to feel better." The Dow Jones industrial average closed down 31.85, or 0.4 percent, at 8,680.03. Over the previous four sessions, the Dow had regained 1,009 of the 2,650.74 points lost in more than two months of selling. Broader stock indicators closed modestly higher. The high-tech focused Nasdaq composite index advanced 8.94, or 0.7 percent, to 1,344.19, while the Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 3.82, or 0.4 percent, to 902.78. It was the S&P's first close above 900 in nearly two weeks. The mixed finish followed a session in which stocks alternated between gains and losses as investors tried to figure out where the market will go next. Before last week, stocks had been in a solid selloff. But the market's advance has raised hopes that the worst is over. Still, analysts hesitated to say a turnaround had begun. They noted that numerous rallies have fizzled during the past two years, and that could still happen to this one. Indeed, stocks tended to succumb to selling whenever they made a moderate advance. "The market is taking a pause today. We're still at a very early stage of trying to define and solidify a market bottom, and it's too early to say we're recovering." Japan's Nikkei stock average rose 3.5 percent. In Europe, Germany's DAX 30 index advanced 0.5 percent, Britain's FTSE 100 slipped 0.5 percent, and France's CAC 40 lost 0.5 percent. Упражнение 7. Переведите устно на английский язык следующие словосочетания. национальный доход........................................................................ совокупное предложение................................................................. совокупное потребление.................................................................. общий уровень цен........................................................................... уровень занятости............................................................................ экономический цикл................................... •....................................
ставка процента................................................................................ рынок заемных средств.................................................................... рынок ценных бумаг........................................................................ денежное обращение....................................................................... платежный баланс............................................................................ валютный курс.................................................................................. государственный долг..................................................................... государственный бюджет................................................................ финансирование бюджетного дефицита......................................... принципы экономической политики................................................ ускорение темпов экономического роста....................................... внутренние инвестиции и сбережения............................................ Упражнение & Ознакомьтесь самостоятельно со следующими экономическими понятиями. Передайте письменно на английском языке ключевую информацию, касающуюся каждого понятия, при необходимости используйте специализированные словари.
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