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Used to - be/get used to + noun / pronoun / -ing


Used to is used to talk about past habits. It has the same form in all persons, singular and plural. It forms its negative and interrogative form with did. I used to cry when I was a baby. I didn't use to sleep late. Did you use to sleep late? Be/Get used to is used to talk about habitual actions and means 'be/get accustomed to', 'be in the habit of'. I'm not used to getting up early. They are used to cold weather. You'll get used to her when you get to know her better.


20. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to, be/get used to

and the verbs in brackets.

1. Lisa is very tired this morning. She............................... (not/stay up) late.

2. Don't worry. you..................... soon.................... (wear) contact lenses.

3. He.......................... (eat) a lot of chocolate when he was a child.

4. They didn't like living near the airport but they......................... it.

5. I ………………….... (get up) at 6: 30 am, so it doesn't bother me.

6. Sheila lives in the city but she still.................... (not) all the noise.


21. Choose the right variant and translate.          

1. Jack … (used to/is used to) cooking for himself when he comes home from work.

2. I remember how we … (used to/are used to) listen to rock-n-roll music all the time.

3. Pam … (used to/is used to) spend hours in front of the mirror when she was a teenager.

4. They … (didn’t use to/are not used to) eating Japanese food.

5. Our town … (used to/is used to) be an industrial centre.

6. My son … (didn’t use to/isn’t used to) going to bed so early.

7. We … (used to/are used to) meet him every day.

8. I … (didn’t use to/am not used to) driving on the left.



22. Fill in used to, be used to/ get used to and translate into Russian.

1. Caroline ………. (have) a walkman, now she has an ipod.

2. We haven't seen Bob very often since he got a promotion. He's very busy. He ………. (not be) so busy.

3. I've just got my first job. It's exciting but I'll have ………. (work) regular hours.

4. It is difficult for Tom to drive in England. He ……(drive) on the left-hand side of the road.      

5. When Peter was young, he ………. (ride) a bicycle to school.

6. People from India usually find our food tasteless. They ………. (eat) spicy food.

7. Computers ………. (be) very expensive. Now the prices are more reasonable.

8. English has become international. Businessmen …(speak) English at international meetings.

9. During my childhood, I ………. (spend) a lot of time with my grandparents.

10. Maria ………. (think) that she would never ………. (live) in New York.


23. Choose used to, be used to or get used to. Use the verb in the brackets to make the sentence.

1. European drivers find it difficult … (drive) on the left when they visit Britain.

2. See that building there? I … (go) to school there, but now it's a factory.

3. I've only been at this company a couple of months. I …(still not) how they do things round here.

4. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, I … (live) in a house. I had always lived in apartment buildings.

5. Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I … (finish) late. I did it in my last job too.

6. I can't believe they are going to build an airport just two miles from our new house! I will … (never) all that noise! What a nightmare!

7. His father … (smoke) twenty cigars a day - now he doesn't smoke at all!

8. Whenever all my friends went to discos, I … (never go) with them, but now I enjoy it.

9. I … (drive) as I have had my driving licence almost a year now.

10. When Max went to live in Italy, he … (live) there very quickly. He's a very open minded person.


24. Translate into English with be used to, get used to or used to:

1. Он привык жить один.  

2. Вся наша семья надеется, что мы сможем привыкнуть к постоянным вечеринкам наших соседей.

3. Мой брат не привык вставать в 6 утра.  

4. После проведенного года в Лондоне я привык к влажному климату.

5. Раньше ей нравился кофе, но теперь она предпочитает горячий шоколад.

6. Когда Марта жила у бабушки, у нее вошло в привычку спать на полу.

7. Раньше его сестра была блондинкой.  

8. Я не привыкла, когда мне говорят что делать!

9. В детстве у меня был велосипед, но мама отдала его соседским мальчишкам.




1. to be away – от­сутс­тво­вать (быть не до­ма), у­ез­жать в дру­гое мес­то.

We are away on holidays. – Мы на ка­нику­лах (у­еха­ли на ка­нику­лы).

I’m away to my work. – Я ухо­жу на ра­боту.

2. to be off от­прав­лять­ся, у­ез­жать, по­кидать, тро­нуть­ся с мес­та.

I’m off now. See you later! – Я ухо­жу. До встре­чи!

The bus is off. – Ав­то­бус у­ехал.

3. to be back вер­нуть­ся об­ратно (на свое мес­то), воз­вра­тить­ся.

He was away for two weeks but he is back at work now. – Его не бы­ло две не­дели, но сей­час он сно­ва вер­нулся на ра­боту.

Hats are back in fashion. – Шля­пы сно­ва в мо­де.

4. to be over за­кон­чить­ся (о ка­ком-то со­бытии, о пе­ри­оде вре­мени), окон­чить­ся, пе­рес­тать.

The rain is over. Let’s go for a walk! – Дождь за­кон­чился. Пой­дем гу­лять!

The party was over before ten o’clock. – Ве­черин­ка окон­чи­лась рань­ше де­сяти ча­сов.

5. to be up 1) прос­нуть­ся, про­будить­ся, бодрство­вать.

She is up and is having breakfast. – Она вста­ла и уже зав­тра­ка­ет.

Usually he is up late. He suffers from insomnia. – Обыч­но он поз­дно за­сыпа­ет. Он стра­да­ет бес­сонни­цей;

2) про­ис­хо­дить, слу­чать­ся.

What’s up? – Что слу­чилось?

I don’t understand what’s up with him now. – Я не по­нимаю, что с ним про­ис­хо­дит.

6. to break down сло­мать, раз­ру­шить, сло­мать­ся.

My camera broke down so I could not take photographs. – Моя ка­мера сло­малась, по­это­му я не мог­ла сде­лать фо­тог­ра­фии.

He forgot the key and had to break the door down. – Он за­был ключ, и ему приш­лось вы­ломать дверь.

7. to break out – 1) сбе­жать, выр­вать­ся = break away (в не­кото­рых зна­чени­ях).

I would like to break out of this routine. – Я бы хо­тел выр­вать­ся из этой ру­тины. Billy broke out of prison. He was off and away. – Бил­ли сбе­жал из тюрь­мы. Его и след прос­тыл;

2) раз­ра­зить­ся, вспых­нуть (об эпи­демии, вой­не).

World War II broke out in 1939. – Вто­рая ми­ровая вой­на на­чалась (раз­ра­зилась) в 1939 го­ду.

8. To break off – при­ос­та­новить, прер­вать, обор­вать.

Our telephone call was broken off. – Наш те­лефон­ный раз­го­вор был прер­ван.

It is time to break off the military action. – По­ра прер­вать во­ен­ные дей­ствия.


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