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Exercises. Vocabulary. 6. Complete the text with the words from the box. The Flyer flew!



1. You should always check the pronunciation of key words. Transcribe the words:

pioneers, scientific, persuaded, extraordinary, unique, aeronautical, authority, designing, lightweight, machines, featuring, exhausted

2. Match the words from the texts (1-10) with the definitions (A-J):

to install A the way that something has been planned and made, including its appearance, how it works
design B to fix something that is damaged, broken, split, or not working properly
machine tool C a tool for cutting and shaping metal, wood etc. usually one that uses electricity
profit D a full-scale drawing, model etc. is the same size as the thing it represents
full-scale E to put all the parts of something together
performance F a machine, system etc. that existed before another one in a process of development
predecessor G to travel a particular distance
to assemble H to put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that it is ready to be used
to cover I money that you gain by selling things or doing business
to repair J how well a car or other machine works


3. Match the words from the texts (1-5) with their synonyms (A-E):

improve A roll
fascination B agent
confidant C attraction
bank D calculated
estimated E develop

4. Explain in English and then translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

powered, sustained, and controlled airplane flight; on a small scale; a bicycle sales and repair shop; had exhausted the resources of the local library; a biplane featuring 165 square feet.

5. Find in the texts the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

(1) автоматическая смазка ступицы колеса велосипеда, (2) площадь поверхности крыла, (3) четырех-цилиндровый двигатель внутреннего сгорания, (4) лопасти винта, (5) аэродинамическая труба, (6) проведенииe новых летных испытаний, (7) успешный полет, (8) первая попытка,                (9) устойчивый полет под полным контролем пилота, (10) приобретать навыки и уверенность в воздухе, (11) улучшить конструкцию своих машин, (12) оставаться в воздухе, (13) выполнять маневры, (14) проблемы управления, (15) машина тяжелее воздуха.

6. Complete the text with the words from the box  

The Flyer flew!

control yaw move                wing
glider tilt roll               elevator
pitch shape attach           warping


Orville and Wilbur could use Lilienthal’s charts to build their own (1). But the Wrights would not fly until they knew how to (2) their machine. Aircraft (3) in three ways. They turn right or left. That’s called (4). They also (5) side to side. That’s called (6). Aircraft move up or down too. That’s called (7). Pitch was the easiest to solve. They could (8) a small extra (9) to the front of the glider. The wing is called an (10). But how could they change the (11) of a wing while the glider was flying? They could build wings that twisted like the box. Twisting the wings would change their shape. And changing their shape would change lift. If the lift were greater on one end of the glider than the other, the glider would tilt. This idea is called wing (12). The kite tilted just as he had planned. The test was a success!

7. Answer the following questions. Begin your answers with such introductory phrases as: as far as I know; as far as I remember; to my mind; certainly; it's hard to tell; probably; of course; if I am not mistaken, etc.

1) What were the first indications of the Wright brothers’ extraordinary technical ability?  

2) What experience did the Wright brothers get at a bicycle sales and repair shop?

3) What inspired the Wright brothers to reading in aeronautics?

4) What did the Wright brothers discover during their first experiments?

5) Why did they select Kitty Hawk for the first flight?

6) Why did the Wrights increase the wing area of their next machine in 1901?

7) How long did the first flight last?

 8. Match the questions in list A to their answers in list B.

List A

1. What was aeronautics/air travel like before the invention of the airplane?

2. What lead up to the Wright Brother's invention of the airplane?

3. How has life changed since the Wright's Invention of the

4. What is the future of airplanes?

5. How has the airplane affected the transportation industry?

6. How has the airplane affected warfare?

7. What happened after the invention of the airplane and before World War I that advanced airplane technology and why did it happen?

8. After the plane was invented, how was it used for transportation?

9. Right after the plane was invented, what did people think it would be used for?

10. I read in an encyclopedia that the Wrights thought the airplane would stop warfare. Why did they think this? (If I am wrong about this fact, please tell me. )

11. How has the airplane shaped our culture?

12. What are the main frontiers that were opened by the airplane?

List B

a) Prior to the invention of the airplane, there was not much air travel going on. There were however, many people were experimenting with gliding and ballooning.

b) The airplane has changed how war is fought. No longer do you have to invade a country or send troops to do battle. Countries were able to fly overhead to keep watch and bomb one another. Planes also allowed for quicker invasions.

c) The Wrights' invention of the airplane change life dramatically. No longer does it take weeks to travel to other parts of the world. Essentially, it has made the world seem like a smaller place.

d) Many people had been studying human flight including DaVinci, Alexander Graham Bell, Otto Lilienthal, and Samuel Langley to name a few. Flying fascinated the Wrights when they were children. As adults, their interest grew and they began studying the work of others working/experimenting in the field of aeronautic. Using the information gathered by others and their own genius, they developed the flyer.

e) Travel by train and boat certainly has diminished. The airplane allows for fast and easy transportation to many parts of the world.

f) Immediately following the invention, the plane was not used for transportation. It was still in a very experimental phase. It was not until after World War II when air travel became commonplace.

 g) Many improvements were made in the development of airplanes, such as the automatic stabilizer, hydroplanes, and wing flaps during this time period.
As I mentioned earlier, many people had been trying to fly for years. The Wrights proved that human flight was possible. However, the Wrights' first flight was only 12 seconds long. This was not very practical. Therefore, improvements were necessary.

h) Airplanes have come a long way in the past 100 years. It is rather hard to imagine what the next 100 years might bring. I am certain we will see an emphasis on safety with all the recent airplane tragedies. We also will see faster planes for everyday customers. We live in a fast paced world and people desire travel to be even faster than it already is.

i) It was thought that planes would be used mostly for military applications. Some far thinking people believe that flying would be available to everyone in a matter of time.

j) It was a common belief that air flight would inhibit warfare. The idea was that you could no longer surprise attack your enemy. Also, that you would be aware of what they were doing at all times. In fact, the Wrights won the International Peace Award in 1908.

k) The airplane has brought our world closer together. Making us more familiar with far away people, land, and their culture. It gives us the opportunity to live in a world where we have access to worldwide travel in a matter of hours.

l) The main frontiers that were opened were air travel, aeronautics, and expanded business opportunities



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