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Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, начиная с речевых штампов.

1. Я уверен, что…

а) профессия инженера-технолога – одна из самых важных и необходимых в современном мире;

б) мясные продукты всегда будут пользоваться высоким спросом.


2. Следует заметить, что …

а) современные мясокомбинаты очень отличаются от прежних мясоперерабатывающих заводов;

б) они, как правило, имеют привлекательный внешний вид.


3. Известно, что …

а) разработка новых продуктов – это наука;

б) многие мясоперерабатывающие компании берут на работу высококвалифицированных специалистов пищевых производств.


4. Следует сказать, что …

а) учёные изучают уникальные характеристики животных тканей;

б) кроме этого они занимаются такими аспектами мясной промышленности, как разведение пород животных, создание кормов и другие.


5. В заключение я бы хотел напомнить …

а) мясная промышленность использует новейшие технологии для разработки новых мясных изделий;

б) специалисты стараются изменить положение дел в мясной промышленности к лучшему.


Прочитайте по ролям и переведите на русский язык диалоги 1 и 2.

Dialogue 1

A Specialty in Demand.

Alex. Hi, Victor!

Victor. Hi, Alex! How are you?

A. I’m fine, thanks. Now I’m a student.

V. What institute have you entered?

A. The Kemerovo technological institute of food industry. I study at the technological faculty.

V. Oh, that’s nice. What is your field?

A. Meat production. I’ll be a technologist engineer.

V. And what about employment after graduation? Where would you like to find your job?

A. I don’t know yet. I have much time ahead of me to think of it.

V. To my mind, there is a big choice of careers nowadays, isn’t there?

A. Yes, sure. I’ll be able to work as a technologist engineer at any meat packing plant or I’ll start my own business.

V. You’re quite right. As far as I know there is always a high demand for meat products.

A. That’s true. Besides, I’ve always wished to deal with food for human consumption. I think this profession is my calling.

V. Well, good luck. I hope you’ll be a perfect specialist.

Dialogue 2

The Importance of Meat Products

- Hello, Alice, haven’t seen you for ages!

- Nice to see you, Mary. What has happened to you? You look so tired.

- I’m not tired. Don’t worry. The fact is I’m going on diet now.

- Poor thing! What diet is it?

- I don’t eat meat and meat products.

- You don’t say so. According to nutritionists, life without meat is dangerous. Don’t you know that?

- But there is a different point of view. Alice, have you heard anything about vegetarians? By the way, vegetarian tradition has a long history. The vegetarians have very good health and can work much more than meat eaters.

- What a miserable lot dieters are! They are forever consulting caloric charts.

- I don’t agree. It’s a common knowledge that vegetarians live longer.

- And what of it? Mary, don’t forget, meat is one of the most nutritious foods. It is an excellent source of high quality protein. It contains large amounts of minerals and essential B complex vitamins.

- Perhaps, you are right saying this. But we can get the same nutrients eating such foods as cereals, vegetables, fruits, and fish. And another important reason is that having vegetarian diet we can avoid killing animals.

- Anyway, I’m convinced that the diet must be balanced. Let people eat both animal and vegetable food. The thing is that one should not overeat. It is overweight that is bad for health but not meat as it is.

- Let’s stop arguing, Alice. Tastes differ after all.

Используя диалоги 1 и 2 в качестве образца, составьте собственные диалоги. Возможно, вам понадобятся следующие выражения.

1. Do you like the profession of technologist-engineer?

2. It’s a very fine profession, isn’t it?

3. Food technology is your calling, isn’t it?

4. There are many careers open to you.

5. What do you plan to do after graduating from the institute?

6. I’d like to work at a large modern meat packing plant.

7. No doubt, you’ll make a good specialist.


Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык диалоги 3 и 4 и выполните задание, приведённое после них.

Dialogue 3

Finding a Job (interview)

Correspondent. It’s known that the unemployment rate is rising. What do you think of the chances of finding job for school-leavers today?

Staff manager. They are very little because in most cases employers want workers to have had any special training.

Corr. And what about the prospects for university or institute graduates?

St.man. I think they are not very good as well. As a rule one may be sure of a job if he has a few years of practical experience behind him.

Corr. How do people usually get information about possible jobs?

St.man. It’s common knowledge that some people try to get jobs through their parents, relatives or friends because they may have good contacts. Also, you may look through ads (advertisements) in newspapers or magazines.

Corr. Thank you for interview.

Dialogue 4

At a Meat Packing Plant.

A. I was told you want people at your plant? Is it true?

B. Yes, we are willing to employ some skilled workers.

A. Have you got any vacancies in a dressing shop? (цех разделки туш).

B. Yes, there are some. Sit down, please. What do you do at present? Do you work or study anywhere?

A. I am a student of the Kemerovo technological institute of food industry. After leaving a secondary school I worked for a short period of time and then entered the institute. I am on my last summer holidays now. Next year I’ll defend my undergraduate project.

B. Have you got any skills in dressing carcasses?

A. Yes, I have. But they are not very high. I’ve had a little experience through my vocational practice I had a year ago. Besides, I worked as a slaughterer (забойщик скота) before entering the institute.

B. And what is your future profession?

A. I’ll be a technologist engineer of meat production.

B. I think, it’s a fine profession. Do you agree?

A. Oh, yes/ I’m sure it’s very interesting and difficult at the same time. But I’ll do my best to become a highly qualified specialist.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What do you think of your chances to find job when you graduate from the institute?

2. Are you afraid of unemployment?

3. Where will you be able to get information about possible jobs?

4. Why have you chosen just that very (именно эту) profession?

5. Where would you like to find employment after graduation?


Просмотрите нижеследующую информацию. Что вы думаете по поводу сказанного?

It is important that people enjoy their work as much as possible and enjoying work means having made the right choice of the profession. Unfortunately many older people look back on their lives, and regret (сожалеть) that they did not obtain some good vocational guidance

(профориентация) when they were about 16 years of age.

How, do you think, teenagers (подростки) should be helped in their choice of career?

Did you choose your profession by yourself?


16. Прочтите текст «Job Satisfaction» и ответьте на вопросы.

Job satisfaction

Studs Terkel asked 135 people, from elevator operators to company presidents, “How do you like job?” while he was writing his book “Working”. Most of those people answered: “I don’t”.

Why do people dislike their jobs? The answer is often obvious. In today’s world of mass production and division of labour, few people are doing a job that is unique. Most workers perform tasks just like thousands or millions of other workers. As a result, few workers feel truly necessary or important. They seldom get the feeling of satisfaction.

The job satisfaction is also related to productivity. Some experts believe that workers’ productivity level has fallen throughout the world. On the other hand, it is known that workers today have better pay and benefits, safer working conditions and more job security. Dissatisfied workers do not perform as well as those who are satisfied.

The organization of business today seldom allows workers the opportunity of performing creative tasks.


17. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Job satisfaction”

1. What question did S. Terkel ask people?

2. Were those people occupied in the same field?

3. Most of them answered “Yes”, didn’t they?

4. How did S. Terkel explain their negative answer?

5. What does job satisfaction affect in the author’s opinion?

6. What do you think about job satisfaction? Is it important for a worker? Is it possible to get the feeling of satisfaction in the today’s world of mass production?

18. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием текста «The meat industry in the United States», в котором представлены некоторые сведения о мясоперерабатывающей промышленности в США.


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