ПОСЛЕСЛОВИЕ 7 страница
[1106] Knowles, Mark. The wicked waltz and other scandalous dances, McFarland, Jefferson, NC (2009), p. 207.
[1107] Ibid
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[1109] The New York Times, 1 June 1922.
[1110] The New York Times, 22 June 1922.
[1111] Le Petit Journal Illustre, 25 Juin 1933, p. 4.
[1112] The New York Times, 30 June 1907.
[1113] Le Petit Journal illustre, 19 Mai 1907.
[1114] Vidocq, Eugene Francois. Les voleurs: physiologie de leurs moeurs et de leur langage, Seconde Edition, Paris (1837), Tome second, p. 281.
[1115] Sue, Eugene. Les mysteres de Paris. //Journal des debats, 19 June 1842 until 15 October (1843).
[1116] Kastner, L. E., Marks, J. A. Glossary of Colloquial and Popular French for the Use of English Readers and Travellers, London & Toronto (1929), p. 338.
[1117] Гюго, Виктор. Собрание сочинений в 10‑ и томах. Том 3. ‑ М.: Издательство " Правда", 1972. ‑ С. 23.
[1118] Hugo, Victor. Les miserables, Cinquieme partie (Jean Valjean), New‑ York (1862), p. 33.
[1119] Lyon‑ Republicain, 31 mai 1903.
[1120] Williams, G. Valentine. With our army in Flanders, Edward Arnold, London (1915), p. 40.
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[1124] Joseph‑ Renaud, Jean. La Defense Dans La Rue, Preface de M. F. Goron, P. Laffitte, Paris (1912).
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[1127] O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey. Laws and ordinances of New Netherland, 1638‑ 1674, Weed, Parsons and Company, Albany (1868). p. 33.
[1128] Munsell, Joel. The Annals of Albany, Vol. X, Munsell & Rowland, Albany (1859), p. 170.
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[1135] Pellico, Silvio. Le mie prigioni, Torino, (1832).
[1136] Burton, Richard Francis. The Book of the Sword, London, Chatto and Windus (1884), p. 270.
[1137] Mack Smith, Dennis, Italy: A modern history, University of Michigan Press, (1969), p. 75.
[1138] Lupo, Salvatore. History of the mafia, Colombia University Press (2009), XII, Foreword.
[1139] Whittam, John. Politics of the Italian Army, 1861‑ 1918, Shoe String Press Inc, Hamden(1976), pp. 83.
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[1145] Ibid., pp. 32‑ 33.
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[1147] The New York Times, 6 August 6 1906.
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[1149] Myth in Indo‑ European Antiquity. Edited by Gerald James Larson, C. Scott Littleton, Jaan Puhvel, University of California Press (1974), pp. 131‑ 157.
[1150] About, Edmond. Rome of today, New York (1861), p. 89.
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[1156] Gill, James. Lords of Misrule: Mardi Gras and the Politics of Race in New Orleans, University Press of Mississippi (1997), p. 139.
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[1159] The New York Times, 16 May 1893.
[1160] Ibid
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[1163] The New York Times, 4 December 1879.
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[1170] The New York Times, 17 February 1908.
[1171] The New York Times, 22 December 1906.
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[1173] The New York Times, 5 February 1921.
[1174] Sifakis, Carl. The mafia encyclopedia, Third Edition, Checkmark Books, New York, (2005), p. 223
[1175] Ibid
[1176] War medicine. Editor: Winfield Scott Pugh, New York, N. Y (1942), pp. 179‑ 180.
[1177] Кастл Эгертон. Школы и мастера фехтования. Благородное искусство владения клинком. ‑ М.: Центрполиграф, 2007. ‑ С. 36‑ 37.
[1178] Ibid., р. 245.
[1179] Бёртон, Ричард Ф. Книга мечей. ‑ М.: Центрполиграф, 2004. ‑ С. 11.
[1180] Там же. ‑ С. 12.
[1181] Porter Henry. The two angry women of Abington, London (1599), The Malone Society reprints, Oxford University Press (1912), F3 ‑ 1340.
[1182] Морозов, M. M. Избранные статьи и переводы. ‑ М.: ГИХЛ, 1954; по: Steane, John Barry, Marlowe: a critical study by J. B. Steane, Cambridge University Press, 1964, pp. 4‑ 6.
[1183] The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight, The Second Edition, In III Volumes, London (1842), Volume III.
[1184] Ibid
[1185] Motley, John Lothrop. History of the Netherlands, In Four Volumes, 1586‑ 89, New York, Harper & Brothers (1867), Vol. II, p. 156‑ 157.
[1186] Кастл Эгертон. Школы и мастера фехтования. Благородное искусство владения клинком. ‑ М.: Центрполиграф, 20t)7. ‑ С. 39.
[1187] Там же. ‑ С. 40.
[1188] Там же. ‑ С. 127.
[1189] Collins, Tony, Martin, John, Vamplew, Wray. Encyclopedia of traditional British rural sports, Routledge, NY (2005), pp. 216‑ 217.
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[1191] Rusnak, Mattew Francis. Dissertation ( Doctor of Philosophy ), The trial of Giuseppe Baretti, October 20th 1769, A literary and cultural history of the Baretti case, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May (2008), p. 200.
[1192] Ibid
[1193] Ulijaszek, Stanley J, Francis E. Johnston, M. A. Preece. The Cambridge encyclopedia of human growth and development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1998), p. 391.
[1194] Peltonen, Markku. The duel in early modern England: civility, politeness, and honour Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2003), p. 59‑ 60.
[1195] Ibid
[1196] Ibid
[1197] Taylor, Gary, Lavagnino, John. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works, Oxford University Press, New York (2010), p. 1304.
[1198] Peltonen, Markku. The duel in early modern England: civility, politeness, and honour, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2003), p. 132.
[1199] Ibid
[1200] Ibid., p. 143.
[1201] Ibid., p. 144.
[1202] Ibid
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[1205] Larkin, James Francis, Hughes, Paul L. Stuart royal proclamations, Vol. I, Clarendon Press (1973), p. 359.
[1206] Cotgrave, Randle. A French and English dictionary, London (1673).
[1207] Auckland, WilliamEden. PrinciplesofPenal Law, London, PrintedforB. White(1771), p. 212.
[1208] The humour of Holland. London, W. Scott (1893), p. 292.
[1209] Rusnak, Mattew Francis. Dissertation ( Doctor of Philosophy ), The trial of Giuseppe Baretti, October 20th 1769, A literary and cultural history of the Baretti case, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May (2008), p. 21.
[1210] Ibid., p. 29.
[1211] Sharp, Samuel. Letters from Italy: describing the customs and manners of that country, The Third Edition, London (1767), pp. 284‑ 285.
[1212] Rusnak, Mattew Francis. Dissertation ( Doctor of Philosophy ), The trial of Giuseppe Baretti, October 20th 1769, A literary and cultural history of the Baretti case, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May (2008), p. 199.
[1213] Grant, James. Adventures of an aide‑ de‑ camp, or a campaign in Calabria, London G. Routledge (1857), Vol. II, pp. 209‑ 211.
[1214] Egan, Pierce. Boxiana; or, Sketches of ancient and modern pugilism, London, (1823), Vol I, p. 13.
[1215] The terrific register: or, Record of crimes, judgments, providences and calamities. Vol III, London: Published by Sherwood, Jones, and Co. and Hunter, Edinburgh (1825), p. 613.
[1216] Philips, David. Crime and authority in Victorian England, Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc (1978), p. 265.
[1217] Wiener, Martin J. Men of blood: violence, manliness and criminal justice in VictorianEngland, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2004), p. 58.
[1218] Emsley, Clive. The English and Violence Since 1750, Hambledon and London, (2007), p. 87.
[1219] Wiener, Martin J. Men of blood: violence, manliness and criminal justice in Victorian England, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2004), p. 58.
[1220] Ibid
[1221] Ibid
[1222] Ibid
[1223] The London review of politics, society, literature, art, & science, № 236, Vol. X, Saturday, January 7, (1865), pp. 269‑ 271.
[1224] Bruce Herald, 21 January 1873. Volume VI, Issue 456, p. 7.
[1225] Булгаков, M. А. Москва краснокаменная. Театральный роман. Дни Турбиных: Рассказы, фельетоны, пьесы. ‑ М.: ОЛМА‑ ПРЕСС, 2005. ‑ С. 71‑ 75.
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[1227] Men and violence: gender, honor, and rituals in modern Europe and America. Edited by Pieter Spierenburg, Ohio State University Press, Columbus (1998), pp. 129‑ 133.
[1228] Sims, George Robert. Living London: its work and its play, its humour and its pathos, its sights and its scenes, III Volumes, Cassell and Company (1902), Vol I, p. 5.
[1229] EmsleyClive. TheEnglishandViolenceSince 1750, New York& London (2007), pp. 33‑ 34.
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[1233] Ibid
[1234] Chambers, William. A tour in Holland, the countries on the Rhine, and Belgium. In the autumn of 1832, Edinburgh (1839), p. 78.
[1235] Ibid
[1236] Sullivan, Edward Robert. Rambles and scrambles in North and South America, London, Richard Bentley (1852), p. 276.
[1237] Bristol, Douglas Walter Jr. Knights of the razor: black barbers in slavery and freedom, The John Hopkins University Press (2009), pp. 137.
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[1244] Keystone Folklore Quarterly, Vol. XVII, The Pensylvania Folklore Society, Pittsburgh(1972), pp. 74‑ 75.
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[1255] Talmon‑ Cvaicer, Maya. The hidden history of capoeira: a collision of cultures in the Brazilian battle dance, University of Texas Press (2008), p. 20.
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[1257] Talmon‑ Cvaicer, Maya. The hidden history of capoeira: a collision of cultures in the Brazilian battle dance, University of Texas Press (2008), pp. 99‑ 100.
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[1260] Talmon‑ Cvaicer, Maya. The hidden history of capoeira: a collision of cultures in the Brazilian battle dance, University of Texas Press (2008), p. 20.
[1261] Ibid
[1262] Capoeira, Nestor. Capoeira: roots of the dance‑ fight‑ game, North Atlantic Books (2002), p. 12.
[1263] Desch‑ Obi, Thomas J. Fighting for honor: the history of African martial art traditions in the Atlantic world, University of South Carolina (2008), p. 162.
[1264] Ibid
[1265] Talmon‑ Cvaicer, Maya. The hidden history of capoeira: a collision of cultures in the Brazilian battle dance, University of Texas Press (2008), p. 20.
[1266] Desch‑ Obi, Thomas J. Fighting for honor: the history of African martial art traditions in the Atlantic world, University of South Carolina (2008), p. 208.
[1267] Ibid
[1268] Burton, Richard Francis. A mission to Gelele, King to Dahome, Second edition, In Two Volumes, London (1864), Vol II, p. 224.
[1269] Burton, Richard, Francis. The book of the sword, London, Chatto and Windus (1884), pp. 168‑ 169.
[1270] Ibid., p. 140.
[1271] Desch‑ Obi, Thomas J. Fighting for honor: the history of African martial art traditions in the Atlantic world, University of South Carolina (2008), p. 302.
[1272] Kosmos. Revista Artistica, Scientifica e Literaria, n. 62, Rio de Janeiro. Ano III, 1906, Fig. C6.
[1273] Desch‑ Obi, Thomas J. Fighting for honor: the history of African martial art traditions in the Atlantic world, University of South Carolina (2008), p. 303.
[1274] Capoeira, Nestor. Capoeira: roots ofthe dance‑ fight‑ game, Blue Snake Books (2002), p. 147.
[1275] Desch‑ Obi, Thomas J. Fighting for honor: the history of African martial art traditions in the Atlantic world, University of South Carolina (2008), p. 303.
[1276] Ibid., pp. 303‑ 304.
[1277] Ibid., p. 304.
[1278] Ibid
[1279] Capoeira, Nestor. Capoeira: roots ofthe dance‑ fight‑ game, Blue Snake Books (2002), p. 30.
[1280] Newton, Michael. The Encyclopedia of Kidnappings, Facts on File, Inc, New York, NY(2002), p. 112.
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[1283] Di Giacomo, Salvatore. Gli sfregi 3i Napoli, Liguori Editore, Napoli (2005), p. 29.
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[1290] Ullman, Stephen. Style in the French novel, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (1957), p. 55.
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[1292] Merimee, Prosper. Nouvelles de Prosper Merimee, Troisieme Edition, Paris (1857), p. 43.
[1293] The Magazine of Science, and School of Arts, Edited by G. Francis, London (1844), Vol. V, p. 13.
[1294] The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, London (1836), Vol. six, p. 116.
[1295] Davillier, Charles. Le tour du monde: nouveau journal des voyages. De M. Edouard Charton, Premier Semestre (1865), p. 378.
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[1297] Davillier, Charles. Le tour du monde: nouveau journal des voyages. De M. Edouard Charton, Premier Semestre (1865), p. 378.
[1298] Manual del baratero о arte manejar de navaja, el cuchillo у la tijera de los jitanos, M. d. R, Madrid (1849), p. 22.
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[1301] Lotte van de Pol. Het Amsterdams hoerdom: prostitutie in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw, Wereldbibliotheek (1996), p. 80.
[1302] Men and Violence: Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America. Edited by Pieter Spierenburg, The Ohio State University (1998), p. 118.
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[1308] Men and Violence: Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg, The Ohio State University (1998), p. 115.
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[1313] Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio. A dictionary of the English and Italian languages, London (1760), Vol. I.
[1314] Di Giacomo, Salvatore. Gli sfregi di Napoli: testi storici e letterari sui bassifondi parteno‑ pei, Liguori Editore, Napoli (2005), p. 27.
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[1316] Accounts and papers of the House of Commons, In thirty volumes, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, London (1858), Vol. LIX, p. 29.
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[1320] Di Giacomo, Salvatore. Gli sfregi di Napoli: testi storici e letterari sui bassifondi parteno‑ pei, Liguori Editore, Napoli (2005), p. 31.
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[1323] Ibid., pp. 33‑ 34.
[1324] Ibid., рр. 34‑ 35.
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[1336] Piccato, Pablo. City of Suspects: Crime in Mexico City, 1900‑ 1931, Duke University Press, USA (2001), p. 91.
[1337] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, Masculinity, and Ritual Knife Fighting in Nineteenth‑ Century Greece, The American Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 2, April (2000), p. 363.
[1338] Le Petit Journal illustre, 19 Mai 1907.
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[1342] «Vibe», Vol. 10‑ 6, June 2002, p. 57.
[1343] Baldick, Robert. The duel: a history of dueling, Chapman & Hall, London (1965), p. 169.
[1344] Truman, Benjamin Cummings. The field of honor: being a complete and comprehensive history of duelling in all countries; including the judicial duel of Europe, the private duel of the civilized world, and specific descriptions of all the noted hostile meetings in Europe and America, New York, Fords, Howard, & Hulbert (1884), pp. 152‑ 153.
[1345] Diario de jurisprudencia del Distrito у territorios federales, Mexico, Tip. de " El Imparcial, " (1907), Tomo XI, p. 320.
[1346] Velasco, Shery Marie. The Lieutenant Nun: Transgenderism, Lesbian Desire & Catalina de Erauso, University of Texas Press, First Edition (2000).
[1347] Ibid., p. 78.
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[1349] Sharpe, Andrew N. Transgender Jurisprudence: Dysphoric Bodies of Law, 1 Edition, Routledge Cavendish (2006), p. 23.
[1350] Gontier, Fernande. Homme ou femme? La confusion des sexes, Perrin (2006), pp. 84‑ 97.
[1351] Essers, Caroline. New Directions in Postheroic Entrepreneurship: Narratives of Gender and Ethnicity, Copenhagen Business School Pr (2009), pp. 129‑ 130.
[1352] Stewart, Franck Henderson. Honor, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, (1994), p. 107.
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