8. Complete each sentence with a form of do, make or take.
8. Complete each sentence with a form of do, make or take. a) Have you … exercise 3 yet? b) I can't come this afternoon. I'm … an English exam. c) Jack has … very well this term. d) I'm afraid that you haven't …. any progress. e) Sue didn't know the answer, so she…. a guess. f) You all look tired. Let's … a break. g) This is a good composition, but you have … a lot of errors. h) I think you should … yourself more seriously. i) The teacher gave a lecture, and the class … notes. j) Paul finds maths difficult, but he … his best.
9. Complete each sentence with a word beginning as shown. Each space represents one letter. a) Charles has a good k … of the subject. b) These children are badly behaved! They need more d …. c) Everyone agrees that a good e … is important. d) If you don't know a word, look it up in your d…. e) Maths is easy if you are allowed to use a с …. f) Keith spent four years studying at u… . g) Some apes seem to have as much i… as humans! h) I find listening с …tests rather difficult. i) At the age of eleven I went to s … school. j) I enjoyed doing e… in the laboratory.
10. Complete each sentence with one suitable word. a) If you have a problem, put …your hand. b) Please pay attention … what your teacher says. c) Mary has a degree … civil engineering. d) David was punished… throwing chalk at the teacher. e) I was very good… maths when I was at school. f) What's the answer if you multiply 18 … 16? h) Please write this… your exercise books. i) You might not understand things even if you learn them … heart j) When Sue visited Italy, she soon picked… the language.
11. Decide which answer (А, В, С or D) best fits each space.
LEARNING HOW TO LEARN There is usually one important (1) … missing from most school (2) …. Very few students are (3) … how to organize their learning, and how to (4) … the best use of their time. Let's take some simple (5)…. Do you know how to (6) … up words in a dictionary, and do you understand all the (7) … the dictionary contains? Can you (8) … notes quickly, and can you understand them (9) …? For some reason, many schools give learners no (10) … with these matters. Teachers ask students to (11) … pages from books, or tell them to write ten pages, but don't explain (12) … to do it. Learning by (13) … can be useful, but it is important to have a genuine (14) … of a subject. You can (15) … a lot of time memorizing books, without understanding - anything about the subject!
1) A theme В book С subject D mark 2) A agendas В timetables С terms D organizations 3) A taught В learnt С educated D graduated 4) A take В give С get D make
5) A sentences В results С rules D examples 6) A find В look С research D get 7) A information В advise С subjects D themes 8) A do В send С make D revise 9) A after В afterwards С lastly D at last 10) A teaching В ability С instruction D help 11) A concentrate В remind С forget D memorize 12) A how В what С why D it 13) A the way В heart С now D law 14) A information В success С understanding D attention 15) A pass В waste С tell D use 12. Complete the text with an adjective from the list, using a comparative form where necessary.
Nowadays using computers is more and more a... . We can't do without them, and you don't have to be an expert to use one, as using a computer is b… and all the time. You don't need to be rich either, as computers are also becoming c… and…as time goes on. Also, if you are studying, the Internet is becoming more and more d … as a place to find information, This used to take a long time, but the latest machines are a great improvement, like e… the computer, the … it works. However, protecting computers from viruses is becoming more and more f as the people who invent viruses are becoming g … and …. The Internet has become a dangerous place, so it is more and more h… to be very careful when we use computers. 13. Complete the text with a/an, the or leave blank for zero article. DO EXAMS MAKE PUPILS LOSE INTEREST? a children could be turned off their favourite subjects for b life if they are pushed too hard to take c exams, d psychologists arc warning, e study of 11 -year-olds found that those who had taken exams to win f school places rapidly lost g interest in their school work after h exams were over. Other children, who did not take i same kind of tests, did not have j same experience. In this study, k group of researchers measured l motivation of children in m science, n English and o maths. Before p exams q children all appeared very motivated, but as soon as r exams were over, that changed, and their motivation went down. Motivation stayed s same among another group who took normal school tests. Researchers think it is possible that some children can be put off t subject permanently by an exam. 14. Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous form of the verb in brackets. Where both are possible, write both.
STUDENTS NOW TAKING LONGER TO FINISH STUDIES In the USA some university students nowadays a (spend) arc Spending more and more lime in university before graduating. In American universities, many students b (pay) their own lees, and ibis c (mean) mute time working and less studying. Alan Chester is a 25-year-old journalism student from Ohio who d (lake) six years to complete his undergraduate degree. In order to pay tuition fees and other expenses he e (work) four days a week in the university kitchen, while in the university holidays he f (do) a full-time job. 'I g (find) it difficult at the moment to study and pay my bills at the same time, he h (admit) ’But I i (try) my best and I j (manage) to keep the wolf from the door. ’ Alan’s parents k (understand) his decision to take longer to graduate. ’They l (know) what I m (go) through, and they n (help) me as much as they can. It’s hard, but I o (learn) to look after myself, and I p (experience) stuff that might be useful one day when I’m a journalist. ’ He q (point out) that some students r (take) more time to graduate because they s (not really know) what they t (want) to study. New courses of study u (develop) all the time, new subjects v (appear) on the curriculum. Some students w (spend) time experimenting with different courses before choosing their major. So it’s not all about money. I x (think) universities y (go) through a period of change like everything else, and students have to adapt to this changing situation. ’
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