Variant 2. Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the text choosing the correct word from the table below. Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the text choosing the correct answers given below.
Variant 2 Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the text choosing the correct word from the table below.
SELECTING COURSES The courses given by a … or university are called its curriculum. The … of the institution … the complete …. It gives the … for entry to each course, as well as the credits given for the …. Each course is designated as giving a … number of credits. These are usually equal to the number of … devoted each week to the course. For example, a course that meets three times a … usually gives … credits towards graduation. Schools using the semester … require about 120 credits for …. Between 30 and 40 of the required … must be in the student's … subject.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the text choosing the correct answers given below. HOW TO BOOST YOUR MEMORY Are you forgetful? There's a tremendous range of methods to boost your memory. Your memory is like a brilliant, but... 1... computer storing a vast amount of information. In fact the memory's capacity is theoretically unlimited. ... 2... only about 20 per cent of our daily experience is registered, and of that only a tiny proportion is loaded into long-term memory. Normal healthy people can improve their memories easily. First of all learn to relax if you are trying to memorize something. You may... 3... important items if your mind is on something else or if you weren't paying attention because of anxiety. Try to combine study with exercise. Keep your mind fit... 4... your body by doing mental workouts. Crosswords, scrabbles and quizzes all help to keep the mind in shape. You can also train your memory in certain... 5... . The ancient Greeks invented memory systems called mnemonics, and they still work today. Most systems involve associating the things you want to remember with something you already have safely stored in your head. For example, if you want to remember numbers try to make associations between numbers in sequence – think of people's ages, special dates, whether they're odd or even.
Task 3. Choose the one best answer to each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. 1. Which of the following is not true? a) Unbounded ability of people's memory can be developed or trained. b) Memory's capacity is theoretically unlimited but practically it is restricted to 20 % of what is loaded into long-term memory.
c) People's memory can be compared with a computer storing information. d) To get rid of forgetfulness one can use a series of methods. 2. Relaxation may… a) be helpful when memorizing something. b) be an important item if your mind is on something else. c) keep your body fit for scrabbles, crosswords and quizzes. d) combine study with exercise. 3. What are memory systems mostly based on? a) Sequence of numbers. b) Mnemonics. c) Associations. d) Safe storage of information. 4. What title could you give to the story? a) Memorial systems of ancient Greeks still at work. b) How to boost your memory. c) Long life to long-term memory. d) Forget-me-not: unlimited capacity of memory. 5. The word capacity means: a) a feature of forgetful people; b) an ability to receive, hold or absorb; c) characteristics of memorabilia; d) horizons of unlimited memory.
Variant 3 Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the text choosing the correct word from the table below.
GRADING Grading is a... used in schools to... student achievements. Almost every... keeps a record of each student's... in order to have some basis for measuring his... . The record supplies information for... to parents. Universities and... often use this information to help determine whether they should... a student. For a long time, the most... method of recording achievement was by..., with a mark, or... , of 100 per cent representing... achievement. The... mark for a... was usually 70 percent, and for... work, about 80 per cent. Today, the letters A, B, C, D, E, and... F, are much more commonly used. The mark A stands for exceptional achievement, and E or F means... . A few schools use no... system at all. Instead, each... writes a detailed... to the parents. Such letters report the student's progress, ... , activities, and social... . Task 2. Match the sentences and the paragraphs 1-7. a. Small universities usually don’t have many facilities. b. You can get information from the internet or visit the university yourself. c. Living away from parents can have its pluses and minuses. d. You can find more traditional courses in older universities. e. If a subject is popular, there are many courses of it at different universities. f. Tuition fees in prestigious universities are usually very high. g. If you are interested in some specific activities, you have to find more information. CHOOSING A UNIVERSITY: IDEAS FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS 1. The choice of subject and type of course narrows down the number of possible universities. If you want to study the Burmese language, there is only one place to go. If you are interested in one of the major subjects such as English, chemistry, law or mechanical engineering, there are hundreds of сourses. 2. Going away to university and living at home give you rather different experiences. Living far away from your parents and your home town, you are free to study and socialise when you like. On the other hand, it is expensive. You also have shop and cook for yourself, and there is no comfort of home.
3. Another important factor is the tuition fees. Generally, the central and prestigious universities are more expensive. Some very popular degree programmes can cost more money. 4. Old universities do more research and offer more traditional academic courses. New universities can be more locally and practically orientated and train more part‐ time students. 5. Universities can be different in size, from fewer than 2, 000 students to over 30, 000. A small university is more personal and does not have many facilities and non‐ academic activities; in a big university professors can give lectures to hundreds of students at a time. 6. University facilities are can be very important. All universities have a library, a sports hall, a health service, and so on. But there are differences and if you want to play hockey at university, for example, you have to check out, if the university has a hockey pitch. 7. You can also often take a virtual tour of the university. Departments usually have their own sites, too. You can find information about courses, options, teaching methods and assessment. A personal visit can also be very helpful. You can get a feel of the atmosphere of a university. Don't forget about open days for school leavers.
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