15. Underline the correct form.
15. Underline the correct form. ARE MEN BETTER AT MATHS THAN WOMEN? One of the stereotypes about the difference between men and women, a who / which I - seems to be supported by some research, b what / - / where is that men are better at maths. According to brain research, levels of grey matter, c it / who / which creates processing centres in the brain are higher in men than they are in women. On the other hand, it is women d who / - / they have more white matter, e - / it / which creates the links between processing centres in the brain, f Does / Which / What this seems to suggest is that while the male brain g - / that / it contains more areas for processing information, h which / what / who means that the male brain has more capacity to solve maths problems, it is the female brain i it / that / and has the greater ability to perceive patterns In other words, it is brain structure j what / it / that makes men better at maths, but k whose / which / where/ also makes women better at communicating. However, other researchers argue that it is the stereotyping itself I it / - / that causes the difference in performance in maths, rather than any innate ability. Women m / who / which believe they are inferior at maths, especially when they take maths tests in rooms n where / whose / which men are present, tend to produce the kind of results o - / and / they expect to produce Research p - / which / what analyses maths test results on a large scale suggests that the results attained by women are just as good as those attained by men.
PART 4 TEST YOURSELF Variant 1 Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the text choosing the correct word from the table below.
STUDENTS The student body of a … or college is divided into... and undergraduates. Graduates have already received their... degrees, while... have not. The undergraduates belong to one of four... , according to their... of study. These are... , sophomore, ... , and senior classes. Most schools also admit... students who take a number of... , but are not working towards a... . Students... vary considerably from... to school. Some institutions are... , with both men and... students. Others admit... of only one... . A... institution has... men's and women's colleges. They are controlled by the same central... and are usually... on the same campus or nearby... . Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the text choosing the correct answers given below.
Cambridge is famous …1… the world as one of the two oldest university cities in Britain – Oxford, of course, is the other. Its streets are packed with students going about their business on bicycles.
The story of the University began in 1209 when students and scholars... 2... the little town of Cambridge after they had walked 60 miles from Oxford. These students had been students in Oxford where there was constant trouble between the people living in the town and the students. Then one day a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Mayor arrested three... 3... students who were innocent and they... 4... death. In protest all the students moved... 5..., some coming to Cambridge, and so the new University began.
Task 3. Choose the best answer to each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. 1. Which of the following is not true? a) Cambridge and Oxford are the oldest universities in Britain. b) You can see a few students going about their business on bicycles in Cambridge. c) The first students and scholars came to Cambridge in 1209. d) The first students of Cambridge were the former students of Oxford. 2. How did the story of Cambridge University begin? a) It began as soon as the first settlers of the little town of Cambridge arrived. b) The story dates back to 1209 when students from London University had to leave it and move to Cambridge. c) The story of Cambridge University was connected with the events in Oxford in 1209 when the students there decided to leave the city. d) The story of Cambridge University began when the Mayor of Oxford asked the students from Oxford University to move to Cambridge. 3. What do you think about the relations that were among the citizens of Oxford and the students of Oxford University? Which of these words describes it best? a) peaceful b) warlike c) good-neighbourly d) diplomatic 4. What happened in Oxford one day in 1209? a) One day a student decided to kill a citizen of Oxford and killed him. b) Once a citizen of Oxford killed a student. c) It so happened that a student from Oxford University killed a citizen of Oxford – he didn't do it on purpose. d) The Mayor of Oxford killed a student. 5. What made the students of Oxford University leave Oxford? a) The accident that took place in Oxford in 1209 – the arrest and death of innocent students. b) The fact that the Mayor arrested the guilty students. c) Cambridge University was better than Oxford University. d) The Mayor of Oxford asked them to do it.
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