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RAВBITS. History and Domestication. Economic Importance. Types and Use

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History and Domestication

Much of the early history of the rabbit is obscure. It is believed that the Phoenicians brought rabbits to Spain about 1100 В. С. They are also given credit for having introduced rabbits to most of the then-known world.

Romans kept rabbits in special enclosures. Roman women were known to have eaten large quantities of rabbit meat. They felt that it enhanced their beauty.

Early monasteries produced large amounts of rabbit meat and furs. These religious institutions are given credit for having domesticated the rabbit. It is known that great pride was taken in producing good-quality rabbits and that much rabbit trading existed between monasteries.

Rabbit meat has long been an important component of the diets of people in densely populated countries of Europe. Rabbits are efficient converters of feed to meat. They take uprelatively little space and reproduce rapidly.

Some rabbits have been raised in the United States since the time of early settlers. Bиt serious rabbit production did not begin until the turn of this century. An intense advertising campaign was conducted for " Belgian Hare" at that time to promote commercial production of rabbits.

Rabbit production also got а boost in the United States dиring the two world wars. At а time when shortages and rationing of food products occurred, rabbits became an inexpensive source of lean, red meat.



Economic Importance

Rabbit production is an important agriscience enterprise in the United States. Each year, 7 to 10 million rabbits are raised. About ЗОО, ООО growers produce more than 50 million lbs. of rabbit meat each year. Laboratories also иse another 600, 000 to 800, 000 rabbits in research yearly.

Rabbit production is an ideal enterprise for а young person, because it can bе started with limited capital. With only а small investment in hoиsing and equipment, а person with one pair of rabbits can produce 60 to 80 rabbits each year to eat or to sell. Because they are small and generally accepted bу people, rabbits are better adapted for production in more urbanized areas than most other types of animals.

The outlook for rabbit production in the future looks promising, as demand for rabbits and their product continues to increase each year. As the competition between humans and animals for grain products increases, the rabbit will play an important role in meeting the protein needs of humans in the future.


Types and Use

Rabbits are divided into two families and three genera, with very distinct differences. These types are rabbits, cottontails and hares. Rabbits bear their young in underground burrows in the wild. The young are born blind, hairless, and completely helpless. In contrast, cottontails and hares usually give birth in nests above ground. The young are born with their eyes open and with hair. They are able to fend for themselves shortly after birth. Hares also have larger hind legs and longer ears.

Hares and cottontails include the jackrabbit, arctic hare, and snowshoe rabbit. Because they belong to а different genera, cottontails, hares and rabbits cannot interbreed.

Domestic rabbits can bе divided into а number of groups based on use. These groups include meat, fur, pets, show, and laboratory use. Many of the breeds will fall into several of these use groups.

The primary use of rabbits in the United States is for the production of meat, with pelts being а by-product. А pelt is the skin of an animal with the hair attached. Almost 100 million rabbit pelts are used in the United States each year. Most of these are imported from other countries because, in the United States, rabbits are slaughtered at too young an age to have desirable pelts.

Although all of the breeds of rabbits will produce meat, some breeds are far more efficient in producing desirable-quality meat. The New Zealand breed of rabbit is the most popular in the United States for meat production. This rabbit occurs in three colors: white, red, and black. It is of medium size. It may bе grown into а 4 lb. rabbit at 8 weeks of age, using about 4 lbs. of feed for each pound of rabbit produced. Californian and Champage D'Argent are also popular breeds used for meat production.

Some breeds of rabbits are grown for their lustrous fur, used in the manufacture of fur coats and many other rabbit-fur products. The Satin, Rex, and Havana are examples of breeds of rabbits grown for their fur.

Rabbits have long been important for use in laboratory work. They are used for research in the development of drugs for treating а wide range of diseases. They are also important participants in nutritional studies and in genetic research. Commonly used breeds of rabbits for laboratory work include New Zealand white, Dutch, and Florida white. Producers who breed rabbits for laboratory work should bе aware that many labs will use only white rabbits of а medium size.

The Angora rabbit is used strictly for the production of wool called angora. The wool from Angora rabbits is sheared or pulled from the rabbit about every 10 to 12 weeks. Mature Angora bucks may produce 1 to 1  lbs. of wool each year. А buck is, а male rabbit. Female rabbits are called does. There are two breeds of Angora rabbits French and English.

All of the 40 breeds of rabbits recognized bу the American Rabbit Breeders Association can bе used for pets and/or show. They range in size from the Flemish Giant, which can weigh nearly 20 lbs., to the Netherland Dwarf, which seldom weighs more than 21bs. Personal preferences and the availability of breeding stock usually determine what breed or breeds of rabbits to raise for pets or show.



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