Novel feed additives for beef cattle
Text 15 1. Read and translate the text: Novel feed additives for beef cattle The beef industry faces many challenges, including increased regulation of feed grade antibiotics, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) production, and tightened corn supply. These issues have resulted in a vast array of products to be introduced and has compelled researchers to explore strategies that provide livestock producers with products that can replace antibiotics, mitigate GHG production, and enhance alternative feed usage. While some of these strategies may be used to enhance organic or natural production systems, many of them can be effective in conventional systems in conjunction with antibiotics to enhance animal health and productivity. There are a number of techniques and strategies available to help cattle producers maximize feedlot profitability. Feed additives are defined as dietary ingredients that produce a desirable response in animals in a non-nutritive role. Several feed additives contain nutrients, however, they are not fed to meet an animal requirement, rather, and they are fed to alter ruminal or post-ruminal metabolism to enhance nutrient utilization and animal productivity. Many effective feed additives are available for use in the beef industry as a result of recent research into antibiotic alternatives and methane inhibition. Although many feed additives are effective, their practical implementation has been hindered by the variability in animal responses under experimental conditions and increased cost. Producers should evaluate potential strategies for use of feed additives under specific feeding and economic conditions.
Text 16 1. Read and translate the text: THE CONDITION OF VET SERVICE IN RUSSIA You can find a veterinary service as a branch of medicine in Russia. " Code of Laws about veterinary" is a leading document. The laws were passed in 1933 in Russia. There are two directions of a veterinary service: practical and scientific. Practical veterinary carries out federal and regional programs of prophylaxes and liquidation of definite illnesses common for people and animals. State vet hospitals and private vets are the main institutions of practical veterinary. Scientific veterinary it is, first of all, educational establishments that graduate veterinary specialists. Veterinary science creates new medicines, vaccines, disinfectants, veterinary instruments, and equipment. It also works out diagnostics of animals' diseases. Scientific vet laboratories are engaged in elaboration and application of new modern methods of investigations. Vet Mass Media is improved too. There are о lot of veterinary newspapers and magazines in our country and abroad. Private vet's business is a new field of veterinary service. Nowadays we can address to private veterinary surgeon and get qualified medical help. Profession of veterinarian becomes popular and prestige in Russia.
Vocabulary to generalize - обобщать practical - практический Mass Media - средства массовой информации private - частный scientific – научный establishment - заведение institution – учреждение vet service - ветеринарная служба branch – ветвь code of laws - свод правил leading – основной direction - направление to carry out – осуществлять definite - определенный illness – болезнь common - общий to graduate - обучать, готовить to create - создавать vaccines – вакцина disinfectants - дезинфицирующие средства equipment – оборудование to work out - разрабатывать diagnostic – диагностика disease - болезнь to be engaged - быть занятым elaboration - разработка application – применение investigation - исследования to improve - развивать
Text 17 1. Read and translate the text: THE HISTORY OF MY PROFESSION In Ancient Egypt there was the school " The HOUSE of LIFE". Together with other subjects the students there studied to treat animals. In ancient manuscripts there were the recipes of medicines for treating bulls, sheep, pigs, goats, geese. We can read the manuscript, one of the oldest text-books for a vet. It describes diseases of animals and methods of treating them. In Ancient Greece there were doctors for horses. They were called hippiators (гиппиатор). In India a vet was respected. Treating animals was a duty of a clergyman. Army needed vets too. During wars vets were with troops in battles. They treated horses, war elephants, camels. In the Rome troops there were hospitals for treating ill horses. People treated animals in Old Russia, too. The first mention about a vet you can read in Novgorod's book of the 15th century. In the 17th century there were stables where vets treated horses of tzar and tzar's family. The tzar Peter I gave an order to struggle with diseases of animals: horses, cows, pigs. Later on veterinary schools began to open; books about veterinary began to print.
Vocabulary method- метод ancient – древний to respect - уважать to treat – лечить clergyman - жрец domestic – домашний troops - войско tribe – племя battle - сражение herb – трава elephant - слон to value – уважать hospital - лазарет manuscript – манускрипт mention - упоминание recipe – рецепт stable - конюшня bull - бык, буйвол to give an order - отдать приказ goose-geese – гусь to struggle - бороться to describe – описывать to print - печатать disease - болезнь
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