41. Each system … of several organs.
41. Each system … of several organs. а) are composed б) is composing в) is composed г) composes 42. Only the birds and mammals … “warm-blooded”. а) is б) will be в) are г) am 43. The number … heart beats in 1 minutes is the pulse rate. а) by б) of в) off г) in 44. Reduction in number of the toes occurs in … mammals. а) another б) many в) each г) much 45. Most... result from the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. а) processes б) materials в) chemicals г) diseases 46. The relationship between proper nutrition and health … long been recognized. а) has б) have в) having г) are having 47. Exposure to sunlight…the body to manufacture Vitamin D. a) allow б) allowed в) are allowing г) allows 48. Commercial vitamin and mineral supplements … for specific classes of animals and their special needs. а) formulate б) be formulated в) formulates г) are formulated 49. Additional minerals in feed … a supplement. a) call б) calls в) is called г) are called 50. Vitamins … by animals in several different ways. a) acquire б) is acquired в) are acquired г) was acquired 51. … vitamins are available in roughages and concentrates. a) no б) something в) anything г) some 52. Some vitamins are made by the body …. . a) yourselves б) itself в) myself г) herself 53. Sources of animal protein … tank age and meat scrap. a) include б) including в) is included г) included 54. … can be controlled by animals to do such things as walk and eat food. а) voluntary muscles б) nerves в) involuntary muscles г) legs 55. произвольные мышцы a) voluntary muscles б) nerves в) involuntary muscles г) legs 56. лечить a) to treat б) to mechanize в) to operate г) to provide 57. Many agricultural processes … now a) mechanize б) mechanized в) be mechanized г) are mechanized 58. There are a number of ways to treat the animals. а) Существует несколько способов лечения животных. б) Существует несколько способов кормления животных. в) Существует несколько заболеваний животных, которые можно вылечить. г) Много способов выяснить состояние здоровья животных. 59. The skeletal system … of bones joined together. а) will be made up б) is made up в) has been made up г) are made up 60. Involuntary muscles … in the body without the will of the animals. а) operates б) operate
в) is operated г) are operated 61. Proteins are nutrients … of amino acids. а) made up б) make up в) makes up г) making up 62. The circulatory system… food oxygen to the cells of the body. а) provided б) provides в) provide г) is provided 63. Lymph glands… disease- fighting materials from the body. а) secrete б) secretes в) is secreted г) are secreted 64. Scurvy … a disease of the gums and skin. а) are б) is в) were г) being 65. Найдите соответствия: 1. десна, 2. кожа, 3. клетки, 4. лекарства 1. a) gums 2. б) skin 3. в) cells 4. г) drugs 66. Определите соответствия: 1. углеводы, 2. сахара, 3. крахмал, 4. инфекция 1. a) carbohydrates 2. б) sugars 3. в) starches 4. г) infection 67. Carbohydrates … sugars and starches. а) are б) had been в) is г) was 68. Muscular…of some animals is strong. а) block б) system в) element г) mass 69. Infusion is … method of getting drugs to the site of the infection. а) another б) something в) somewhere г) any 70. Noncontagious diseases … be spread to other animals. а) can б) cannot в) must г) must not 71. To use … animal thermometer, first shake down the column of mercury. а) an б) a в) the г) these 72. The injection of drugs into animals takes … forms, based on the location of the injection. а) much б) any в) no г) many 73. Proper nutrition is a …. а) must б) may в) can г) should 74. Bone marrow produces …. а) lymph glands б) blood cells в) carbohydrates г) respiratory system 75. The skeletal system is made up of bones joined together. а) Скелетная система состоит из костей соединённых вместе. б) Скелетная система не состоит из костей соединённых вместе. в) Скелетная система состоит из мускул соединённых вместе. г) Скелетная система состоит из воды. 76. Proteins are nutrients made up … amino acids. а) of б) with в) by г) out 77. Nutrition is… а) animal food б) the process by which animals eat food в) amount of feed consumed by an animal in 24 hours г) amount and content of food eaten in one day 78. The kidneys also help to regulate blood maintain … internal systems. а) another б) no в) any г) other 79. Let … introduce my younger sister. а) him б) me в) his г) our 80. Farm animals produce meat, milk and eggs... are used as food for man. a) that б) when в) which г) where 81. Early sailors … their sailing vessels with limes going to sea. а) stocks б) stocked в) to stocked г) is stocked 82. … is taken from the lungs and distributed to the cells. а) oxygen б) nitrogen в) carbon г) steel
83. The farmer grows some grain crops such as oats, rye, barley. a) овёс б) корм в) рожь г) ячмень 84. Oats and rye are grown as... for the animals. а) feed б) fed в) fodder г) feeding 85. Найдите сказуемое: The heart, veins, arteries, and lymph glands comprise circulatory system. а) heart б) glands в) comprise г) veins 86. The senses of nervous system are… а) hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste. б) sleep, walk, sight, think, touch. в) move, sleep, smell, write, taste. г) taste, think, move, sleep, touch. 87. … transmit messages to the brain from the outer ports of the body. а) ears б) hands в) nerves г) legs 88. The students are … the room. а) at б) in в) into г) on 89. … are sugars and starches that supply energy to the animal. а) vitamins б) proteins в) fructose г) carbohydrates
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