What do these numbers refer to?
12.7 Прочитай, переведи текст BUILDING DESIGN и расположи абзацы в правильной последовательности:
1. Building design professionals include those licensed by the state, such as architects and structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, who must formally certify that the building they design will conform to all governmental codes and regulations. Architects are the primary design professionals; they orchestrate and direct the work of engineers as well as many other consultants in such specialized areas as lighting, acoustics, and vertical transportation. 2. The design of a building begins with its future user or owner, who has in mind a perceived need for the structure, as well as a specific site and a general idea of its projected cost. The user or client brings these facts to a team of design professionals composed of architects and engineers, who can develop from them a set of construction documents that define the proposed building exactly and from which it can be constructed. 3. In addition to general knowledge of building science, the design team collects specific data related to the proposed building site. These include topographic and boundary surveys, investigations of subsoil conditions for foundation and water-exclusion design, and climate data and other local elements. 4. The process by which building science, site data, and the building space program are used by the design team is the art of building design. It is a complex process involving the selection of standard building systems, and their adaptation and integration to produce a building that meets the client’s needs within the limitations of government regulations and market standards. These systems have become divided into a number of clear sectors by the building type for which they are intended. The design process involves the selection of systems for foundations, structure, atmosphere, enclosure, space division, electrical distribution, water supply and drainage, and other building functions. These systems are made from a limited range of manufactured components but permit a wide range of variation in the final product. Once the systems and components have been selected, the design team prepares a set of contract documents consisting of a written text and conventionalized drawings to describe completely the desired building configuration in terms of the specified building systems and their expected performance. When the contract documents have been completed, the final costs of the building can usually be accurately estimated and the construction process can begin. 5. Concurrently with the collection of the site data, the design team works with the client to better define the often vague notions of building function into more precise and concrete terms. These definitions are summarized in a building space programme, which gives a detailed written description of each required space in terms of floor area, equipment, and functional performance criteria. This document forms an agreement between the client and the design team as to expected building size and performance.
6. The design professionals draw upon a number of sources in preparing their design. The most fundamental of these is building science, which has been gradually built up over the past 300 years. This includes the parts of physical theory that relate to building, such as the elastic theory of structures and theories of light, electricity, and fluid flow. There is also a large compendium of information on the specific properties of building materials that can be applied in mathematical models to reliably project building performance. There is also a large body of data on criteria for human comfort in such matters as thermal environment, lighting levels, and sound levels that influence a building design. 12.8 Ответь на вопросы: 1. What does the design of a building begin with? 2. Who develops construction documents? 3. What are design professionals’ responsibilities? 4. What sources do design professionals use to prepare their design? 5. What site information is required for design engineers? 6. What is a building space programme? 7. What is the definition of the art of building design? 8. What does the design process involve? 12.9 Прочитай, переведи текст COMPUTER-AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN и заполни пропуски: 1. The design process covers the complete life cycle of the building. The areas that are covered are construction, operations, reorganization, as well as destruction. Considering the shared use of digital design tools and the exchange of information and knowledge between designers and across different projects, we speak of a design continuum. 2. All CAD and CAAD systems employ a database with geometric and other properties of objects; they all have some kind of graphic user interface to manipulate a visual representation rather than the database; and they are all more or less concerned with assembling designs from standard and non-standard pieces. 3. These include topographic and boundary surveys, investigations of subsoil conditions for foundation and water-exclusion design, and climate data and other local elements. 4. It is a complex process involving the selection of standard building systems, and their adaptation and integration to produce a building that meets the client’s needs within the limitations of government regulations and market standards. 5. This includes the parts of physical theory that relate to building, such as the elastic theory of structures and theories of light, electricity, and fluid flow. 6. Once the systems and components have been selected, the design team prepares a set of contract documents consisting of a written text and conventionalized drawings to describe completely the desired building configuration in terms of the specified building systems and their expected performance. 7. These definitions are summarized in a building space programme, which gives a detailed written description of each required space in terms of floor area, equipment, and functional performance criteria. 8. Computer-aided design also known as CAD was originally the type of program that architects used, but since CAD couldn’t offer all the tools that architects needed to complete a project, CAAD developed as a distinct class of software.
9. The user or client brings these facts to a team of design professionals composed of architects and engineers, who can develop from them a set of construction documents that define the proposed building exactly and from which it can be constructed. 10. The design process involves the selection of systems for foundations, structure, atmosphere, enclosure, space division, electrical distribution, water supply and drainage, and other building functions. 11. These mappings are abstractions that are introduced in order to discuss the process of design and deployment of CAAD systems. In designing the systems the system developers usually consider TM1. 12. Architects are the primary design professionals; they orchestrate and direct the work of engineers as well as many other consultants in such specialized areas as lighting, acoustics, and vertical transportation. 13. Problems are often outlined and dealt with in a graphical approach. Only this form of expression serves as a basis for work and discussion.
The design of a building begins with its future user or owner, who has in mind a perceived need for the structure, as well as a specific site and a general idea of its projected cost. _. Building design professionals include those licensed by the state, such as architects and structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, who must formally certify that the building they design will conform to all governmental codes and regulations. _. The design professionals draw upon a number of sources in preparing their design. The most fundamental of these is building science, which has been gradually built up over the past 300 years. _. There is also a large compendium of information on the specific properties of building materials that can be applied in mathematical models to reliably project building performance. There is also a large body of data on criteria for human comfort in such matters as thermal environment, lighting levels, and sound levels that influence a building design. In addition to general knowledge of building science, the design team collects specific data related to the proposed building site. _. Concurrently with the collection of the site data, the design team works with the client to better define the often vague notions of building function into more precise and concrete terms. _. This document forms an agreement between the client and the design team as to expected building size and performance. The process by which building science, site data, and the building space program are used by the design team is the art of building design. _.These systems have become divided into a number of clear sectors by the building type for which they are intended. _.These systems are made from a limited range of manufactured components but permit a wide range of variation in the final product. _.When the contract documents have been completed, the final costs of the building can usually be accurately estimated and the construction process can begin. Computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) software programs are the repository of accurate and comprehensive records of buildings and are used by architects and civil engineers. The first program was installed in the 1960’s to help architects save time instead of drawing their blueprints. _. _.Currently, the main distinction which causes one to speak of CAAD rather than CAD lies in the domain knowledge (architecture-specific objects, techniques, data, and process support) embedded in the system. A CAAD system differs from other CAD systems in two respects: It has an explicit object database of building parts and construction knowledge. It explicitly supports the creation of architectural objects. In a more general sense, CAAD also refers to the use of any computational technique in the field of architectural design. For example, software which is specifically developed for the computer animation industry (e.g. Maya and 3DStudio Max) is also used in architectural design.
CAAD has two types of structures in its program. The first system is surface structure which provides a graphics medium to represent three dimensional objects using two dimensional representations. The second system is deep structure which means that the operations performed by the computer have natural limitations. Computer hardware and machine languages that are supported by these make it easy to perform arithmetical operations quickly and accurately. Another advantage to CAAD is the two-way mapping of activities and functionalities. The two instances of mapping are indicated to be between the surface structures (TM1) and the deep structures (TM2). _. Here a one-to-one mapping is the typical statement which is to develop a computer-based functionality that maps as closely as possible into a corresponding manual design activity, for example, drafting of stairs, checking spatial conflict between building systems, and generating perspectives from orthogonal views. The architectural design processes tend to integrate models isolated so far. Many different kinds of expert knowledge, tools, visualization techniques, and media are to be combined. _. An architect’s work involves mostly visually represented data. _.Therefore, the designer should have a maximum visual control over the processes taking place within the design continuum. 12.10 Ответь на вопросы: 1. What software programs are used in the building design? 2. What is CAAD? 3. Why was CAAD developed as a distinct class of software? 4. What is the difference between CAD and CAAD? 5. What systems does CAAD have? 6. What makes it easy to perform arithmetical operations effectively? 7. What is the two-way mapping of activities? 8. Does the design process cover the complete life cycle of a building? 9. What is meant by a design continuum? 10. How is a graphical approach used in the design process? 12.10 Ответь на вопросы:
1. What software programs are used in the building design? 2. What is CAAD? 3. Why was CAAD developed as a distinct class of software? 4. What is the difference between CAD and CAAD? 5. What systems does CAAD have? 6. What makes it easy to perform arithmetical operations effectively? 7. What is the two-way mapping of activities? 8. Does the design process cover the complete life cycle of a building? 9. What is meant by a design continuum? 10. How is a graphical approach used in the design process?
The Past Simple употребляется для выражения: Ø действия, которое произошло в определенный момент в прошлом: They went to the seaside last spring. Ø действий, которые происходили одно за другим в прошлом: He took a bath, shaved carefully, put on fresh shirt & left for the City.
Ø привычек или обыкновений, которые сейчас отсутствуют (used to): Every afternoon he smoked/ used to smoke a thick black cigar after dinner. Ø рассказов об умерших людях: Marilyn Monroe starred in a number of successful films.
Индикаторы: yesterday, last night/week/month/year/Monday, etc. two days/weeks/months, etc. ago, then, when, How long …?, in 1992/1845, etc.
Запомни: после [s], [k], [f], [p], -sh, -ch окончание –ed звучит как [t], после [m], [l], [b], [z], [v], [n], -g окончание звучит как [d], а после [t], [d] окончание –ed звучит как [id]. The Past Continuous употребляется для выражения:
Ø длительного действия, совершающегося в определенный момент в прошлом: At three o’clock yesterday afternoon, they were sitting at an outdoor café. Ø длительного действия, прерванного другим действием (в Past Simple): I was reading a book when the telephone rang. Ø двух и более одновременных длительных действий: While she was cooking dinner, Ann was laying the table. Ø описания атмосферы в художественных произведениях перед описанием основных действий: Todd & Emily were riding through the forest. The sun was shining & the birds were singing. Ø постоянного процесса или раздражения в прошлом. В этих случаях часто употребляются наречия always, constantly, ever: They were always quarrelling.
Индикаторы: when, while, as, all day/night/morning, etc.
Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое:
Ø до другого действия в прошлом или до определенного момента в прошлом: They had already reserved the table when they went to the restaurant. They had already sat down for dinner by 8 pm. Ø закончилось в прошлом и результат был виден в прошлом: Bill had injured his legs in a car accident, so he had to use a wheelchair for six month. (Past Perfect – эквивалент Present Perfect в прошлом.) Ø Past Perfect = Past Simple с индикаторами before и after: She left after she had finished her work. = She left after she finished her work.
Индикаторы: before, after, already, for, since, just, till/until, when, by, by the time, never, etc.
Past Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения действия:
Ø которое началось и закончилось в прошлом до другого действия или определенного момента в прошлом, чтобы подчеркнуть длительность: They had been skating together for five years before they entered the competition. Обычно употребляется с since и for. Ø которое длилось в прошлом и результат был виден в прошлом: she had been working hard that day, so she was tired. (Past Perfect Continuous– эквивалент Present Perfect Continuous в прошлом.)
Индикаторы: for, since, how long, before, until, etc.
Past Simple или Present Perfect Ø Past Simple употребляется для выражения действия, которое произошло в конкретный момент в прошлом. Время известно и важно: Kate Steele wrote her first novel in 1970. Ø Present Perfect же употребляется для выражения действия, которое произошло в неопределенный момент в прошлом. Точное время неизвестно и неважно: Kate Steele has written a lot of successful novels.
Ø Past Simple употребляется, когда речь идет о жизни людей, которые умерли: William Shakespeare wrote “Romeo & Juliet.” Ø Past Simple также употребляется для выражения действия, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом: George Barns was a basketball player for ten years. Ø А Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous употребляются для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем: Jim Presley has worked/has been working as a waiter for fifteen years. Ø Present Perfect также употребляется для оглашения новостей, а Past Simple или Past Continuous употребляется, чтобы сообщить подробности о них: I’ve just seen the new boss. I was talking to Carol on the phone when he came in. Ø used to + инфинитив употребляется для выражения прошлых привычек или обыкновений которые уже отсутствуют: They used to travel a lot when they were younger. Вместо used to можно употреблять The Past Simple. Ø used to + инфинитив = the past simple когда: a. действие было однократным: I drove to work yesterday. b. мы знаем точное количество раз, которое совершалось действие: I went to the cinema four times last month. Ø would/used to употребляется для выражения повторяющихся действий в прошлом: We would/used to eat out on Sundays. Ø would не употребляется с глаголам чувственно-визуального восприятия. Ø be used to употребляется для выражения привычки: They are used to the cold. She wasn’t used to living in the country. Ø get used to употребляется для выражения привыкания: I’m getting used to the weather. He didn’t like using the computer at first, but he got used to it. She’ll soon get used to wearing contact lenses.
Past Simple – Past Continuous – Past Perfect
Ø The Past Simple употребляется для описания действия, которое произошло сразу же после какого-либо другого действия в прошлом: Last Monday, Lisa and her husband fed the children when he came home. The Past Continuous употребляется для описания действия, которое произошло тогда, когда его прервали: Last Tuesday, Lisa was feeding the children when her husband came home. The Past Perfect употребляется для описания действия, которое произошло перед другим действием в прошлом: Last Friday, Lisa had already fed the children when her husband came home.
12.A Составь вопросы и краткие ответы: 1. They spend pounds of cement last year. 2. Tom sees construction workers, as they left the work site. 3. They built this house twenty years ago. 12.B Выбери наиболее подходящий вариант: 1. We went to a construction last night/ tonight. 12.C Раскрой скобки: Ø Hi Dima! I (not/ see) you for ages. How are you? Ø I’m very well. Actually, I (just/ come back) from the conference. Ø Really? That’s nice. Where (you/ go)? Ø I (go) to Novosibirsk to report my research. My head of research (live) there. Ø Yes, you (tell) me that, I think. (you/ have) an efficient time? Ø Yes, it (be) efficiently. The flight was very long, though. Ø Yes, you (look) quite tired. Ø Well, I (just/ come) from the airport. Ø Bye, Dima. Have a good rest. Ø Thanks. 12.D Раскрой скобки: 1. “Did you manage to get to the bank yesterday?” “No, it (close) before I came.” 2. “I see you finally bought a new blue-ray.” “Yes, I (try) to fix the old one for ages when I decided to buy a new one.” 3. “Where did you go for dinner on your birthday?” “I (go) to the new Chinese restaurant in town.” 4. “What are you looking for?” “My keys. I (lose) them.” 5. “I’m tired. We (walk) all morning.” “Let’s stop & have something to eat, then.” 6. “What (you/ buy) your girl-friend for your date?” “I got her a pendant.” 7. “How did you break your arm?” “I broke it when I (train) in gym.” 8. “Did you enjoy your holiday?” “Well, it didn’t go the way I (plan) it, but it was fun.” 12.E Life on Earth is changing. Составь предложения как в примере:
ü Trees provide oxygen & homes for animals. However, trees are disappearing because of fires & logging. But many governments have started to plant new trees. THE FACTS … ü Trees/ provide/ oxygen & homes for animals. 1. Many different species of fish/ live on coral reefs. 2. Many people/ use/ coal & oil as fuel for heating in their homes. 3. Ocean life/ produce/ 90% of our oxygen. THE CHANGES … ü Trees/ disappear/ because of fires & logging. 1. Fish/ die/ because fishermen/ destroy/ coral reefs. 2. Coal & oil supplies/ decrease. 3. We/ pollute/ the oceans with rubbish. THE ACTION TAKEN … ü Many governments/ start/ to plant new trees. 1. Some fishermen/ stop/ fishing near coral reefs. 2. Many people/ change/ to other sources of fuel for heating. 3. We/ begin/ to recycle rubbish instead of throwing it all away.
13.1 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Structural engineers analyse, design, plan, and research structural components and structural systems to achieve design goals and ensure the safety and comfort of users or occupants. Their work takes account of safety, technical, economic and environmental concerns, but they may also consider aesthetic and social factors. Typical structures designed by a structural engineer include buildings, towers and bridges. Other structures such as oil rigs, space satellites, aircraft and ships may also be designed by a structural engineer. Most structural engineers are employed in the construction industry, however there are also structural engineers in the aerospace, automobile and shipbuilding industries. In the construction industry, they work closely with architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, surveyors, and construction managers. Structural engineers ensure that buildings and bridges are built to be strong enough and stable enough to resist all appropriate structural loads in order to prevent or reduce loss of life or injury. They also design structures to be stiff enough to not deflect or vibrate beyond acceptable limits. Fatigue maybe an important consideration for bridges and for aircraft design, or for other structures which experience a large number of stress cycles over their lifetime. Consideration is also given to durability of materials against possible deterioration which may impair performance over the design lifetime.
13.2 Заполни пропуски: 1. The work to be done by a structural engineer _. 2. The structures a structural engineer designs _. 3. The areas a structural engineer is involved in _. 4. The experts a structural engineer works with_. 5. The properties of the materials and structures to be taken into account by a structural engineer_.
13.3 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст SURVEYING AS A CAREER: 1. The basic principles of surveying have changed little over the ages, but the tools used by surveyors have evolved tremendously. Engineering, especially civil engineering, depends heavily on surveyors. 2. Whenever there are roads, railways, reservoir, dams, retaining walls, bridges or residential areas to be built, surveyors are involved. They establish the boundaries of legal descriptions and the boundaries of various lines of political divisions. They also provide advice and data for geographical information systems, computer databases that contain data on land features and boundaries. 3. Surveyors must have a thorough knowledge of algebra, basic calculus, geometry, and trigonometry. They must also know the laws that deal with surveys, property, and contracts. In addition, they must be able to use delicate instruments with accuracy and precision. In the United States, surveyors and civil engineers use units of feet wherein a survey foot is broken down into 10ths and 100ths. 4. In most states of the U.S., surveying is recognized as a distinct profession apart from engineering. Licensing requirements vary by state, however these requirements generally all have a component of education, experience and examinations. In the past, experience gained through an apprenticeship, together with passing a series of state-administered examinations, was required to attain licensure. Nowadays, most states insist upon basic qualification of a degree in surveying in addition to experience and examination requirements.
13.4 Ответь на вопросы: 1. What experts does civil engineering depend on? 2. What areas and structures are surveyors involved in? 3. What does a surveyor’s work include? 4. What scientific knowledge must a surveyor have? 5. Should a surveyor be good at legal aspects in his work? 6. Should a surveyor be able to operate surveying instruments? 7. Why is surveying a distinct profession apart from engineering in the USA? 8. What is required to get a qualification of a surveyor?
13.5 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст MODERN THEODOLITES: In today’s theodolites, the reading out of the horizontal and vertical circles is usually done electronically. The readout is done by a rotary encoder, which can be absolute, e.g. using Gray codes, or incremental, using equidistant light and dark radial bands. In the latter case the circles spin rapidly, reducing angle measurement to electronic measurement of time differences. Additionally, lately computer-controlled display sensors have been added to the focal plane of the telescope allowing both auto-targeting and the automated measurement of residual target offset. All this is implemented in embedded software. Also, many modern theodolites, costing up to $ 10,000 apiece, are equipped with integrated electro-optical distance measuring devices, generally infrared based, allowing the measurement in one go of complete three-dimensional vectors which can then be transformed to a pre-existing co-ordinate system in the area by means of a sufficient number of control points. This technique is called a resection solution or free station position surveying and is widely used in mapping surveying. The instruments, “intelligent” theodolites called self-registering tacheometers or “total stations”, perform the necessary operations, saving data into internal registering units, or into external data storage devices. Typically, ruggedized laptops are used as data collectors for this purpose.
13.6 Заполни пропуски: 1. In today’s theodolites, the _ _ of the horizontal and vertical 2. _ is usually done _. The readout is done by a rotary_ _, which can be absolute, e.g. using Gray codes, 3. or incremental, using _ light and dark radial _. 4. In the latter case the circles _ rapidly, reducing angle to electronic _ of time differences. 5. Additionally, lately computer-controlled_ sensors have been added to the focal plane of the telescope _ both auto-tnrgeting and the _ measurement of residual target offset. 6. All this is _ in embedded software. 7. Also, many modern theodolites, costing up to _ apiece, are _ with integrated electro-optical distance measuring _, generally infrared based, allowing the in one go of complete _ vectors which can then be _ to a pre-existing _ _ system in the area by _ of a sufficient number of control. 8. This _ is called a resection solution or free station position _ and is widely used in surveying. The instruments, “intelligent” theodolites called _ tacheometers or “total stations”, the necessary operations,_ _ data into internal registering units, or into external data _ devices. Typically, ruggedized _ are used as data collectorsfor this _.
13.7 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст FOUNDATIONS OF LOW-RISE BUILDINGS: All foundations must transmit the building loads to a stable stratum of earth. There are two criteria for stability: first, the soil under the foundations should be able to receive the imposed load without more than about 2.5 centimetres of settlement and, second, the settlement should be uniform under the entire building. It is also important that the bottom of the foundation be below the maximum winter frost level. Wet soil expands as it freezes, and repeated freeze-thaw cycles can move the building up and down, leading to possible displacement and damage. Maximum frost depth varies with climate and topography. It can be as deep as 1.5 metres in cold continental climates and is zero in tropical and some subtropical areas. The foundation systems for low-rise residential buildings are suitable for their light loads; nearly all are supported on spread footings, which are of two types — continuous footings that support walls and isolated pad footings that support concentrated loads. The footings themselves are usually made of concrete poured directly on undisturbed soil to a minimum depth of about 30 centimetres. Foundation walls can be built of reinforced concrete or masonry, particularly concrete block. Concrete blocks are of a standard size larger than bricks and are hollow, forming a grid of vertical planes. They are the least expensive form of masonry — using cheap but strong material — and their large size economizes on the labour required to lay them. Their appearance and weathering properties are inferior to those of fired masonry, but they are satisfactory for foundation walls, in some places timber foundation walls and spread footings are used. Excavation for foundations is the most highly mechanized operation in this building type; it is done almost entirely with bulldozers and backhoes.
13.8 Ответь на вопросы: 1. What are the criteria for foundation stability? 2. Why is it important that the foundation bottom be below the maximum winter frost level? 3. What is the maximum frost depth? 4. What are foundations of low-rise buildings characterized by? 5. What materials can foundation walls be built of? 6. What are the differences between bricks and concrete blocks?
13.9 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст PIPE PILES:
Pipe piles are a type of steel driven pile foundation and are a good candidate for battered piles. Pipe piles can be driven either open end or closed end. When driven open end, soil is allowed to enter the bottom of the pipe or tube. If an empty pipe is required, a jet of water or an auger can be used to remove the soil inside following driving. Closed end pipe piles are constructed by covering the bottom of the pile with a steel plate or cast steel shoe. In some cases, pipe piles are filled with concrete to provide additional moment capacity or corrosion resistance. In the United Kingdom, this is not generally done in order to reduce the cost. In these cases, corrosion protection is provided by allowing for a sacrificial thickness of steel or by adopting a higher grade of steel. If a concrete filled pipe pile is corroded, most of the load carrying capacity of the pile will remain intact due to the concrete, while it will be lost in an empty pipe pile. The structural capacity of pipe piles is primarily calculated based on steel strength and concrete strength (if filled). The thickness of the steel considered for determining capacity is typically reduced by 1/16 in. compared to the actual pipe to account for corrosion. Steel pipe piles can either be new steel manufactured specifically for the piling industry or reclaimed steel tubular casing previously used for other purposes such as oil and gas exploration.
13.10 Заполни таблицу:
13.11 Прочитай, переведи текст DOWNTOWN и расположи абзацы в правильной последовательности:
1. Now steel frame blocks are rising on a three part site being developed by Ballymore for mixed use, with offices, retail space and hotel floors above. Largest will be a development with two towers on the square site at the end, one of these a future landmark with 44 floors, the city’s highest building. Landscaped space will also be over a five-storey basement car park filling the whole 96,000 m2 space. To create this large volume and tower foundations, groundwork specialist Bachy Soletanche has been installing a deep contiguous piled wall around the site this summer. In recent weeks, as the large excavation inside got underway inside, it has been back on site to install a line of ground anchors in the wall. 2. Birmingham’s latest development includes a 44 storey-tower with a five storey basement. Bachy Soletanche is just finishing the foundations. 3. “These are for temporary support of the wall during the basement construction,” explains contracts manager Steve Mallinson. “Once the concreted base slab and floors are in place they will provide all the structural support needed and the anchors will be cut through.” The tendons will remain in the ground afterwards. “We also had to do ten plunge columns for the site approach ramp within the main wall,” says Mallinson. These hefty steel H-section columns, surrounded by pea gravel inside their pile casings, are gradually being exposed again as the site excavation proceeds. 4. For the ten top-down piles Bachy installed a basic bored pile with casing and then used its special plunge column rig to achieve the 5 mm accuracy needed for positioning the I section steel columns. 5. Contractor PC Harrington is doing the excavation and base concreting at present. But until recently Bachy has unusually had the site to itself. “We were effectively a main contractor,” says Mallinson, “installing security and site welfare, arranging spoil disposal and concrete deliveries.” 6. Birmingham, England has long had a reputation as a windswept concrete jungle, the result of road focused re-development in the 1960s. But a wave of new development is modernising the city centre with friendlier mixed use schemes. One of the biggest is transforming a bleak space close to the Snow Hill station, the city’s second central railway station. For years the area has been mainly rough ground, used for car parking alongside a main road, with railway lines nearby and assorted 1960s concrete multistorey car parks. 7. It was a change, he says, not having to interleave between other work, though with two support cranes, two Bauer BG 22 piling rigs, spoil heaps, reinforcement deliveries and site accommodation to deal with, the site became full enough. As the 241 piles in the perimeter wall were installed he even had to block off two of three site entrances, which meant some careful logistics were needed. 8. For the 220 m length of the main wall, project design consultant WSP had opted for contiguous piles, “which is the right choice,” says Mallinson, “because the ground is dry and you don’t need any interlocking.” Piles are 750 mm diameter. 9. The obstacles were mainly several metres down and up to 3 m thick. To get through meant using the full strength of the Bauer rigs in straight boring mode — the dual purpose rigs could be converted for such work in about 24 hours and then drove through the hard material with tungsten carbide boring heads. “We had site investigation data but did further probe piles at various locations around the perimeter to work out what we could do with the CFA and what would take the harder cased bored work,” says Mallinson. In the end about 30% bored piling was needed, somewhat less than Bachy had estimated, which meant it came out ahead. 10. To get through this fairly soft ground should be relatively straightforward. Bachy hoped to work with continuous flight piling mainly, which is quick and economical. But there is always a but. On this site it was obstacles in the ground, remnants of the 1960s, including various road underpasses and subways. “A lot of it was grubbed out in a preparatory contract,” says Brown. “But there was some left where it would have caused undermining of the highway.” 11. But there is often another but. The sandstone and sand caused difficulties with both types of piling “because porous ground tends to suck the moisture out of the concrete,” says Mallinson. “That made it stiffer and harder to get the pre-made reinforcement cages in after the augur was withdrawn.” Bachy switched to a more fluid mix and a highly disciplined pile procedure where cages were positioned within a minute of the augur being withdrawn. 12. Snow Hill development includes 56,000 m2 of office space, a five-star hotel and 332 luxury apartments in a 44-storey tower, five major new public spaces which — it is hoped — will create a new core to Birmingham’s commercial heartland Kier Group is the main contractor with Arup heading up the mechanical and electrical engineering contract, while Alan Baxter Associates is the structures and highways consultant. Ballymore Properties is the developer of the Snow Hill project. It has worked on 22 city centre projects in Liverpool, Luton, Bristol and London. In London’s Docklands, current schemes include Pan Peninsula, Ontario Tower and Leamouth Peninsula. 13. A steel frame sitting on the casings had three sets of hydraulic rams for precision adjustment of the central steel while it was fixed with around 5 m of concrete at the pile base. Pea gravel fills the casing. The 12 weeks’ schedule met, Bachy retired for a month while the excavation began, returning in late October to begin anchoring. Some 70 anchors go in, a row of one every three piles. Each is 15 m long and 178 mm diameter, driven by a Casagrande M6 articulating rig. 14. Five strand reinforcement bundles from Diwidag are grouted into the bottom 6 m or so of the anchor which runs at a 45° incline into the sandstone. That too has gone to schedule and the site is now almost ready for the main works by contractor Altius. 15. The Snow Hill development as it will look. The wall will hold back the ground which comprises a few metres of fill, then a 3—5 m thick sand layer which becomes weathered sandstone further down and gradually more competent rock. “The bedrock layer slopes from 2 m to 14 m down across the site and the piles must be up to 17.5 m deep,” says site engineer Mathew Brown, “though they average out a little less.”
The Future Simple употребляется для выражения: Ø предсказаний будущего, обычно с глаголами think, believe, expect; выражениями be sure, be afraid; наречиями perhaps, certainly, probably: His parents think he will become an artist one day. Ø неожиданных решений и предложений: I’ll take this jacket. Since it’s your birthday, I’ll pay for lunch. Ø событий, ситуаций, которые точно произойдут в будущем, и которые невозможно контролировать: Jill will be two years old next month. Ø обещаний, обычно с глаголами promise, swear, guarantee, угроз, предупреждений, просьб, обозначения надежды, обычно с I hope: I hope pollution levels will drop soon. Factories must stop polluting the air or else we won’t be able to breathe. Индикаторы: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year, tonight, soon, in a week/month/year, etc.
The Future Continuous употребляется для выражения: Ø действия, которое произойдет в обозначенное время в будущем: This time next week, I’ll be skiing in Austria. Ø действия, которое произойдет в будущем в результате обыденности или договоренности: ‘Shall I inform the rest of the team?’ ‘No, I’ll do it. I’ll be seeing them at the meeting anyway’. Ø действия в будущем, когда мы вежливо спрашиваем о чьих-либо планах (совпадают ли наши желания с их планами): ‘Will you be going out later?’ ‘Yes. Why?’ ‘Could you get me a sandwich, please?’
The Future Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое будет закончено до обозначенного времени в будущем: They will have finished their meeting by four o’clock this afternoon. Индикаторы: by, by the time, before, until, by then, etc.
The Future Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения длительности действия до определенного времени в будущем: By the time Rick retires, he will have been working for the same company for thirty years. Индикаторы: by … for.
Will / Shall Ø WILL YOU …? употребляется для выражения просьбы: Will you open the door for me, please? Ø WON’T употребляется для выражения отказа: I’ve talked to Sue about her decision to leave, but she won’t listen. SHALL I/WE …? употребляется для: a) выражения предложения: Shall I give you a hand with those bags? b) выражения совета: Shall we wait until the rain stops? c) получения инструкции: What shall I do with all these letters? Put them on my desk. Present Simple используется в значении будущего, когда мы ссылаемся на программы или расписания (поезда, автобусы и т.д.): The film starts in ten minutes. (расписание кинотеатра) Be going to употребляется для выражения: Ø планов на будущее, намерений или стремлений:I’m going to employ more staff. I’m going to expand my company. Ø предвидений ближайшего будущего: Look at him! He is going to win the race. Ø The Future Simple не употребляется после while, before, until, as soon as, after, if, by the time или as. Вместо этого употребляется The Present Simple или Present Perfect: I’ll wait until you finish/have finished. А не: until you will finish. Ø When (= в какое время) употребляется, как вопросительное слово, за ним следует The Future Simple: When will I know the results? I can’t tell when it will be ready. Ø When (= в то время) употребляется, как временное слово и за ним следует The Present Simple: He’ll call us when he gets there. If может следовать за The Future simple только после выражений, которые выражают незнание, неуверенность I don’t know, I doubt, I wonder: I wonder if he will be on time. Но: If you see him, tell him about the party. После by the time, until, before, употребляется The Present Simple в придаточных времени. The Future Perfect и The Future Perfect Continuous могут стоять как перед, так и после них: I will have tidied up by the time you get back. By the time she finishes work, we will have been waiting for more than an hour. 13.A Выбери наиболее подходящий вариант: 1. Have you builded just/ yet? 2. Construction trade worked very hard these days/ soon. 3. “Did paper hanger hung wallpapers on time?” “No, I had been waiting/ had waited/ was waiting for an hour before he pfpered with wallpaper”. 4. “How is Sasha now?” “He gets/ is getting/ has been getting better slowly.” 5.Were you at constructoin site yesterday? No, I am not/was/was not. I was obtain an order. 6.Where is the carpenter? I don't know. I am not seeing/ haven't seen/ didn't see him today. 7.Whats wrong? My roof has broken down. Will you help /you will help/ shall you help me, please? 8.“It’s very hot in this room, isn’t it?” “Yes. I will you open/ open/ will open the window.” 9.“Where is Christine?” “I don’t know. I am not seeing/ haven’t seen/ didn’t see her today.” 10.“What’s wrong?” “My car has broken down. Will you help/ You will help/ Shall you help me, please?” 13.B Раскрой скобки:
1. Did you find the beams you looking for? Yes. They … on my construction site all the time. (be)
13.C Раскрой скобки:
When engineer Stepanov (open) the door, he knew someone (be) in the worker’s room. Things (be) different. Earlier that morning, he (see) for roofer to leave the worker’s room. Stepanov (go) into the construction laboratory. The window (be) open. He was sure the (close) it earlier. Next, he (go) into the construction site. Stepanov knew something very strange (go) on. He went back into the laboratory. He just (get) to the top of the stairs when he heard a noise coming from the basement. Slowly he (open) door & there, in the middle of the construction bags, (lie) his builders! They (sleep)! Stepanov was very angry.
13.D Dr. Samson is a scientist. He is going on a mission to Saturn with some astronauts. Составь предложения как в примере:
1. What have they arranged? ü leave/ Earth/ on Saturday. They’re leaving Earth on Saturday. • return/ to Earth/ in two months 2. What will they be doing while they’re there? ü do/ experiments. They’ll be doing experiments while they’re there. • collect/ samples to take back to earth • search/ the planet for signs of life 3. What will they have done by the time they come back? ü take/ more than 3000 photographs. They’ll have taken more than 3000 photographs. • walk/ on the surface of the planet • be/ in space for about 2 months 13.E Life has changed a lot in the past century. Составь предложения как в примере: 1. 100 years ago, people used to eat simple, home-made food. Today, we eat tinned food & pre-packaged meals. In the future, scientists are bound to invent food pills which will replace actual meals.
2. 100 years ago, people used to Today, we In the future, scientists are on the point of invention of 3. 100 years ago, people used to Today, we In the future, scientists are bound to invent 4. 100 years ago, people used to Today, we In the future, we expect to make 5. 100 years ago, people used to Today, we In the future, scientists are on the point of 6. 100 years ago, people used to Today, we In the future, we expect to
14.1 Сопоставь понятия и определения:
14.2 Сопоставь понятия и их определения:
14.3 Прочитай и письменно переведи, используя:
1. area — участок, район; площадь 2. residential (housing) area — жилой район 3. bearing area — площадь опоры, несущая поверхность 4. a cross-section(al) area — площадь поперечного сечения 5. instrument — инструмент; прибор 6. surveying instrument — геодезический инструмент 7. measuring instrument — измерительный инструмент 8. levelling instrument — нивелир, ватерпас 9. instrumentation — контрольно-измерительные приборы
1. Resistance is provided by transferring the thrust force to the soil through the larger bearing area of the block such that the resultant pressure against the soil does not exceed the horizontal bearing strength of the soil. 2. It is a nice starter home by a park, the least expensive house in an expensive area, and really fits all of our requirements. 3. When a plane cuts through an object, an area is projected onto the plane. Any plane can be used to cut through the surface, but when that plane is perpendicular to an axis of symmetry, it projection is called a cross-sectional area. 4. Safe driving in residential areas is important. 5. The garden is twelve square metres in area. 6. The area is also fast developing as a recreational and retirement housing area with a large number of foreigners now living in the area plus housing developments that have been implemented by local entrepreneurs. 7. The newest requirements in instrumentation and test equipment demand even higher speeds and new levels of precision. 8. This company manufactures, markets, imports and exports a wide range of measuring instruments of world-renowned brands.9. Surveying instruments are used for the accurate measurement of features, orientation and absolute positioning of large scale objects in engineering, construction, mapping, industry, defense and other applications. 10. The use of levelling instruments is essential to various parts of the construction process, ranging from investigating the original site to locating the building on the site, and establishing grades and elevations of various parts of the structure. 11. Instruments used in surveying operations measure vertical and horizontal angles, and distance. 14.4 Подготовь и сделай сообщения по следующим темам: 1. Film technology and semiconductor technology. 2. Silicon for microelectronics. 3. Oxidation and its function. 4. The techniques for the deposition of thin films.
14.5 Прочитай и письменно перев
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