Engineering characteristics.
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 12 из 12 One of the disadvantages in designing bamboo structures is the lack of structural design data and established mechanical properties. Building codes over the globe have yet to embrace bamboo, though a draft code on bamboo structural design is under review. Basic mechanical properties have been dealt with by many authors but, unlike timber, bamboo properties do not relate to species because of the dependency on other factors such as geographical location and age. More recent research on bamboo scaffolding carried out at Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the support of the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan has thus concentrated on the locally available kao jue and mao jue varieties. The studies indicated that despite large variations in diameter, wall thickness and moisture content, representative values of mechanical properties could be arrived at. Two failure modes, namely end bearing and splitting, were identified in compression tests. End-bearing failures were mainly due to high moisture content. For bending tests, splitting and local crushing were identified as reasons for failure. Based on a systematic experimental investigation on column- buckling behaviour of bamboo members, researchers found that load reduction due to column buckling is significant and accordingly developed a limit-state design method. Two failure modes, namely overall buckling and local buckling, were identified respectively in mao jue (long column-wet) and kao jue (short column-wet) members in most of the cases. The engineering characteristics of structural bamboos are similar to those of timber and codification along similar lines to timber should be the next logical step. If the Hong Kong Buildings Department publishes a code of practice for bamboo scaffold as it has suggested, this would lead to promotion and wider acceptance of bamboo as a building material worldwide. Training and safety. In the past, the skills required for erecting bamboo scaffolding were taught by a master scaffolder through a traditional apprentice system that would last for 3 years. However, apprentices can now pick up the skill within a year through on-job training or by attending a Construction Industry Training Authority training course. After working in industry for at least 4 years, a scaffolder can take the CITA trade test, which consists of a 0.5 h written examination followed by a 6 h practical test in which the candidate is required to: Ø inspect an erected scaffold and rectify the defects; Ø dismantle the scaffold safely; Ø reerect the scaffold. In 2006, 268 candidates applied for the test and 62% passed. Apart from the extent ofworkcompleted and quality of workmanship, candidates are also assessed on their safety-consciousness. All scaffolders in Hong Kong are required to wear safety harnesses, fall arrestors and independent lifelines. Scaffolds must also be inspected by a competent person — a CITA trade test holder with at least 10 years’ experience — every 2 weeks and more often during tropical cyclones and strong monsoons. The main contractor’s full-time supervisor should also inspect the integrity of the scaffolds regularly and record findings in stipulated forms.
Despite the training and skill of Hong Kong’s bamboo scaffolders and the government’s associated code and guidelines, serious accidents continue to occur, mostly in truss-out bamboo scaffolds. The overall accident rate in Hong Kong’s construction industry in the past few years is around 60 for every 1000 workers. A total of 3835 accident cases were recorded in 2004, 3548 in 2005 and 3129 (projected) in 2006. The numbers of fatal accidents during these years are 17, 25 and 17 respectively. Repair and maintenance projects account for the majority of the accidents. Nearly half of the fatal accidents are grouped under “fall of person from height” involving truss-out bamboo scaffolds, unfenced edges, ladders and so on. Many of the accidents in truss-out bamboo scaffolds have resulted from failures of the support bracket anchor bolts. The difficulty in fixing the anchor bolts from inside the building is cited as a major cause. Inadequacy of secure fixtures of lifelines to anchorage points has also been noted in many cases. Industry, institutions and government departments are working together in addressing the problem. Metal versus bamboo. Unlike metal scaffold poles, bamboo poles do not need oiling, painting or covered storage. They are much lighter and easier to handle, leading to fast erection: one worker can erect 75-100 m2 of double-layered bamboo scaffolding a day, some 6—8 times faster than for a similar metal scaffold. Also, the cost of bamboo poles is only about 6% of the cost of steel poles. Bamboo scaffolds are generally split into 15 m tall frames with those above ground level supported by steel brackets fixed to the main structure. The heavier weight of metal scaffolding means that vertical loads are usually taken all the way down to the base. This is workable for medium-rise buildings but for a multi-storey building of, say, 124 m height, it is estimated that standards will be required in groups of three at base with double at intermediate levels. Intermediate steel brackets, if designed, would also be massive. In Hong Kong, where high-rise buildings are a norm and many urban sites are bounded by busy streets, shopping arcades and pedestrian bridges, treble and double metal scaffolds would not be practical. Bamboo also has a much lower carbon footprint than metal. For Hong Kong it is cultivated in the neighbouring Guangxi province in abundance, and then transported to Hong Kong along the Pearl River simply by lashing the poles together and floating them downstream. Depending on the type of scaffolding, bamboo poles can be reused three to five times. A city of old and new. Hong Kong is a forward-looking city but one which also values its traditions and customs. For example, century-old tramcars pass slowly through the heart of the central district while state-of-the-art mass-transit trains speed through tunnels below and traditional dim- sum restaurants sit alongside the latest fast-food outlets. New Civil Engineer International, March, 2009
To-инфинитив употребляется для выражения:
Ø намерения: She went to the bank to get some money. Ø особых пожеланий после would like/would love/would prefer: I would like to learn a foreign language. Ø неудовлетворения результатом после only: He rushed to the back door only to discover that it was locked. Ø после advise, agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, want, afford, pretend, etc.; nice, sorry, glad, happy, willing, afraid, ashamed, allow, etc.: He advised me to apply for the job. He is glad to be back. Ø после know, decide, ask, learn, remember, want tot know, etc. + who/what/where/how/etc. кроме why: I can’t decide where to go. I want to know why you’ve decided to leave. Ø после it+be+прилагательное (+of+существительное/местоимение): It was nice of him to help. Ø for + существительное употребляется с: Ø глаголами arrange, hope, long, prepare, ask, wait, etc.: We’ve arranged for the plumber to come tomorrow. Ø прилагательными anxious, cheap, convenient, dangerous, difficult, important, necessary, etc.: I’m anxious for Beth to go to university. Ø существительными advantage, disadvantage, demand, disaster, idea, mistake, etc.: It was a mistake for you to lend him the money. Ø too/enough Ø to инфинитивом для выражения намерения: There are benches for people to sit on in the park. Bare инфинитив употребляется после: Ø модальных глаголов: You must study hard. Ø глаголов let, make, see, hear и feel: They made him pay for the damage. Но в пассиве употребляется to-инфинитив. Ø had better и would rather: You had better sign the contact. I would rather go home now. Ø shall, will Ø За help могут следовать оба инфинитива. The –ing form употребляется: Ø как существительное: Cycling is a popular form of exercise. Ø после dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer, чтобы выразить главное предпочтение. Но would like/love/prefer употребляется с to инфинитивом, чтобы выразить специфическое предпочтение; admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, go for, imagine, involve, keep (= continue), mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent, quit, recall, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, save, stand, suggest, tolerate, understand, spend, waste, lose (time, money, etc.). Ø после предлогов и to с выражениями look forward to, be used to, get round to, object to, in addition to, prefer (предпочтение одного действия другому); be busy, it`s no use, it`s (no) good, it`s (not) worth, what`s the use of, can`t help, there`s no point (in), can`t stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble, have a hard/difficult time, confess to; complain about/with; warned about; instead of, etc. Ø после глаголов hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, feel, чтобы описать незавершенное действие (кто-то слышал, видел и т.д. не полное действие): I listened to James singing a song. Но hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, feel с bare инфинитив для описания полного действия. Если между двумя инфинитивами стоит and, то to второго инфинитива опускается: He decided to go to university & study biology. Отрицательные инфинитивы образуются при помощи not: He decided not to accept the job. She may not to come.
Ø Если подлежащее инфинитива и подлежащее основного глагола совпадают, тo оно опускается: She wants (she) to leave now. Если же подлежащее инфинитива не совпадает с подлежащим основного глагола и выражено object pronoun (me, you, them, etc.), именем или существительным, оно стоит перед инфинитивом: She wants them to leave now.
Эти выражения в инфинитиве и –ing форме меняют значение:
TOO ставится перед прилагательными или наречиями, имеет отрицательное значение и показывает, что что-то более чем достаточно, необходимо или хочется: Tim is too old to join the basketball team. They run too fast for me to catch up with them. This plan is too complicated for me. This ring is too expensive for me to buy. ENOUGH ставится после прилагательных или наречий, но перед существительными, имеет утвердительное значение и показывает, что то, что необходимо или хочется имеется в достаточном количестве: He’s clever enough to solve the problem. We’ve gotenough money to go on holiday this year. We are old enough to vote. We are not old enough to vote. Причастия настоящего времени (-ing) отвечают на вопрос «Какого рода» и описывают что есть что-то или кто-то: It’s a very tiring job. Причастия прошедшего времени (-ed) отвечают на вопрос «Как себя чувствуешь» и описывают что кто-то чувствует: He’s very tired.
Причастия употребляются для: Ø выражения времени: After doing/having done her homework, she watched TV. Having done her homework, she watched TV. He broke his arm (while) playing hockey. Ø выражения причины: Being late, Adam took a taxi. Having spent all her money, Pam asked for a loan. Ø вместо сравнительных местоимений и глаголов: The man standing at the door is my boss. The information presented in the article was invaluable. Ø вместо Past Simple в повествования, для описания действий, которые происходят одно за другим: Seeing the shadow, he screamed. для избежания повторения Past Continuous в предложении: She was climbing up a ladder carrying a bucket.
17.A Раскрой скобки:
1. Sam went to the site (bond) the bricks together. 2. (Rub) is an alternate method. 3. He promised (help) us with the veneer. 4. I listened Vitya (declare) a report. It was a great success. 5. I was annoyed (hear) that rubbers had left. 6. They considered (work) abroad. 7. He should (apologise) to his parents. 8. He avoided (answer) my question. 9. She likes (split) masonry units. 10. He is reluctant (help). 11. She ought to (find) a job. 12. You were clever not (believe) them. 13. I would like (lay) a row of dry bricks. 14. It was clever of you not (believe) them. 15. They saw her (talk) to the manager. 16. We’ve got a lot of homework (do). 17. What’s the use of (wait) for an answer? 18. Take something (drink) on the bus. 19. I saw her (get) into a taxi. 20. She was seen (get) into a taxi. 21. She is too young (stay) out so late. 22. We could see smoke (come) out of the building. 23. It is important (get) there on time. 24. She is busy (write) the instruction for brickwork pattern. 25. It is her ambition (open) her own firm. 26. We wasted a lot of time (try) to find a parking space. 27. She came to the uni (find) all the students waiting for her. 28. He lost 1000000 pounds (invest) in unsuccessful companies. 29. They rushed to the airport only (be informed) that flight had been cancelled. 30. You had better (see) a doctor. 31. He was the first (arrive). 32. He was found guilty of (lie) in court. 33. She objects to (work) on Saturdays. 34. He explained how (operate) the machine. 35. I don’t know why he (leave). 36. She helped me (fill) in my application form. 37. He agreed (come) and (help) us. 17.B Исправь ошибки: 1. Moisture did not evaporate fast too to start the work. 2. This wall is too plump to useing a plumb. 3. The mortar joints aren’t hard enough point. 4. It’s too cold laying a course. 5. We’ve got enough time making cavity wall. 6. This pattern is enough difficult for me. 17.C Раскрой скобки: 1. We advise (hold) the individual bricks together in advance. 2. I would like Dima (help) with the stucco. 3. He’s starting (put) mortar joints. 4. It was a mistake for you (lend) him the plumb. 5. The building structure needs (veneer). 6. There are flemish bond (render) the appearance of the face work. 7. He advised us (book) in advance. 8. I would like (help) with the rat-trap bond. 9. We were advised (absorb) moisture. 10. It was easy enough for her (find) a job. 11. I remember Nikita’s (split) the brickwork. 12. The joint needs to be (point). 13. I’m anxious for Artem (go) to university. 14. We’ve arranged for the bricklayer (come) tomorrow. 17.D Выбери подходящий вариант: 1. I’m sorry to say/saying this, but your work is rather unsatisfactory. 2. She doesn’t want to drive her car. She’s afraid of to crash/crashing it. 3. He stopped to fill/filling the tank with petrol, then continued driving. 4. We are sorry for to keep/keeping you waiting. 5. We tried to move/moving the heavy metal tie to the side of the road. 6. Grisha likes to meet/meeting new people. 7. If you can’t lay bricks, try to point/pointing mortar joints. 8. He stopped to split/spliting masonary units because he had an injury. 9. He is afraid to touch/touching the stucco in case it is wet. 10. I like to pay/paying my bills as soon as I get them. 11. I’ll never forget to lay/laying out straight courses for the first time. 12. He regretted to sell/selling his plumb. 13. I have to go out. I forgot to order/ordering a metal tie.
14. She is determined to get rubbers, even if it means to pay/paying a lot of money. 15. She introduced herself and went on to talk/talking about her new book. 16. I would like to go/going to that new conference. 17. Did you remember to tell/telling Egor about the meeting? 18. I remember to talk/talking to him before. 19. He went on to veneer/veneering until 10.00. 20. She means to buy/buying a new car soon. 21. We regret to inform/informing you that you have failed.
18.1 Сопоставь понятия и их определения:
18.2 Подбирите к английским словам и выражениям русские эквиваленты:
18.3 Прочитай и письменно переведи, используя: ready adj — готовый ready at hand — находящийся под рукой readiness п — готовность in readiness — наготове readily adv — легко, без труда frame n — конструкция, сооружение, каркас, рама frame of roof — стропильная система крыши roof framing — несущие конструкции крыши framework п — рамная конструкция, каркас within the framework of — в рамках, в пределах чего-л. 1. The evaluation of site readiness is necessary to identify aspects of the site that may affect a project outcome. 2. A well-built birdhouse should be durable, rainproof and readily accessible. 3. The excavator is ready to dig on the construction site. 4. Water and sewer pipes were stacked in readiness for building construction. 5. Palm computing devices are ready at hand. 6. Ready-mix concrete helps to reduce construction-site pollution. 7. Bricklayers desire a mortar not to be sticky, enabling the brick layer to readily transfer the mixed mortar from the surface of his trowel onto the masonry elements being laid. 8. This house uses trusses for the roof framing. Trusses are prefabricated, triangulated wooden structures used to support the roof. The alternative is to build up the frame of the roof with 2x8s and 2x10s. 9. The indicated circumstances should be considered in design within the framework of the geotechnical system. 10. If you choose to build a timber frame home, your first choice is whether to cut the frame on or off site. If you cut your own frame offsite, don’t forget to budget time and money for getting all of the frame timbers to the building site. 11. The block of office buildings was built of concrete on a steel framework.
18.4 Прочитай и письменно переведи:
1. They gave instructions for installing ceramic wall tile. b. He added beauty to his home with new tile flooring. c. They gave some advice how to tile a wall. 2. a. After the first coat of base paint dries, apply another one. b It is very cold, so wear a heavy coat. c. Coat the surface with two layers of paint. 3. a. Make the windows secure before leaving the house. b. They could secure the connecting plates to the beams. c. This company can secure a good civil engineering job. 4. a. They could not taper the width of a beam at either end. b. The structures have a slight inward taper. c. They are studying the axial behaviour of taper beams. 5. a. The grow/joints have been filled. b. Wipe tiles with a damp cloth to remove excess grout. c. Grout all joints other than areas that need to be left as expansion joints.
18.5 Прочитай, письменно переведи текст INTERIOR FINISHES OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS: Space-division systems in commercial and industrial buildings make use of gypsum board partitions, usually applied to a framework of formed sheet-metal members attached to the building structure. They are readily demolished and rebuilt at relatively low cost, meeting the need for flexibility in such buildings. They are often used for fire-resistive protective enclosures for which a number of layers are laminated to achieve the specified fire resistance. Trans-parent and translucent partitions are also used with different types of glass set in metal frames. Office buildings may contain prefabricated movable metal partitions which typically use metal sandwich panel construction to create panels with both transparent and opaque surfaces as well as doors. These partitions are expensive compared with gypsum board and must be often moved to justify the greater initial cost. Concrete block is used in unfinished spaces and for fire-resistive partitions. Glazed ceramic block or ceramic tile applied over a concrete block or gypsum board is used in wet areas and where cleanliness is a problem, such as in kitchens and toilet rooms. Walls with wood panelling or stone veneer are occasionally used for aesthetic effect. Doors are usually set in formed sheet-metal frames, although some wood frames are used. The doors themselves are usually made of solid timbers glue-laminated together and covered with thin decorative wood veneers; painted hollow sheet-metal doors are used for exterior doors. Ceiling finishes in these buildings create a sandwich space below the roof or floor slab above which conceals projecting structural elements, recessed light fixtures, electrical wiring conduits, and air-handling ductwork. The ceiling must be accessible to change or maintain the service elements located above it, and the most common ceiling system is composed of wet felted mineral fibre panels painted and perforated on one side for sound absorption. The removable panels are supported on a grid of formed sheet-metal tee bars which are suspended by wires from the structure above. Where accessibility is not important and a smooth finish is desired, suspended gypsum board ceilings can be used. Floor finishes in commercial and institutional uses make considerable use of synthetic-fibre carpeting and vinyl composition tile. In areas of higher traffic harder surfaces may be used, for example, cut stone tiles of marble or granite, ceramic tile applied with epoxy adhesive to the substrate or terrazzo. Terrazzo is made in two ways, traditional and thin-set. In the traditional form a four-centimetre layer of cement and sand grout is poured over the substrate; a grid of metal divider strips to control shrinkage cracks is set on the hardened surface, and grout mix of coloured cement and marble chips is poured between the strips. After hardening, the surface is machine polished to expose the marble chips and metal dividers. Thin-set terrazzo is made by placing the metal strips and pouring the binder and marble chips onto the subfloor without the underbed of cement and sand. It is generally possible only when epoxy resins are used in place of cement binders. Terrazzo is available in many colours, and it forms a hard, smooth, and durable surface that is easily cleaned.
18.6 Заполни таблицу:
18.7 Прочитай, переведи текст DRYWALL и расположи абзацы в правильной последовательности:
1. Floor finishes in commercial and institutional uses make considerable use of synthetic-fibre carpeting and vinyl composition tile. In areas of higher traffic harder surfaces may be used, for example, cut stone tiles of marble or granite, ceramic tile applied with epoxy adhesive to the substrate or terrazzo. Terrazzo is made in two ways, traditional and thin-set. In the traditional form a four-centimetre layer of cement and sand grout is poured over the substrate; a grid of metal divider strips to control shrinkage cracks is set on the hardened surface, and grout mix of coloured cement and marble chips is poured between the strips. After hardening, the surface is machine polished to expose the marble chips and metal dividers. Thin-set terrazzo is made by placing the metal strips and pouring the binder and marble chips onto the subfloor without the underbed of cement and sand. It is generally possible only when epoxy resins are used in place of cement binders. Terrazzo is available in many colours, and it forms a hard, smooth, and durable surface that is easily cleaned. 2. Office buildings may contain prefabricated movable metal partitions which typically use metal sandwich panel construction to create panels with both transparent and opaque surfaces as well as doors. These partitions are expensive compared with gypsum board and must be often moved to justify the greater initial cost. Concrete block is used in unfinished spaces and for fire-resistive partitions. Glazed ceramic block or ceramic tile applied over a concrete block or gypsum board is used in wet areas and where cleanliness is a problem, such as in kitchens and toilet rooms. Walls with wood panelling or stone veneer are occasionally used for aesthetic effect. Doors are usually set in formed sheet-metal frames, although some wood frames are used. The doors themselves are usually made of solid timbers glue-laminated together and covered with thin decorative wood veneers; painted hollow sheet-metal doors are used for exterior doors. 3. Ceiling finishes in these buildings create a sandwich space below the roof or floor slab above which conceals projecting structural elements, recessed light fixtures, electrical wiring conduits, and air-handling ductwork. The ceiling must be accessible to change or maintain the service elements located above it, and the most common ceiling system is composed of wet felted mineral fibre panels painted and perforated on one side for sound absorption. The removable panels are supported on a grid of formed sheet-metal tee bars which are suspended by wires from the structure above. Where accessibility is not important and a smooth finish is desired, suspended gypsum board ceilings can be used. 4. Drywall is the term used for a common method of constructing interior walls and ceilings using panels made of gypsum plaster pressed between two thick sheets of paper, then kiln dried. Many such panels are made with fiberglass instead of paper to prevent mold growth, which is common with paper that has been exposed to water due to plumbing leaks or floods. Drywall construction is used globally for the finish construction of interior walls and ceilings. Drywall construction became prevalent as a speedier alternative to using plaster-based interior finish techniques, which involved forcefully spreading a substrate of coarse plaster, known as the base made up of the scratch coat and brown coat, onto the wall lath-work before finally applying the smoother finish coat, each layer added in succession and all by hand. Drywall, by contrast to plaster, requires hand finishing only at the fasteners and joints. The drywall process requires less labour and drying time, lending its name to the panels used in the assembly. 5. Drywall is cut to size using a large T-square by scoring the paper on the front side (usually white) with a utility knife breaking the sheet along the cut, scoring the paper backing, and finally breaking the sheet in the opposite direction. Small features such as holes for outlets and light switches are usually cut using a keyhole saw or a small high-speed bit in a rotary tool. Drywall is then fixed to the wall structure with nails, glue or drywall screws. Drywall fasteners are gaining popularity in both residential and commercial construction. Drywall fasteners are used for supporting interior drywall corners and replacing the non-structural, wood or metal blocking that traditionally was used to install dry wall. Their function serves to save on material and labour expenses, to increase energy efficiency, and to make plumbing installation simpler. 6. Space-division systems in commercial and industrial buildings make use of gypsum board partitions, usually applied to a framework of formed sheet-metal members attached to the building structure. 7. They are readily demolished and rebuilt at relatively low cost, meeting the need for flexibility in such buildings. They are often used for fire-resistive protective enclosures for which a number of layers are laminated to achieve the specified fire resistance. Trans-parent and translucent partitions are also used with different types of glass set in metal frames. 8. As opposed to a week-long plaster application, an entire house can be drywalled in one or two days by two experienced drywallers, and drywall is easy enough to use that it can be installed by many amateur home carpenters. In large-scale commercial construction, the work of installing and finishing drywall is often split between the drywall mechanics, or hangers who install the wallboard and the tapers and mudmen, or float crew who finish the joints and cover the nailheads with drywall compound. 9. Another similar skim coating is always done in a process called veneer plastering, although it is done slightly thicker. Veneering uses a slightly different specialised setting compound (finish plaster) that contains gypsum and lime putty. This application uses blueboard which has special treated paper to accelerate the setting of the gypsum plaster component. This setting has less shrinkage than the air-dry compounds used in drywall, so it only requires one coat. Blueboard has square edges rather than the tapered-edge drywall boards. The tapered drywall boards are used to countersink the tape in taped jointing whereas the tape in veneer plastering is buried beneath a level surface. 10. After the sheets are secured to the wall studs or ceiling joists, the seams between drywall sheets are concealed using joint tape, and several layers of the compound sometimes called mud. This compound is also applied to any screw holes or defects. Alternatively, for a better finish the entire wall may be given a skim coat, a thin layer of finishing compound, to minimise the visual differences between the paper and mudded areas after painting.
18.8 Закончи предложения: 1) Gypsum plaster panels are made with a) paper. b) fiberglass. c) clay. 2) The drywall process requires a) much labour. b) plaster finishing. c) manual finishing. 3) A house can be drywalled by a) carpenters. b) hangers. c) tapers. 4) Drywall is cut to size using a) a high-speed bit. b) a keyhole saw. c) a utility knife. 5) Finish plaster contains a) clay. b) lime. c) gypsum and lime putty
18.9 Прочитай, переведи текст PLASTERWORK и заполни пропуски:
1. Floats traditionally made of timber are often finished with a layer of sponge or expanded polystyrene. 2. Later this is painted or wallpapered over to hide the work. 3. The process of creating plasterwork called plastering has been used in building constmction for centuries. 4. For their finest work the Egyptians used a plaster made from calcined gypsum just like plaster of Paris of the present time, and their methods of plastering on reeds resemble in every way our lath, plaster, float and set work. 5. The two most notable differences are that a thin plaster coat covers the entire wall and not just the seams, and secondly the drywall compound is a thick paste where plaster method uses a great deal of water and is applied very wet. 6. Evidence shows that the dwellings of primitive man were erected in a simple fashion with sticks and plastered with mud. 7. In drywall a specialized form of sheet rock known as greenboard (yclept because on the outer paper coating is greenish) is screwed onto the wall-frames (studs) of the home to form the interior walls. 8. This type of sheet rock is designed to absorb some of the moisture of the plaster and allows it to cling better before it sets. 9. While most tools have remained unchanged over the centuries, developments in modern materials have led to some changes. 10. The art had reached perfection in Greece more than five centuries before Christ, and plaster was frequently used to cover temples externally and internally, in some cases even where the building was of marble.
Plasterwork refers to constmction or ornamentation done with plaster, such as a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings on ceilings or walls. This is also sometimes called pargeting. _. Plasterwork is one of the most ancient of building techniques. _. The pyramids in Egypt contain plasterwork executed at least four thousand years ago, probably much earlier, and yet hard and durable at the present time. From recent discoveries it has been ascertained that the tools of the plasterer of that time were practically identical in design, shape and purpose with those used today. _.Hair was introduced to strengthen the material. Very early in the history of Greek architecture plaster of a fine white lime stucco was used, such has been found at Mycenae. _. It formed a splendid ground for decorative painting. Tools and materials include trowels, floats, hammers, screeds, scratching tools, utility knives, laths, lath nails, lime, sand, hair, plaster of Paris, a variety of cements, and various ingredients to form colour washes. _. Trowels constructed from steel are available in a polycarbonate material that allows the application of certain new acrylic-based materials without staining the finish. _. There are two main methods used in construction of the interior walls of modern homes, drywall and plaster. _. At the place where the two edges of wallboards meet there is a seam. These seams are covered with mesh tape and then the seams and the screw heads are concealed with the drywall compound to make the wall seem as one uniform piece. _. This pro-cess is called taping and those who use drywall are known as tapers. Veneer plastering differs from the drywall method in a number of ways. _. Another difference is that walls intended to be plastered are hanged with blueboard (named as such for the industry standard of the outer paper being blue- grey in colour). _. Plastering is also a one-shot one-coat application; taping usually requires sanding and then adding an additional coat since the compound shrinks as it dries. From a supply side the cost of plaster and drywall are approximately the same, but the labour cost of plastering is usually much greater.
18.10 Ответь на вопросы:
1. What does plasterwork refer to? 2. What is the process of creating plasterwork called? 3. Why is plasterwork regarded as one of the most ancient of building techniques? 4. What were a plasterer’s tools in Egypt? 5. Where was plaster of a fine white lime stucco used? 6. What are the changes in modem plasterers’ tools? 7. What are specific features of drywall and plaster? 8. What are the differences between veneer plastering and the drywall method?
Условные предложения могут быть следующими: Предложения реального условия. Предложения нереального условия. Употребление глагольных форм в этих предложениях зависит от степени реальности и времени действия, выраженного глаголом. 1. Придаточные предложения реального условия и времени, действие которых отнесено к будущему В придаточных предложениях условия и времени с союзами if (если), when (когда), after (после), before (перед тем, как), as soon as (как только), unless (если не), until (до тех пор, пока не) будущее время заменяется формой настоящего времени, но на русский язык переводится будущим, например: If you help те (придаточное предл. условия), I shall do this work on time (главное предл.). — Если ты поможешь мне, я сделаю эту работу вовремя. As soon as I am free, I’ll come to you. — Как только я освобожусь, я приду к тебе. We shall not begin until you come. — Мы не начнем, пока ты не придешь. Предложения нереального условия: Сослагательное наклонение выражает возможность, нереальность, предположительность действия. 2. Предложения нереального условия: а) действие относится к настоящему или будущему: If I knew his address I would write to him. — Если бы я знал его адрес (сейчас), я написал бы ему (сейчас или в ближайшем будущем). If the weather were fine he would go to the country. Если бы погода (сейчас) была хорошей, он бы поехал за город. Глагол в придаточном предложении — в форме Past Indefinite, в главном — в форме Future in the Past. б) действие относится к прошлому: If the weather had been fine yesterday he would have gone to the country. Если бы погода была вчера хорошей, он бы поехал за город. В случае, если действие, описываемое сослагательным наклонением, относится к прошедшему времени, в главном предложении используется форма будущего совершенного с точки зрения прошедшего Future Perfect in the Past, а в придаточном — прошедшее совершенное Past Perfect. If I had known his address I would have written to him. — Если бы я знал его адрес (в прошлом), я написал бы ему (в прошлом же). I wish I lived not far from here, (настоящее время). — Жаль, что я не живу поблизости. I wish I had lived not far from here (прошедшее время). — Жаль, что я не жил поблизости. 3. Сослагательное наклонение после глагола wish: Для выражения сожаления, относящегося к будущему, употребляются сочетания с глаголом could; для выражения пожелания на будущее, а также жалобы, просьбы или раздражения употребляется would. Примеры: I wish it were spring now. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы сейчас была весна. I wish I knew her address. Мне бы хотелось знать ее адрес. I wish I had made decision yesterday. Жаль, что я не принял решение вчера. I wish you could drive a car. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты водил машину. I wish they would stop the noise. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы они прекратили этот шум.
18.A Раскрой скобки:
1. Не (tile) the roof when the weather (get) warmer. 2. I (wait) for you until you (screw) the handle to the door. 3. I’m afraid the helpers (grind) the terrazzo before it (be) troughly dry. 4. We (apply) the finishing coat on the surface later if the under-coat (not to be) properly dry. 5. We (not pass) the examination next year if we not (work) much harder. 6. If you (not nail) up the old windows you (not fix) new ones. 7. You (be) late if you (not take) a taxi. 8. I (finish) securing this beam with wood screws before I (finish) my work for today. 9. You must (show) us a vinyl composition tile as soon as you (buy) it. 10. We (have) a lecture in epoxy resin tomorrow if the professor (come). 12. If the door frame (break), there (be) limited opportunity for repair. 13. We (not to use) lath nails until you (come). 14. I’m sure they (write) to us when they (get) grout mix.
18.B Переведи на русский язык: 1. I wish the builders were not late as usual. 2. I wish the applying coat hadn’t been so long. 3. I wish you wouldn’t need gypsum board. 4. I wish I could go to my work by car. 5. I wish it would meet the needs of the orders.
18.C Переведи на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. If I came later I would be late for the classes. 2. If he had known the time-table he wouldn’t have missed the lecture. 3. It would be better if you learned to suspend a suspended ceiling. 4. I wish I had known the process for creating lime putty before. 5. I would have sent sandwich panels to you if I had known your address. 6. If I had met you yesterday I would have told you about terrazzo. 7. If I were in your place I wouldn’t buy the translucent materials beforehand. 8. If I had known that you needed help I would have helped you with tapering columns.
ас alternating current — переменный ток a. m. ante meridiem. — лат. до полудня BTU British Thermal Unit — Британская тепловая единица (= 0,252 большой калории) С Centigrade — стоградусный (шкала Цельсия) сс cubic centimetre — кубический сантиметр cckw counter-clockwise — против движения часовой стрелки cwt hundredweight — центнер; в Англии = 50,8 кг, в США = 45,3 кг ас direct current — постоянный ток deg. degree — градус e. g. exempli gratia — лат. например Е. М. F. electromotive force — электродвижущая сила etc. et cetera — лат. и т. д. Fahr. (F) Fahrenheit — шкала Фаренгейта f. p. s. feet per second — футов в секунду ft. foot; feet — фут(ы) gai. gallon — галлон gr gram(me) — грамм h (hr) hour — час hp horsepower — лошадиная сила i. e. = id est — лат. то есть kw kilowatt — киловатт lblibra pound — лат. фунт m metre — метр mi mile — миля; min minute — минута mmmillimetre — миллиметр m. p. h. = miles per hour — миль в час p. page — страница р. с. pro centum — лат, per cent процент p. m. post meridiem — лат. после полудня psi pounds per square inch — фунтов на кв. дюйм R Reaumur — шкала Реомюра r. p. m. revolutions per minute — оборотов в минуту r. p. s. revolutions per second — оборотов в секунду sq. square — квадратный t temperature — температура tn — тонна viz videlicet — лат. а именно vs versus — лат. против v. v. vice versa — лат. наоборот w watt — ватт
This supplement shows the quantitative relationship between several important British/American (Brit./U.S.) units of measure and the relevant units of the metric system of measurement. The units dealt with here come under the headings of 1. Linear Measures 2. Square Measures 3. Cubic Measures 4. Weights 5. Power and Work 6. Speeds 7. Temperatures
Abbreviations of the terms are given in brackets () behind the expression. A. Linear Measures
British 1 statute mile (mi.) = 1,760 yards 1 yard (yd) = 3 feet 1 foot (ft) = 12 inches 1 inch (in.) = 2.54 cm Metric: 1 kilometre (km) =1,000 metres 1 metre (m) = 100 centimetres 1 centimetre (cm) =10 millimetres (mm) Metric equivalents of British linear measures 1 mile = 1.609347 km 1 yard = 0.9144m = 91.44 cm = 914.4mm 1 foot = 0.3048 m = 30.48 cm = 304.8mm 1 inch = 0.0254 m = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm Note: The decimal point placed after the unit and denoting tenths, hundreds etc. is in the Russian way of writing replaced by a comma. British equivalents of metric linear measures 1 km = 0.621370 mi. 1 m = 3.281 ft = 39.4 in. 1 cm = 0.033 ft = 0.394 in. 1 mm = 0.0394 in.
B. Square measures British:
1 square mile (sq. mile) = 640 acres 1 acre =10 square chains 1 square chain =16 square rods 1 square rod (sq.rd) = 30.25 square yards 1 square yard = 9 square feet 1 square feet = 144 square inches Metric: 1 square kilometre (km2) = 1,000,000 square metres(m2) 1 square metre = 10,000 square centimetres (cm2) I square centimetre = 100 square millimetres (mm2) Metric equivalents of British square measures 1 sq. mile = 2.5899 km 1 acre = 4047.0 m2 lsq. yard = 0.836 m2 1 sq. foot = 0.0929 m2 = 929 cm2 1 sq. in. = 6.452 cm2 = 645.2 mm2 British equivalents of metric square measures 1 km2 = 0.3861 sq. mile 1 m2 = 10.764 sq. feet lcm2 = 0.155 sq. in. 1 mm2 = 0.00155 sq. in.
C. Cubic Measures
British: 1 cubic yard (cu. yd) = 27 cubic feet 1 cubic foot (cu. ft) = 1,728 cubic inches (cu. in.) 1 gallon (gal.) = 4 quarts 1 quart (qt.) = 2 pints (pt.) 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces (U. S.) = 20 fluid ounces (Brit.) Metric: 1 cubic metre (m3) = 1,000,000 cubic centimetres (cm3) 1 cubic centimetre = 1,000 cubic millimetres (mm3) 1 hectolitre (hi) = 100 litres (1) = 100,000 cubic centimetres 1 litre = 1,000 cubic centimetres D. Weights (Avoirdupois) английская система мер веса для всех товаров, кроме благородных металлов, драгоценных камней и лекарств; основана на соотношении 1 фунт = 16 унциям и 1 унция = =16 драхм
British: 1 long ton (tn. 1.) = 2,240 pounds = 20 hundredweight 1 short ton (tn. sh.) = 2,000 pounds 1 hundredweight (cwt.) =112 pounds 1 pound (lb.) = 16 ounces (oz.) 1 ounce = 437.5 grains Troy — тройская унция 1 ounce =16 drachm драхм Metric: 1 metric ton (t) = 10 decitons (dt) 1 deciton = 100 kilograms (kg) 1 kilogram = 1000 grams (g) E. Power and work British:
1 horsepower (h.p.) = 33,000 foot-pounds per minute (ft-lb./ min) = 550 foot-pounds per second (ft-lb./sec) 1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) = 778 foot-pounds (ft-lb.) 1 horsepower-hour (h. p.-hr.) = 1,980,000 foot-pounds = 2,545 B.Th. Metric: 1 metric horsepower (PS) = 75 kilogram-metres/second =75 kgm/s 1 kilowatt (kW) = 1000 watts (W) = 102 kgm/s 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) = 3,600,000 watt-seconds (W/s) Relationship between various units: 1 h. p. = 746 W = 0.746 kW = 1.014 PS 1 h. p. = 76.065 kgm/s = 0.746 kVh 1 BTU = 0.000292 kWh = 0.252 kcal 1 = 0.1383 kgm 1 kgm = 7.231 ft-lb. 1 kcal = 3.968 BTU 1 kW =1.34 h.p. = 44,220 ft-lb./min = 3,415 BTU per hour 1 W = 0.00134 h. p. = 44.22 ft-lb./min = 3.42 BTU per hour F. Speeds
100 feet per minute (ft/min) = 30.5 metres per minute (m/ min) = 0.508 metres per second (m/sec) 1 mile per hour (m. p. h.) = 1.609 km/h The speed of shafts (e. g. of a motor) is expressed in terms of revolutions per minute (r. p. m.). G. Temperatures
Temperatures are expressed in degrees of temperature scales. There are scales based on the following different units: Celsius or Centigrade (C., °C) Fahrenheit (F., °F) Reaumur (R., °R) Kelvin (K„ °K) Relationship: 100 °C = 212 °F = 80 °R = 373 “K
Сокращения a adjective - имя прилагательное adv adverb - наречие п noun - имя существительное v verb - глагол pl plural - множественное число prp preposition - предлог cj conjunction – союз
build (built) v строить building n здание, строение, сооружение; строительство building design проектирование зданий construct v строить, сооружать construction n строительство, стройка building construction домостроение building engineering строительство гражданских зданий civil engineering гражданское строительство structural engineering проектирование зданий и сооружений air-conditioning n кондиционирование air-conditioner n кондиционер mean(meant) v значить; подразумевать means n средство, способ; ресурсы by means of посредством diverse adj разнообразный, разный diversity n разнообразие, многообразие impact n воздействие, влияние measure n мера; измерять, иметь размеры measurement n размер, измерение vary v менять, изменять, варьировать various adj различный, разный, разнообразный variety n разнообразие maintain v обслуживать, содержать в исправности, поддерживать, сохранять, содержать maintenance n уход, содержание в исправности, текущий ремонт, поддержка, содержание, сохранение structure n конструкция, сооружение, строение, здание, конструкция building structure строительная конструкция, здание foundation n фундамент computer-aided design (CAD) автоматизированное проектирование facility n устройство, приспособление, оборудование; сооружение; (pl.) условия, возможности, средства perform v исполнять, выполнять, совершать performance n производительность, эффективность, кпд; эксплуатационные характеристики; работа utility n (pl.) инженерные сети; коммунальные услуги; коммунальные предприятия обслуживания (сооружения) conservation utility управление по охране природы и рационального природопользования survey n v топографическая съемка (служба); производить топографическую съемку, межевать surveying n съемка, промер, картирование surveyor n геодезист, маркшейдер apply v использовать, применять applied science прикладная наука application n применение, использование operate v работать, приводить в действие operation n работа, операция, эксплуатация renovate v восстанавливать, возобновлять renovation n реконструкция, восстановление
tower n башня; небоскреб, высотное здание broadcasting tower радиобашня flank v располагать по бокам, примыкать curve n кривая; закругление roof n крыша, кровля, кровельное покрытие roofer n кровельщик stress n (механическое) напряжение deform v деформировать(ся), коробить(ся) deformation n деформация beam n балка straight beam прямая балка shell n оболочка, каркас, обшивка grid (lattice) shell сетчатая (решетчатая) оболочка metal structure металлическая конструкция cause v быть причиной, вызывать tensile adj работающий на растяжение storey n этаж vault n v свод; возводить свод vaulting n свод, возведение свода glass vaultin
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