Dairy. Cereals. Vegetables. Fruits, Berries, Nuts. Spices. Beverages. Основные тексты для чтения и понимания. MEALS IN BRITAIN
Fruits, Berries, Nuts
Основные тексты для чтения и понимания
Текст 1 Some people have three meals a day, others have four. I usually have four meals. My first meal is breakfast. I have it early in the morning before going to school. As a rule, I don't feel hungry early in the morning, so I always have a light breakfast. I eat a sandwich with cheese or sausage, or scrambled eggs with a slice of bread and butter. After it I drink a cup of black coffee with a lot of sugar. I am fond of coffee and drink it every day. My sister doesn't like eggs and she usually has a sandwich or a couple of toasts and a cup of tea. But her favourite breakfast is a piece of cake or a fancy- cake left over from yesterday. My mother usually has no breakfast at all. Sometimes she just drinks a cup of tea with milk and eats a spoonful of jam with a little slice of white bread. My father likes to have a big breakfast. He usually eats something hot — a piece of roast meat or a cutlet with potatoes or macaroni. He drinks a cup of coffee without sugar: he doesn't like sugar in his coffee. Some people like porridge for breakfast. They say porridge is very healthy food, and we must begin our day with a plate of porridge. The English usually have a big breakfast. The traditional English breakfast is a plate of porridge, bacon and eggs and a cup of tea with toast and jam or marmalade. There are four members in our family, and on week days we have our breakfast at different times. My mother is the first to get up in the morning. She prepares breakfast for the family and wakes up my father. They have breakfast together when my sister and I are still asleep. We are the last to get up, and we have breakfast when father and mother are getting ready to leave home for work. On Sunday, when everybody is at home, we have breakfast together. For our Sunday breakfast we have the same food as on week days: sandwiches with cheese or sausage, scrambled eggs or soft-boiled eggs. Sometimes we have cottage cheese and sour cream for breakfast. But our favourite Sunday breakfast is pancakes, which we eat with butter or sour cream, with jam or honey.
Ответьте на вопросы: 1. How many meals a day do people have? 2. How many meals a day do you usually have? 3. What is your first meal? 4. What do you have for breakfast? 5. Do you feel hungry early in the morning? 6. Do you usually have a light breakfast or a big one? 7. What does your brother (sister, mother, etc. ) have for breakfast? 8. Do you drink tea or coffee at breakfast? 9. Do you like strong or weak tea? 10. Do you like your tea with a lot of sugar? 11. What is your favourite breakfast? 12. Do you like porridge for breakfast? 13. Do you agree that porridge is very healthy food? 14. Why don't you eat porridge for breakfast? 15. What does a traditional English breakfast consist of? Текст 2 MEALS IN BRITAIN A typical full English breakfast is a very big meal: sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms and of course toast. But nowadays many people don’t have time to eat all this and just have toast, or sometimes fruit and yoghurt. The typical breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee made with just hot water. Many visitors to Britain think this coffee is horrible!
For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want, either brown or white, and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School-children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home: a sandwich, a drink, some fruit, and perhaps some crisps. People eat their evening meal quite early, often at about six o’clock. A typical dinner is meat and vegetables, especially on Sundays, when all the family eat together. Согласитесь или не согласитесь: 1Many British people don’t eat a full English breakfast. 2 Many British people choose toast for breakfast. 3 The typical drink with breakfast is coffee. 4 Many visitors to Britain love British coffee. 5 A lot of British people have a sandwich for lunch. 6 Many offices in cities have sandwich bars. 7 People can buy hot and cold food in a British pub. 8 Schoolchildren have a hot lunch at home. 9 British people usually have lunch at six o’clock. 10 People in Britain often eat meat on Sundays.
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