Упражнения. Apprenticeships, B.A., B.S., degree, majored, master’s, minor, Ph.D.
Упражнения 1. Вставьте подходящее слово: I hated ___ in school. I find learning about the past boring. I could never remember the years that things happened. My favourite subject is ___. I'm very good with numbers. We learned how rivers are formed today in ___. In ___ we had to wear special glasses because we were using dangerous chemicals. If you don't want to cut open dead frogs then you shouldn't take ___. There will be no way to ___ this test if you fail. You should spend at least 2 hours a day ___ for your test. To work for this company you need a university ___.
2. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова: Apprenticeships, B. A., B. S., degree, majored, master’s, minor, Ph. D. Lars: Can Americans do 1 to prepare themselves for their future careers? Many people do that kind of job training in my country Tina: That's not very common in the United States. Americans usually learn on the job; however, some junior colleges offer shorter, more practical career training programs. Lars: What are junior colleges? Tina: Colleges and universities in the United States are extremely expensive. Even schools which are funded by the government can cost thousands of dollars a year. Most states have created junior colleges, which are inexpensive schools where students can complete the first two years of their education. Afterwards, students can transfer to a four-year college or university to complete their bachelor's 2. And, as I mentioned, they also provide career training and continuing education courses. Lars: What does 3 mean? Is that the same thing as a bachelor's? Tina: That means Bachelor of Science. You also often hear the abbreviation 4, which is short for Bachelor of Arts. For example, I 5 in chemistry, so I have a Bachelor of Science; but, my brother studied philosophy, so he has a Bachelor of Arts. Lars: I thought you studied German literature. Tina: That was my 6 - my secondary field of study. Lars: What about after you finish your bachelor's? Tina: Students can continue studying and receive a 7, which usually requires an additional two years of study. And of course, the highest degree is called a 8, which is another word for doctorate.
3. Соотнесите английские предложения и русский перевод 1. Academic year runs from the first of September to the end of June. 2. After the students graduate from the institutes they go to work in all fields of national economy. 3. As the lectures begin at 9 o'clock, you must come some minutes before 9 o’clock.
4. He didn't answer this question because it was very difficult. 5. He didn't enter the university because he failed the mathematics. 6. He is a good student; he will pass all the examinations well. 7. I borrow books from the library. 8. I don't get state scholarship at the Academy. 9. I have to pay for my studies. 10. In the fifth year we are to submit a graduation paper. 11. Students get a higher education at the institutes and universities. 12. Students must attend lectures on different subjects. 13. Students receive a monthly scholarship. 14. This year I graduated from the academy. Перевод: a) Академический год длится с первого сентября до конца июня. b) В этом году я закончу академию. c) На пятом курсе мы защищаем выпускную работу. d) Он не ответил на вопрос, потому что он был сложный. e) Он не поступил в университет, потому что провалил математику. f) Он хороший студент, он сдаст все экзамены хорошо. g) После окончания студентами университетов они отправляются на работу во все сферы национальной экономики. h) Студенты получают высшее образование в институтах и университетах. i) Студенты должны посещать лекции по разным дисциплинам. j) Студенты ежемесячно получают стипендию. k) Так как лекции начинаются в 9 часов, ты должен приходить за несколько минут до 9 часов. l) Я беру книги в библиотеке. m) Я должен платить за обучение. n) Я не получаю стипендию в академии.
4. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова: 1. education 2. subject 3. training 4. university 5. postgraduate 6. secondary-school 7. theoretical 8. educational 9. term 10. teaching 11. tutorials 12. demonstration 13. teaching aids 14. teaching methods 15. lectures
A student at a College of Education in Britain studies (1) Parallel to his special subject courses. An English (2) student, who wishes to take up school teaching, first of all studies his (3). And having obtained a first degree, usually the B. A. or B. Sc., takes a (4) diploma course at a university Department of Education. This course is exclusively concerned with (5) him as a teacher, usually as a (6) teacher. The first six weeks of (7) are chiefly taken up with lectures and (8) on the theory of education, (9) psychology, the history and sociology of English education, and (10). The students are also given a course on the use of (11). They are also able to watch (12) lessons in various schools. Then their first full time (13) practice begins. Next term is also divided between (14) and practical work. In the summer term there are a few weeks of (15) and tutorials, followed by examinations in May.
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