November 4 – The Day of National Unity
November 4 – The Day of National Unity Since 2005 Russia has celebrated a new holiday - the so-called Day of National Unity, commemorating the anniversary of the Russian people’s victory over the Polish invaders back in 1612. Almost four centuries back in early November the Russian levy en masse headed by merchant Minin and Prince Pozharsky kicked the interveners away from Moscow and put an end to the so-called Time of Troubles. In fact the new holiday was introduced to replace the public holiday of the October Social Revolution, later renamed into the Day of Accord and Reconciliation on November 7. According to the majority of observers, the main reason for this shift of the day off was the intention to erase totally any associations with the anniversary of the October Social Revolution (7 November 1917). Professional Holidays Along with national holidays Russia has many other holidays, professional holidays (Day of the miner, Day of the fisherman, etc) making the major part of them. Some professional holidays have a fixed date, whereas most of them fall on the 1st, 2nd, etc. Sunday or Saturday of this or that month. The Teacher’s Day, which was established in the USSR in 1965 is widely celebrated in Russia; initially it was marked annually on the second Sunday of October. In 1994 the holiday was shifted to the 5th of October and since then Russia has celebrated the International Teacher’s Day together with other countries.
Текст 2 Russian Traditions Russia is indeed a unique country, which, along with highly developed modern culture carefully preserves the national traditions. How are you? or Kak dela? If you ask a Russian " How are you? " / Kak dela? ", you risk to get a complete report on how he/she really is. The formalism of the Europeans or Westerners at this point can hardly be understood in Russia. Do not be surprised at the ease with which the Russians discuss their personal life. When in a train, you might hear quite intimate details of your casual fellow passenger's affairs and feelings. Conversation Unlike Englishmen, the Russians are unable to speak about weather throughout a transatlantic voyage. Boring will be themes of food and drinks and clothes (though everything depends…). Concrete discussion of money matters, manifest demonstration of one's financial and career success and self-advertising are not acceptable. It is considered tactless to ask about a person's age, or in any way touch upon this theme, especially if it might turn a sore subject. The Russians still feel uneasy about speaking openly about sex, though mass media here do their best to change the situation. Obscene and rude jokes are not welcomed either, though it depends on the company you are in. In spite of the abovementioned restrictions, it is customary to speak about lots of things here: personal affairs, professional interests and hobbies, talents and achievements of children, health, and any personal or financial problems, novelties of cultural and literary life. Of special interest are themes of philosophy and politics.
The Russians are patriots. Let all the criticism and mockery you might hear from this people about this country not mislead you. It would be a great mistake of yours to join in the criticism. Especially painful are the issues of the Second World War and the war in Chechnya. " Laughter for no reason is a hallmark of a fool" vs. " Keep smiling" When first in Russia you might be surprised why there are so few people laughing and smiling in the streets and in public places. The Russians are rather reserved in public: good manners here imply a quiet voice, calm looks and gestures and decent clothes. Subdued expression is far more common here than loud carefree merrymaking without excuse; the latter might even provoke some suspicious looks or growling of elderly people (" Have they nothing to think about? " ). The American 'keep smiling' manner, manifesting one's permanent good spirits and humorous outlook is at risk of being misunderstood. You have to remember the Russian saying: " Laughter for no good reason is a hallmark of a fool". The affected demonstration of happiness and successfulness might be perceived as a sign of one's tactlessness or hard-heartedness (it is unnatural to be always happy while there are so many grieves in the world, the Russians believe at heart). In Russia you can be less secretive about your problems than it is customary in your country: you will most probably meet compassion and help. Family Family relations in Russia are based on paternalistic principles. The Russians feel almost Oriental reverence for the old folks at home and disapprove of the people who send their old relatives to hostels for the elderly. If appropriate, show your love for your family and parents. Your Russian friends will be also happy to speak about their children's successes, hobbies and plans for future. Russian women are considered the best wives: they are charming, active but not domineering and, which is most important, have the inborn feeling of responsibility for their family. However, marriages with foreigners often occur problematic, as there are usually lots of barriers (cultural, psychological, language, etc. ) and differences of views and opinions. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What topics are not acceptable by the Russians? 2. What is customary to speak about? 3. Why are there so few people smiling in public places in Russia? 4. What principles are family relations in Russia based on? 5. Why are Russian women considered the best wives?
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