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Travelling by Train. Travelling by Air. Основные тексты для чтения и понимания. British Holiday

Travelling by Train

Train поезд
driver машинист
coach (carnage; car) вагон
compartment купе
(ticket) inspector контролер
seat место
station станция
timetable расписание
ticket collector (guard-attendant) проводник
waiting room зал n ожидания
platform платформа
track путь
kinds of trains: (виды поездов)
day coach сидячий поезд
express train экспресс
fast train скорый поезд
passenger train пассажирский поезд
mail train почтовый поезд
slow train поезд малой скорости
long-distance train поезд дальнего следования
local (suburban) train пригородный поезд
through train поезд прямого следования
freight (goods) train товарный поезд
compartment car купейный вагон
car with reserved seats n плацкартный вагон
dining-car вагон-ресторан
luggage van (baggage car) багажный вагон
first (second, third) class car вагон первого (второго, третьего) класса
first class (second class, международный (мягкий,
third class) sleeper жесткий) спальный вагон
upper, lower berth (bunk) верхняя, нижняя полка
fare стоимость ж-д билета
single ticket билет в один конец
return ticket/round trip ticket билет в оба конца
change trains сделать пересадку
stopping train поезд, идущий со всеми остановками
announcement объявление
information office (inquiry office) справочное бюро
be due in... minutes прибывать через … минут (о поезде)

Travelling by Air

Customs hall таможенный зал
Customs officer офицер таможенной службы
passport паспорт
boarding card посадочный талон
captain командир
air hostess бортпроводница
air steward бортпроводник
(air)plane (airliner) самолет
helicopter вертолет
runway взлетная полоса
flight полет
non-stop flight беспосадочный полет
altitude высота
take off взлетать, взлет
land/make a landing совершить посадку
forced landing вынужденная посадка
airсrash n авиакатастрофа
hijack (a plane) угнать (самолет)
seat-belt (safety belt) привязные ремни
delay откладывать, задерживать
pilot летчик. пилот
Travelling by Water  
wharf (quay, pier) причал
ship (steamer boat) пароход.
gangway вход с трапа
anchor якорь
dock док
yacht яхта
ferry паром
liner пассажирский пароход
steward дежурный по каютам, обслуживающий пассажиров
crew команда, экипаж
state-room каюта-люкс
cabin каюта (простая)
promenade deck прогулочная палуба
porthole иллюминатор
life belt спасательный пояс
life-buoy спасательный круг, спасательный буй
vessel судно
call at a port заходить в порт
to be a good (born)sailor хорошо переносить качку на море
to be a bad (poor) sailor плохо переносить качку на море
to book one's passage взять билет на пароход
(pay one's passage, take one's passage)  
Customs таможня
go through one's luggage досматривать багаж
" Customs inspected" stamp штамп о прохождении таможенного досмотра
currency exchange office пункт обмена валюты
border граница
cross the border пересечь границу
smuggle in/out провозить контрабандным путем
smuggler контрабандист


stay at the hotel остановиться, жить в гостинице
reception desk стойка администратора
receptionist администратор
chief manager директор гостиницы
check in зарегистрироваться
fill in/out the registration form заполнить регистрационный бланк
check out выписаться (при отъезде)
key ключ
date of arrival, departure дата приезда, отъезда
guest проживающий в гостинице
doorman швейцар
bellboy посыльный (носильщик в гостинице)
chambermaid горничная
single room одноместный номер
double room двухместный номер
suite номер из нескольких комнат, люкс
room service бюро обслуживания (в номерах)
coffee stall кафе
snackbar буфет
news stand газетный киоск
facilities (accommodations) бытовые службы гостиницы

Основные тексты для чтения и понимания

Текст 1

British Holiday

Travelling is the best way to spend your holiday. Where do the British go when they're on holiday? What do they do? In Victorian times, the growth of the railways meant that the middle class could go on seaside holidays to places like Blackpool and Brighton. Today the seaside resorts still have accommodation, funfairs and entertainment but many holiday-makers prefer to go abroad because of the sun, sea and sand.

The most popular British holiday destination is the coast in Spain. Many holiday-markers take package tours where flights, food and hotel accommodation are included in the price. They seem to like the crowds and the restaurants and bars which offer a taste of home. Some people even go to self-catering apartments and villas where they can do their own cooking. Greece, Portugal and Turkey are also popular destinations for package tourists. France and Italy are also popular desti­nations but the visitors often drive there. Some camp or live in caravans, others stay in holiday homes or small hotels. More holiday-makers are going further, and Thailand, Egypt, the United States, Mexico or Austria and the Caribbean are be­coming more popular.

For the English who don't go abroad, there are many attractions apart from the seaside and the main tourist destinations like London, Oxford, Stratford and Cambridge. There are many areas of natural beauty. South Wales, the Lake Dis­trict, and the Costwolds, which are favourites with walkers. The country cottages in the beautiful countryside of Wales. Devon, Comwall, etc. are all places for family holidays and camping and caravanning holidays are also becoming popular. There are also more unusual holidays. Some people travel very slowly up and down the waterways and canals in boats and barges. Others take activity holiday where they learn a new skill like painting or a new sport like windsurfing.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where do the British go when they're on holiday?

2. What are the most popular British holiday destinations?

3. Give the definition of a package tour.

4. Where do people prefer to stay when they are on holiday?

5. What are the favourite destinations for those who don’t go abroad?

6. Do you know any unusual holidays?



Текст 2

1. Alex: I'm fond of travelling. I feel envious of any friend who is going anywhere. I hate seeing people off. I prefer being seen off myself.

Bert: But what means of travelling do you prefer?

Alex: For me there is nothing like travelling by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, quicker than any other method. There is no dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, no trouble of changing trains. There is no need to trouble about your suitcase. On the board of the plane you can read newspapers to kill the time. You are also served some drinks and food. Besides, flying is a thrilling thing. Don't you agree?

2. Bert. I would like to say a word or two for trains. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. You have a splendid view of the whole countryside. Trains can afford great comfort especially for elderly people. And do you know a more exciting place than a big railway-station? Cecil: I do.

Alex. And that is?

3.  Cecil: A big sea port. For me travelling by boat is the best thing. I love to feel the deck of the boat under my feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in my face and hear the cry of the sea-gulls. And what excitement, there is in coming into the harbour, and seeing all the ships around us.

Alex: Well. I suppose that's all right for those who like it, but not for me. I'm always sea-sick, especially when the sea is a little bit rough.

Ben: I've heard that a good cure for seasickness is a small piece of dry bread.

Alex: Maybe, but I think a better cure is a large piece of dry land.

4. David: Well, you may say what you like about airplane flights, sea voyages, railway journeys or tours by car. But all is quite expensive. I like walking tours. A walker leaves the dull highway and goes along little lanes where cars can't go. He takes mountain paths, he wanders by the side of quiet lakes and through the shade of woods. He sees the real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest; he feels the quietness and calm of nature. There are many advantages, especially for a great lover of nature. This form of travelling attracts a great number of young people and helps them to become strong and healthy both in mind and in character. But it depends on the weather, of course. And I save money, because it’s cheap. So I say: a walking tour is for me.

In fact, no matter which way of travelling you choose, it'll give you great pleasure. But as they say, " East or West home is best". For the traveler it's the great joy to come home.


Выберите название для каждого параграфа в тексте:

a) Travelling by Sea

b) Travelling by Foot

c) Travelling by Air

d) Travelling by Train

Выберите название для всего текста:

a) East or West Home is Best

b) So Many Countries, So many Customs

c) Different Means of Travelling

d) Walking Tour is the Best Way to Spend Holiday


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