Грамматические проблемы перевода
Exercise 4.1. Переведите предложения, обратив внимание на использование при переводе слов и конструкций, маркирующих рему:
1. Traditionally, only the beginning of a sale or the end of a war could get the British population out on the streets en mass.
2. It is only in the United Kingdom that foreign borrowers find restrictions in their path. 3. “Can you make flying any safer? Can you tighten security even further?” – “The experts say that only by turning airports into military camps will there be any improvement as security is already good 4. It was the devaluation of the ₤ that was expected to boost exports. 5. There are historic reasons for Olympic Games coming to London. Only the Americans and Russians have won more medals than Britain. So let us give our children the opportunity to add their names to the 2012 scroll. 6. There is fatal laziness, which the global diffusion of English has engrained in language teaching in all but our best schools. Why learn other tongues when one is native in world speech? 7. It was remembering my boyhood, and the one thing I always wanted but never had, that prompted the purchase last week of an air rifle 8. It was, perhaps the fact that Lili Boulanger suffered from a permanent ill health, and the certain knowledge that she did not have long to live, that made her the composer she was.
Exercise 4.2. Переведите предложения. Определите рему: 1. In the 17-th century tobacco was thought to be a protection against the plague. Smoking at Eton was then made compulsory and a flogging was the punishment for a failure to smoke. 2. He added that a strong recovery in the construction industry was vital to sustain the general improvement in the economy. 3. The pager has quietly woven itself deep into contemporary life. Doctors, firefighters, reporters, drug dealers and baby-sitters use pagers, which outnumber cellular phones by about 2 to 1. 4. Unemployment in Japan has risen sharply, but this is due mainly to a surge of bankruptcies among smaller firms, rather than to the start of a general structuring. Onerous labour laws are partly to blame, because it makes it hard for a firm to sack workers unless it is about to go under. 5. Mr. Nader, a consumer advocate, at a meeting in Moscow in 1990, argued that a strong democratic society with a civic participation needs to be built if crime and corruption were to be avoided. 6. An improved navigational system for airplanes is nearing completion, but no one seems certain how well the satellite based technology meets the aviation industry’s extraordinary need for reliability. 7. Nicole Kidman, according to her colleague, used to be paid to wear Dior. Rumour has it that these days Saint Laurentis topping up Kidman’s bank balance. 8. The financial crisis in 1998 provided a needed shakeout in Russia. A devalued rouble, improved rights, better bankruptcy laws and new oversight of securities markets followed. Buoyed by high oil prices, Russia righted itself.
Exercise 4.3. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на монорему: 1. An informal meeting by the EU’s culture ministers discussed the subject yesterday and they are expected to take it up again in Luxembourg in June. 2. While in 1992, 1,549 citizens from ex-Soviet republics were detained in connection with drug-related offences, in 1996, the number practically doubled, reaching 3,188 people. 3. A diploma is needed to apply to university or get a white-collar public-sector job. 4. Overseas students flock to UK universities to do research, but many are unhappy with the treatment they get. 5. On Monday, several hundred elderly demonstrators gathered on the outskirts of Moscow and briefly blocked the main highway to St. Petersburg; 12 were arrested. 6. A new Central Elections Commission, as well as regional and local commissions, must be appointed.
7. A woman came up to me and asked what time it was. 8. Gender equality is bursting its seams in Sweden, where a proposal was introduced last month to expand compulsory military service to include women. 9. Last year, at least a quarter of the 40,000 or so Hungarian men eligible for conscription were let off on medical grounds; 95% of those called up last year in the rich Buda part of Budapest escaped serving. 10. "It’s more than certain a human error was at the origin of the collision,” Etienne Schouppe said. 11. Several years earlier, a detainee, as they’re called in the Juvenile Detention Center, a twelve-year-old, died in the room next to Mark’s from an epileptic seizure. A ton of bad press and a nasty lawsuit followed, and though Doreen had not been on duty when it happened, she had nonetheless been shaken by it. An investigation followed. Two people were terminated. And a new set of regulations came down Грамматические замены Для достижения адекватности перевода часто приходится менять члены предложения и части речи из-за несовпадения смысловой структуры английских и русских предложений. При замене частей речи слова в тексте перевода зачастую употребляются в иных синтаксических функциях, нежели их соответствия в тексте оригинала, что непременно требует перестройки всей структуры предложения.
Структурные трансформации такого рода нередко требуют внесения дополнительных слов или опущения каких-либо элементов. 1) Введение дополнительных слов часто обусловливается тем, что русские и английские предложения имеют разную структуру. 2) Опущению же подвергаются чаще всего слова, являющиеся семантически избыточными, т. е. выражающие значение, которое можно извлечь из текста и без их помощи.
Рассмотрим следующие основные три типа номинализации:
Exercise 4.4. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на дирему и соответствующие грамматические замены: 1. (Anti-monetization) large rallies of pensioners in Kazan, Tver, Perm, Tomsk and Kaluga demanded the return of free transport rides, subsidized medicines and other benefits. 2. The Queen’s Speech last week outlined details of the adoption and children bill, designed primarily to speed up the process and aiming to increase adoption rates by 40%. 3. Each parent carries both a normal and a faulty version of the Fanconi gene, which meant they had a 25 percent chance of having an affected child with each pregnancy. 4. The present article is the synopsis of this report. 5. Greece doesn’t permit stations to runcommercials for toy guns, tanks or other instruments of war, and bars ads for all other toys between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. 6. (Alcohol) traders should start preparing for the crackdown and get ready to part with their licenses now, for October and November 1998 will see “audits of wholesalers and retailers on a mass scale”. 7. This has created a distorted economy that is out of sync with the earth’s eco-system — an economy that is destroying its natural support systems. 8. A reforestation program in South Korea, begun more than a generation ago, has blanketed the country’s hills and mountains with trees. 9. Another nice little earner is the illegal oil trade. 10.Westminster last night saw a government incomplete chaos, with the Prime Minister first trying to pass the buck, then taking it back, and actually making suggestions of incompetence by various ministers and their departments. Exercise 4.5. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на моноремы и диремы (monorhemes and derhemes): 1. Подведены предварительные итоги выборов в Верховный совет республики. 2. Согласно опросам, наибольшие шансы на победу среди оставшихся 16 кандидатов имеет профессор Архангельского государственного технического университета Алексей Баринов. 3. К слову сказать, не только пенсионеры недовольны отменой социальных льгот. В некоторых регионах потеряли право бесплатного проезда в городском транспорте студенты, повсеместно лишились этой льготы (и не только этой) сотрудники милиции. 4. В 1994 году эта беда заботила 6%, а теперь лишь 2% респондентов. 5. Недавно закончилось международное тестирование по литературе подростков 15-ти лет, в котором приняли участие 250 тысяч человек из 41 страны. 6. При этом в 90-е годы в мире появились новые подходы к обучению иностранцев. 7. Специалисты Роспотребнадзора провели всероссийскую проверку школ и выяснили, что в 2004-2005 учебном году с грубыми нарушениями работает 221 российская школа. 8. Под Новый год в Обнинске Инютина судили. 9. В Краснодаре сотрудники городского полка ДПС задержали карманника, который орудовал в троллейбусах краевого центра. 10. Важным аспектом нового закона является борьба с так называемой «зонтичной» рекламой, в результате использования которой популярная марка водки, например, рекламируется под видом питьевой воды.
Exercise 4.6. Переведите предложения: 1. Investigators are now probing the disappearance of billions of dollars by graft and embezzlement that gutted the treasury, wiped out the savings of millions and destroyed the livelihoods of all but a politically connected elite. 2. He added that a document aimed at better control of the market has been prepared by the ministry and awaits final approval from the government. 3. Lower prices alone may not boost spending habits. 4. Thus there ought to be plenty of reasons to welcome the new economic reform plan approved by the government last week. By one count, this is the 14th such programme since reform started in the late Soviet era. And it makes familiar reading. Many of the points make admirable common sense: improving the business environment, tougher bank regulation, and greater transparency of public finances. 5. As a result, inflation is picking up. 6. Negotiations on these issues are not only desirable but absolutely necessary. 7. Increased taxes, soaring prices, reduced production and delayed wages considerably lowered the living standards.
Exercise 4.7. Переведите предложения: 1. Характерной чертой нашего времени является усиление движения за чистоту окружающей среды. 2. Продолжение испытаний лазерного оружия нарушает договоренности по ограничению стратегических вооружений (SALT agreements). 3. Возникновение спора между западниками и славянофилами предопределено самим положением России. 4. Шахтеры требуют повышения заработной платы, сокращения рабочего дня и улучшения жилищных условий. 5. Осложнение ситуации на Кипре связано с новым поворотом н отношениях между этим островным государством и Турцией. 6. Развитие черной металлургии в Сибири идете запада на восток. 7. В нашем плане также предусмотрено оказание бесплатных образовательных услуг. 8. Совершение преступления в нетрезвом состоянии только отягчает вину. 9. Созыв конференции планируется на июль 2008 года. 10. Он вряд ли может рассчитывать на предоставление займа. 11. В случае возникновения опасности звони по этому телефону. 12. В мою компетенцию входит только организация экскурсий. Exercise 4.8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на ф актическое обстоятельство в роли подлежащего: 1. The last few weeks have seen the deaths of two of the longer lived and, in their way, most influential modern designers in Britain. 2. Paradoxically, the ending of the Cold War has not seen a reduction in either personnel or budget of the Secret Intelligence Service. 3. The early spring of 431BC witnessed, at Athens, the outbreak of a great war (the Peloponessian war), the commencement of a great book (History by Thucydides) and the premier of a great play (Medea by Euripides). 4. Halloween weekend saw an unbelievable crop of supernatural films on TV – the sort of programming that, according to one expert, could encourage beliefs in ghosts, witches, aliens and other paranormal beings. 5. The pessimists are winning. It is, they say, a terrible time to buy a real estate in New York city. The last six months have made them look less like pessimists and more like pragmatists. 6. Tony Blair is an extraordinary politician. But the past few weeks have put him under extraordinary pressure. 7. The Eiffel Tower, which saw its 200 millionth visitor this year, risks becoming victim to its own success, its 19th century girders too tight to take in bigger crowds. 8. Mexico today is a mixed nation of 100 million, while other American nations have seen the virtual extinction of the native peoples. 9. It will be one of the largest one-day mass events the nation’s capital has seen this century. 10. The main block of the boarding school houses the boys’ dormitories, dining rooms, common rooms and exercise room. 11. The ₤2 million project of the study centre will house 250 computers with 700 seats arranged for individual and group study, more than doubling the present library seating. The library has 400,000 volumes and takes 2,200 academic and research journals. 12. His school draws about 600 day pupils from 13 villages. The last teacher’s vacancy, for a head of physical education, attracted more that 50 applicants. 13. London is still producing some of the world’s most talented fashion designers, but most of them believe they will have to go abroad to find work. 14. Olive Jackson Jr. grew up in Detroit, a city which produced an exceptionally gifted generation of jazz musicians. 15. In the past week the world has witnessed a geopolitical realignment potentially comparable to that of 1945 at the end of the Second World War or the fall of the Berlin wall.
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