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Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English.


Кафедра иностранных языков


Методические указания

Волгоград, 1995



Грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи / Сост. О.В. Леднева, А.М. Митина, И.Ф. Янушкевич; ВолгГТУ. Волгоград, 1995. - 27с.

Приводятся модели использования личных и неличных форм английского глагола в предложении и практические задания для усвоения этих моделей.

Грамматический материал представлен на основе лексики, необходимой для говорения на тему "Научная работа аспиранта /соискателя".

Для аспирантов и соискателей, занимающихся в группе по подготовке к кандидатскому экзамену по английскому языку.

Библиография - 4 назв.

Рецензент Багметова Н.Б.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Волгоградского государственного технического университета

© Волгоградский



Университет, 1995

UNIT I. Tenses in the Active Voice

Exercise I. Make the interrogative and the negative forma of the following sentences.


l) We participate in scientific conferences. 2) He does ex­perimental work. 3) You carry out interesting experiments. 4) He works at a candidate thesis. 5) Our department collaborates with many industrial enterprises.

l) He took part in this conference. 2) They carried out useful experiments. 3) I wrote an interesting scientific paper last year. 4) She obtained interesting data in her experimental work. 5) I graduated, from this university two years ago.

I) She will carry out many experiments. 2) Professor Novakov will be my scientific adviser. 3) We shall work hard to obtain all the necessary data. 4) They will carry out many experiments. 5) He will submit his candidate thesis in 5 years.


Exercise 2. Make the interrogative and the negative forms of the following sentences.


l) He is working in the laboratory now. 2) They are instal­ling new equipment. 3) We are designing a new apparatus. 4) She is making a new experiment now. 5) He is translating a scientific paper from English into Russian.

l) We were installing a new device when the chief of the laboratory came. 2) She was making a new experiment when you tele­phoned. 3) They were discussing the data at 10 o'clock yesterday. 4) They were reading scientific papers in the library from 4 till 6 o'clock.

l) I shall be working at my report from 5 to 7 o'clock p.m. 2) He will be delivering a report at the conference at 10 o'clock. 3) We shall be re-equipping our lab with up-to-date machines from August to November. 4) You will be adjusting an amplifier at 8.


Exercise 3. Make the interrogative and the negative forms of the following sentences.


1) She has completed her experimental work. 2) You have read many books on your scientific speciality. 3) They have proved their hypothesis. 4) We have solved a number of complicated prob­lems. 5) He has developed a new method.

1) We had installed modern machine tools by March. 2) He had submitted his candidate thesis by the end of his post-graduate course. 3) We had solved the problem by the end of May. 4) He had completed his experiment by the time his chief came.

l) She will have written the report by tomorrow. 2) They will have checked and. adjusted the equipment by the end of the week. 3) You will have analyzed the obtained data by the time your supervisor comes back from the conference. 4) I shall have developed a new method by the end of the year.


Exercise 4. Make the interrogative and, the negative forma of the following sentences.


1) I have been working at this problem for about 5 years. 2) He has been living in Volgograd for 10 years. 3) She has been working at her candidate thesis for a year. 4) We have been analyzing the results of the experiment since last week.

l) He had been trying to solve this problem for 5 years be­fore at last he was a success. 2) They had been developing this project for 2 months when the chief came. 3) He had been working at this plant for 2 years when he decided to change his work. 4) I had been solving this problem for a week when I realized I sho­uld use another approach.

l) This is a very complicated problem. I think we shall ha­ve been discussing it for two months by the end of this year. 2) They will have been testing this material until they get all the necessary data. 3) He will have been experimenting with this tube for an hour before you come.


Exercise 5. Use the required tenses instead of the infiniti­ves in brackets.


l) I (to graduate) from the university two years ago. 2) He (to take part) in many conferences by the time he (to submit) his thesis. 3) They already (to discuss) this problem. 4) My collea­gue (to work) at this article for 2 weeks. 5) Scientists (to sol­ve) this problem by the end of the I9th century. 6) He (to comp­lete) his tests by the tenth of April 7) She (to work) at her candidate thesis under the supervision of Professor Ivanov. 8) They (to develop) a new method and (to write) a paper on it now. 9) We (to analyze) the results of our work since Monday. 10) They (to adjust) a new device when I came. 1l) I (to work) at the uni­versity for 5 years before I (to take) a post-graduate course. 12) He (to submit) his candidate thesis next year. 13) We (to as­semble) a new machine yesterday from 5 to 9 o'clock p.m. 14) They (to develop) this project since last year. 15) We (to work out) this technique in collaboration with several research institutes and industrial enterprises.


Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English.


1) Как давно ты работаешь на этом заводе? 2) Старший научный сотрудник Андрей Рублев обсудил результаты исследования с начальником отдела, прежде чем доложить о них на конференции. 3) Его не будет в лаборатории в 3 часа. Он будет читать лекцию. 4) Я и мой друг собираемся принять участие в научной конференции в нашем уни­верситете в этом году. 5) Когда я пришел в университет, они выпол­няли интересное исследование. 6) Я прочитал статью ко времени его прихода. 7) Она работала в прошлом году на кафедре прикладной ма­тематики. 8) Он проработал в университете 4 года, прежде, чем пос­тупить в аспирантуру. 9) Не беспокойте их сейчас. Они обсуждают тему новой диссертации. 10) Я работаю над кандидатской диссерта­цией уже два года. 11) Она прочитала много научных статей на анг­лийском языке прежде, чем сдала кандидатский экзамен. 12) Он зани­мается исследованием этой проблемы с прошлого года. 13) Он будет делать доклад на конференции в 10 часов. 14) Они завершат экспери­мент к декабрю. 15) Мы уже получили хорошие экспериментальные дан­ные. 16) Каждый год он публикует три-четыре научных статьи.


UNIT 2. The Passive Voice


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