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FARMS IN BRITAIN. II. Составьте пять вопросов к тексту. 1. Do you … clean the house every day or every week?. 2. They … do their homework today because it is a holiday at the school.


   The agricultural area of England is toward the English Channel and the Continent of Europe. The soil in many parts of Highland Britain is thin and poor.
Lowland Britain is a rich area with fertile soil. Rivers in Britain are narrow, but the Thames. Most of the farms are less than 50 acres each. The types of farms are different in different soil and climatic areas. In the eastern part of Britain most farms are arable. The farmers grow different crops here. In the western part of the country most farms are dairy. Small farms in Britain are usually mixed farms on which farmers both grow crops and keep farm animals. Today the main tendency in agricultural development of this country is that small traditional farms are gradually disappearing because they cannot compete with modern big industrial farms. Britain has a mild climate. Thus farmers work fields all the year round.
The main agricultural products of  Britain are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, milk and different kinds of meat. A comparatively high level of agriculture enables Britain to provide about half of the food from its soil. Britain usually imports meat, butter, wheat, tea, fruit, tobacco etc. There are a few millions of acres of woodland in Great Britain. The estimated private forests make up about a half of the forest area. The size of private woodlands ranges from a few acres to many thousands.

II. Составьте пять вопросов к тексту.


III. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму:

 1. This house was built in the 16th century.

 2. The radio was invented by Popov.

 3. The car is being repaired at the moment.

 4. That music magazine is published in New York.

 5. Our students are being tested now.

IV. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам и словосочетаниям:

1. A new computer was purchased by our farm last year.

2. The 21st century people are greatly influenced by the Internet.   

 3. They were shown many places of interest.

 4. Wheat is grown in our region.

 5. The work was started early in the morning.

V. Переведите на английский язык:

 1. Им подарили новый комбайн.   

 2. Работы в этом саду были отменены.

 3. Его пригласили принять участие в конференции.  

 4. Наш комплекс построили в прошлом году.

 5. К концу года будет куплено новое оборудование для нашей фирмы.  

 6. Нам предложили два билета на концерт.

 7. Этот фильм вчера показывали с пяти до восьми.

 8. Москва основана в 1147 году Юрием Долгоруким.

 9. Ваши документы уже подписаны.

10. Всех фермеров обеспечивают новыми сельскохозяйственными машинами.

VI. Дайте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных, переведите на русский язык:

  wide, great, little, smart, thick, wonderful, light, coarse, annoying, heavy,

 cool, powerful, convincing, diligent, big, lazy, impatient, tall, good, reasonable

 VII. Выберите необходимый модальный глагол:

1. Do you … clean the house every day or every week?

A) have B) have to C) must D) had to

2. They … do their homework today because it is a holiday at the school.

A) don't have to B) must not C) had not to D) don't have

3. I … help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags.

A) ought B) thought to C) thought D) ought to

4. We've worked long and hard today. … we call it a day?

A) Could have B) Should have C) Shall D) Must have

5. Sandra … finish her homework on time, or she can't go outside to play with her friends.

A) can't B) must C) shall have D) must have



Вариант 8

I. Переведите текст на русский язык:


In Britain there are three types of agricultural education. County farm institutes for vocational training give one-year courses. There are about 2000 students in England and Wales, two main agricultural areas.  Five agricultural colleges provide two-year diploma courses. Every agricultural college co-operates with some leading farmers in student practical training. The future students usually have twelve months of practical work on farms after finishing secondary school.    Farmers who co-operate with the college in student practical training are also gathered in the-college to discuss all the problems of students’ training. Those who want to become students of the college must usually pass the examination in one of the subjects that has not been studied at school. Working on the farm every future farmer must have his diary. Daily the students are to write down in the diaries what is done and seen on the farm. These diaries are examined before the students begin to study at the college. Most of the universities have faculties of agriculture where experts and teachers in Agriculture and Forestry are trained. Oxford University provides for Agricultural and Forest Sciences courses too. The Honour School of Agriculture and Forest Sciences takes three years. There are weekly field and farm classes throughout the year here and vacation courses on land use, soil science, applied ecology etc. For those who are going to continue forestry as a career the more specialized and technical aspects of the subject are taught in a one-year course in Forestry and its relation to Land Management.


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